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Everything posted by themuffinman

  1. Weird, even though this isn't my first nexus device this is the first time I have been this excited about a nexus release.
  2. Thats the thing, this time around its just one Nexus and not a series of different nexus's for different carriers. Its just one worldwide model that supports as many radio configurations as possible.
  3. Oh ok, well I was just reading the official press release. In store folks usually don't know much but who knows, all I know I will be getting mines next week
  4. I just ordered some screen protectors and a couple cases on ebay, I am good go to go, can't wait for my new toy.
  5. Yeah, the press release says it will be available from all retail channels.
  6. Thank goodness I got my order in on time, LOL.
  7. Yeah, its part of the app. Its cool because it will show speedtest results with location of who ever else uses the app to run speedtests.
  8. Download the sensorly app and it will how the location of that speedtest, I was in the parking lot of vitraco park at the time. I did a few others but that one was the best one, the app will show you all the speedtests I did as well as the locations and locations and results of who ever else may have ran a speedtest using that app.
  9. I guess you wish you had this in bovoni, LOL. https://www.dropbox.com/s/ytvzd5ru3s43mhm/screenshot_1383216853622.png?m
  10. The state of broadband is pathetic in the VI. If I am not mistaken the fastest speeds you can get is about 5mbps max from the main providers, choice communications, innovative and broadband VI(and it aint cheap) and even under perfect conditions you would be lucky to get that. The last few days I have been averaging about 6mbps on lte during peak hours and about 12 to15 during off peak hours(provided that I have a decent connection in the first place).
  11. Already being discussed here: http://s4gru.com/index.php?/topic/4950-sprint-spark-official-name-for-the-tri-band-network-was-sprint-to-demo-its-25ghz-network-technology/
  12. Each tower has a site id but net monitor won't give you that id, but if you become a s4gru sponsor you will have access to every site id on sprint's network. What netmonitor will how is the location of the tower(displayed on a map, which in itself isn't always accurate) you are connected to but it will only show 1x connectivity(someone can correct me if I am wrong). The problem is that you can be connected to one tower for 1x and another tower for lte at the exact same time, the app will only show you which tower you are connected to over 1x. Now being that there are only 9 towers(including the 1 on st. john), may make things a little easier to figure out.
  13. LOL, I didn't even catch that. Good point.
  14. If I am not mistaken, netmonitor is completely useless when it comes to lte.
  15. This is why you don't listen to anything sprint says over the phone because there is definitely no bolongo tower. The only tower on the south side of the island is your bovoni tower and thats it, every thing else basically runs down the middle of the island.
  16. That same site shows you where the towers are, there isn't any in the frenchmans reef area and there isn't any in smithbay. The two sites I mentioned are the sites that cover smithbay. One thing though, it amazing to see work getting done so fast, consider me impressed.
  17. This is definitely an isolated issue. Currently I am in St.Thomas where a couple towers went live a few days ago and my one has had no issues constantly connecting to signal levels of -120dbm and worse(tends to disconnect/reconnect around -128dbm) and is still able to use lte effortlessly where as my evo struggles around those same signal levels.
  18. Do you know where all the sprint towers are located? There are no sprint towers in the frenchmans reef area or in smith bay. Read my response to Austrie a few posts up about line of sight. The mountain top tower also has line of sight with the frenchmans reef area so that could explain why you will get lte there. Also just going a few feet down to morning star and you virtually have no service, why? because there are no towers or line of sight with any tower because of that specific location, same reason as to why that whole area by antilles school is virtually a dead zone for the most part. St. thomas isn't that big, that same mountain top tower has line of site to the airport. As for smith bay, the two closest towers are the one in annas retreat/tabor harmony(the big white house with the highest elevation with all the panels on its roof) and the red hook tower. The eastern half of smith bay gets good lte but as you approach cassie hill it goes away which leads me to believe that neither of those two towers has lte which means that same lte signal is coming from the wynberg tower(same tower I saw the workers that I posted about on sunday), that why it goes away when you get closer to the bottom of cassi hill and it comes back strong when you get to the fourwinds/fortmilliner area.
  19. My guess is that the tower on mountain top and the tower at the entrance to wynberg are the two with lte so far.
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