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Everything posted by themuffinman

  1. I know we are talking about this whole threshold thing but I also have to add that there is an lte tower 1000 feet north east of my house and with full bars my evo will drop in and out for no reason while my gnex is rock solid. I tested this over a month ago when the tower went live and I have been testing it now for the last few days and the results are basically the same.
  2. I have a gnex and a evo and I can tell you that my gnex craps all over my evo when it comes to maintaining an lte singal. Yesterday for example, while running a few errands in the area my gnex never lost its 4g signal while my evo kept going in and out.
  3. I am sure that sprint has been contacted by more than enough customers, there supposedly are some tickets that are open to help resolve these issues.
  4. I think this would be a great idea and if I had already left sprint I would probably consider doing the same. Literally, everyone in my immediate family uses at&t except for me. But like what Rawvega said, the account holder will be on the hook if something goes down and the agreement goes south. It may not even be worth the additional savings in the long run since the account holder may have to spend a lot of extra time micromanaging cell phone usage for multiple users each and every single month.
  5. I think this may be specific to the gs3 and not the evo.
  6. Oh hell no, thats definitely not right. If I were you I would call customer service and ask for a credit in the same amount.
  7. Actually battery life with lte connected isn't bad at all, to tell you the truth its not really that big of a difference compared to 3g. Now at this moment its hard to really tell because I find myself streaming/downloading all sorts of stuff now but other than that its not that big of a difference, at least not to me.
  8. Is there anyway you can set this up to where you have to view this thread before you can navigate the site?
  9. Where were you exactly when the signal dropped?
  10. I would recommend that you get it rooted and find a nice rom to flash. My gnex been rooted for a while but I never flashed a rom on it up until last week. I flashed blackice kangorade rom over on xda and I got to tell you, that rom breathed a lot of new life into my gnex. With lite to moderate use I can easily get 20 to 24 hours on a charge where as I would be lucky to get half of that on the stock rom.
  11. I really liked my evo 3d but damn, htc and sprint really treated that phone like it was the red headed step child of the family.
  12. I agree with what you are saying but there is a difference between being "anxious about the current situation" and letting that anxiety cause you to let those frustrations get the best of you. And as far as you last statement, I am a glass half full kind of guy so yeah, things could be a whole lot better but at the same time it could be a whole lot worse. Me and Robert are paying the same damn bill and while I am enjoying my lte goodness, he won't be for at least another year to a year and a half. So again, be thankful you are in a first round market and not a last round market.
  13. Also let me add that y'all should be glad that you are in a first round market, there are many other people that still has a year if not longer to go before they ever get a whiff of lte. Robert, the admin of s4gru, will probably be one of last people to get lte in his area and I don't see him complaining to much about it. I have been with sprint for over 10 years and I have been just as frustrated as the next person but at the end of the day what can you do? Either deal with it and hope for the best or find another carrier that can give you what you need.
  14. Again, its been barely one day. This is a fresh brand new network, there are bound to be issues. Don't you think verizon and at&t had issues as well? Don't you think tmobile will have issues when they build out their lte network? How can you say sprint dropped the ball? That literally makes no sense to me at all. If you honestly believe that there were not going to be issues on day 1 then I don't know what to say to you but I know one thing, that kind of thinking is very unrealistic. There is no cost effective way of testing a network on a large scale than simply having your customers(aka early adopters) do the testing. As far as releasing the phones too early, what else was sprint suppose to do? Everyone else is releasing beast phones not to mention there were millions of OG evo customers coming off contract. If sprint delayed the phones until their network was complete then many of their customers would probably look else where instead of waiting. As far as speeds in atlanta, I am on the southside(jonesboro) and I been getting 15meg all day yesterday and today from inside my house including my basement, if I go outside it jumps to 25 to 30meg on average with peaks at 36meg. In my opinion though, after sprint does some fine tuning on the network, I personally believe that they may limit download speeds to maybe no more than 15meg or so, so that all of us can maintain the pleasant 4g experience but again that is just my opinion.
  15. And this is why everyone needs to relax, lte has been live officially for 1 day so far so there are bound to be issues. I mean seriously, if 6 months had past then I could understand the frustrations but not after 1 day.
  16. Patients, its only been one day and things won't be perfect right off the bat. Also please remember that coverage is not 100% at this time, the signal is probably dropping because you might be just out of range of that particular tower.
  17. Sprint reps are just as inaccurate, LOL. Yeah, open signal isn't that accurate at all as far as tower locations. I have a tower that is literally 1000 feet to my north east but open signal tells me that very same tower is off to my west by over a mile.
  18. Voice and data simultaneously is a given, that I already know.
  19. I was thinking this while I was at home depot this morning. So its possible for a device to get an lte signal from one tower but voice on another at the same time?
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