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Everything posted by themuffinman

  1. So its saturday and I was bored as hell and I had a craving for some Call of Duty MW3. So I fired up the xbox and started playing a few online matches up until my comcast service started tripping out and I couldn't play. So I got desperate and fired up wifi tether on the gnex and continued my gaming session for the next two hours. I have to say that the experience was butter smooth with absolutely NO hint of lag whatsoever. Now I have done this in the past over 3g and it actually wasn't that bad, I also done this over wimax which was a lot better but you can tell that latency was still somewhat of an issue but with lte it felt like I was playing on my home isp, it was great. Also, playing online doesn't use as much data as you'd think, after 2 hours wifi tether reported that I downloaded about 25meg and uploaded about 30meg.
  2. No offense to any sprint employees that may visit this site but when it comes to any worthwhile information they are almost totally worthless, so yeah taking it with a grain of salt is definitely an understatement. Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if the information he gave you is information he got from this very site.
  3. It was reported right here on s4gru that there may be lte connectivity issues with the evo lte, so this problem should be well documented internally at sprint. Now I know lte has been officially live for 6 days but I don't see why sprint didn't have an update ready to fix these issues for the launch of their lte network, especially since they knew of the issue since april during testing. I am not gonna lie, if this issue doesn't get resolved relatively soon then I am not going to be pleased. Now I understand them releasing the phone since there wasn't an lte network available but they could have had a fix by now. I have zero issues with lte on my gnex but on my evo its a different story. http://s4gru.com/index.php?/blog/1/entry-168-s4gru-reconfirms-june-10th-launch-of-the-evo-4g-lte/
  4. With sprints earnings report coming out thursday(7/26) I personally believe that this little streak that their stock has been on is gonna end so I think I will sell off what I have since I bought shares at an average price of 2.46 earlier this year. Hopefully their earnings report is a lot better than what analysts have been predicting.
  5. Miami is a second round market and sites should be going up as we speak, the lastest information can be found here: http://s4gru.com/ind...t-running-list/ and http://s4gru.com/ind...chedule-update/
  6. I just got home and as I was driving by I saw some guys working on the tower close to my house(the one right behind Hooters on tara blvd). These are the same guys I spoke to the beginning of last month when they were completing the lte upgrades. I didn't have a chance to stop by and talk with them, but I will try to do so if they are still there later on today.
  7. Unless he never experienced wimax on his epic.
  8. Yes the galaxy nexus can only do voice and data at the same time but only while on lte. The lg viper, evo lte, and gs3 can do the same but they can also do voice and data over 3g as well.
  9. Only if it was that simple, in either case though OTA's are permanent.
  10. This is something the members of this site already knew but like what Scott said, sprint sure needs to find a better way to communicate more efficiently with their customers.
  11. It seems like that store reps tend to be quite limited as to what they can actually do but I could also see that being part of their system of controls to prevent friends and family from walking in and getting unnecessary discounts or credits. Even so though, given your particular situation I don't see any reason why they would do that. The phone had a legitimate defect, so you shouldn't have been penalized or inconvenienced in anyway what so ever. Anyway, I am sure account services will no doubt get squared away if anything goes wrong.
  12. Getting outta hand is so much of an understatement. Something has to be done.
  13. Same here, I will probably buy a few hundred shares with in the next week or so and just monitor them on a regular but its only a matter of time before their stock prices goes up by a lot, at least thats my belief anyway. Things may be looking bad but I don't think that clear is going anywhere any time soon. I have been fortunate if not down right lucky in the last 4 years when it comes to buying and selling stocks and I been eyeing clearwire for a while and I think its time for me to commit.
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