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Everything posted by themuffinman

  1. I was gonna get this one as well but clear TPU tends to change color after about a month of use, I guess due to the oils and dirt on your hands, but it's still a great deal though.
  2. Case: http://www.ebay.com/itm/261317920887?ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1497.l2649 Screen Protector: http://www.ebay.com/itm/271300137167?ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1497.l2649
  3. Well for me, I went to the chat and told them I bought a couple of nexus 5's and I needed UICC sims for both devices. She then asked for my shipping address and that if I wanted it overnighted it will cost $12.95. The sim's are free. It will ship today and I should get them tomorrow.
  4. I also got my sims ordered through the international chat, took all of 2 minutes, I did have to pay for overnight shipping though($12.95)
  5. My order time was 2:15pm est on thursday and I just got my tracking info this morning.
  6. I was getting a little bit nervous there for a moment, but I finally got my tracking information.
  7. Got me a leather and a tpu case coming in as well as some screen protectors
  8. If the tower closest to frenchtown was active you should have gotten really good lte signals. I just came from texas pit on waterfront 30 minutes ago and didn't have any lte signal on either phone I was carrying.
  9. Didn't work for me, they said they couldn't do anything since the phone isn't out yet. They also said the stores will have sims when the nexus is officially released. They told me sims will be shipped to the store. It takes all of 5 seconds to cut it down to size, all you need is a micro sim template, tape and some sharp kitchen scissors. Same thing they told me. Yeah, very easy to cut down. I have done it for a few friends recently. Just download a micro sim template, get some tape and some kitchen scissors(usually more sturdy and a lot sharper than just regular scissors)
  10. Saw this a few weeks ago, this is just bad ass.
  11. LOL, what else is new? I am all for more options so I would say just get it from the play store and not have yourself tied down for the next two years. Also this is a single nexus device for everyone to use on just about any carrier so there won't be any sprint bloatware on it.
  12. Ok my order date was Oct 31, 2013 2:15 PM with estimated shipping on november 8th
  13. Ok for those that have shipping confirmed already, what time did you place your order?
  14. What exact time did you place your order?
  15. Looking at what sites have been accepted, I don't think the site closest to frenchtown is tranemitting lte even though it has been accepted.
  16. I have learned to adapt over time but you have to ask yourself at any given moment what will you be doing that will require a massive sdcard other than just hoarding data? I have just about everything backed up in the cloud, the only thing I will have on my phone at any given time is music since I listen to lots of music. My One has 32gb and at any given moment I easily have 10gigs of space left over, if I want to watch a movie or two then it takes all of 3 seconds to copy and paste it to the phone. The nexus will be my secondary device and I really have no need for 32gigs, so its a waste of money for me to spend an extra $50 for something I know I won't use. Hell if they had an 8gig version for $299 I would have probably gotten that one instead.
  17. Well the nexus line has never been known for having an industry leading camera so I am definitely not surprised.
  18. I think what he is saying is that after all these years with sprint he finally is able to see a 4g icon.
  19. For those that ordered, has your order status changed? Edit: I did get my email confirmation. I am assuming it will say pending until its shipped?
  20. Yeah not surprised about this, tmobile did the same thing with the nexus 4.
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