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Everything posted by themuffinman

  1. Damn, feel like my brain is about to explode..............Excellent write up AJ, this was really good.
  2. How did sprint over promise and under deliver? Do you expect everything to go smoothly at the flip of a switch? This is a work in progress and things are in the process of getting better.
  3. All that information can be found right here: http://s4gru.com/index.php?/topic/212-network-visionlte-deployment-running-list/
  4. Well this lte buildout is on 1900mhz compared to wimax which is on 2400mhz so penetration will be much better.
  5. Come on sprint make me proud, oh and you better make me some money on that stock purchase from a few months ago.
  6. I know it can be frustrating but guess what, you can come here and get just about any answer you want and get up to date information. Just imagine if this site wasn't available and you had to call sprint to get answers, now imagine how frustrated you would have been then?
  7. There are way to many variables as to why you aren't getting an lte signal. Even though sprint is flipping the switch, the majority of sites are still in the process of being complete. First round markets won't be fully complete until the end of the year.
  8. Yes, I am talking about lte upgrades. The two towers closest to that intersection are each about a mile and a half or so away(south and south west). Both been upgraded to lte since march/april.
  9. Ok, now I don't mind helping if anyone have questions but keep in mind that a lot of work has went into getting this information compiled and organized by the site admin Robert, so even though donations are absolutely not necessary please consider doing so if you haven't already. The information that is provided by Roberts hard work is quite substantial and we all should show some kind of appreciation. Again, there is a lot of information available without having to donate but please consider it, there isn't any specific minimum amount required. Sponsorship also gives you access to alot more information.
  10. That whole area seems covered quite well.
  11. From that intersection, there is a tower about a mile and a half to the east that has been upgraded since march, there is another site about 2 miles to the south that has also been upgraded and there is a tower about a mile to the west that won't get upgraded until september.
  12. There are several towers in the snellville area that have been completed already.
  13. Yes, atlanta is probably 40% complete at best. All these markets that are getting lte right now won't be fully complete until the end of the year.
  14. Well 4g on your evo 3d is definitely wimax and wimax has been available in our area since wimax was available over 2 years ago now as far as lte obviously sprint is in the process of getting things running as we speak.
  15. At the moment there is no way to tell if its your phone or the network so just wait a few days and see if it gets better or stays the same. For what its worth, I will say that I haven't had any connectivity issues with my gnex or my evo lte so far.
  16. Bro, you gonna be happy to hear this. It looks like that just about every sprint tower in that area has been upgraded to 4g lte months ago, I am talking as far back as march and april. No reason why you shouldn't get lte very soon.
  17. The gnex doesn't support 3g and voice at the same time.
  18. Yes, being a premium sponsor you get access to a lot of extra details. A regular sponsor gets a lot extra goodies as well and there are no minimum amount required.
  19. The tower closest to where south fulton hwy meets roosevelt isn't going to get upgraded until next month. The next closest two, about two miles away each(each in opposite direction from the intersection), aren't schedule to get upgrades until november. Now the next tower which is around two miles as well is already live, the exact location of that tower is buffington rd and old bill cook. So this should give you an idea of what to expect. If you are south east of south fulton and roosevelt then you should get an lte signal.
  20. I am trying to get this as accurate for you as possible, what is the closest intersection from you?
  21. Ok, from where flat shoals meets buffington which is right off of i85 there are two towers one just to the south and one just to the north that should have been completed over a month ago so if you are close to 85 then you should be good to go.
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