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Everything posted by themuffinman

  1. I haven't had this issue with any recent device I have owned regardless of what position I am holding it in.
  2. If you haven't already read through this thread, most if not all seem to be very happy with it so far, including myself. But it really depends on what you are looking for in a device so by all means go and check it out for yourself to see how you like it.
  3. I was just about to post about this. I just switched screen protectors and it seems to be working fine now. I guess there was a rogue protector in the packaging being that all the other protectors in the same packaging wasn't having this effect.
  4. This is my biggest complaint as well, due to random migraines I wear sunglasses about 90% of the time when its sunny outside and I can hardly see the screen when wearing sunglasses, no issues with my n5, one max, m7 or evo lte. I wonder who manufactures these screens and I wonder if they have more than one supplier for their screens, I hope they do. Overall I do think the screen is more vibrant and better looking than the one on the m7 but this is a major issue for me as well. Edit: Turned out to be a rogue screen protector, if you have a screen protector on try changing it out.
  5. You should be able to get the gold from best buy, I think they have exclusivity on that color, as far as the silver I'm not sure.
  6. Well I am not nor have I ever been a sprint employee or worked for any other wireless company so I can't speak for who has what authority. But I have had sales reps and managers alike from several different stores in my area tell me to my face that they absolutely will not sell me a device without me signing a contract and that I will be better off just buying it online. I have also been told that they have been instructed by their corporate office to restrict sales to only new customers or current customers with upgrades or adding a line. This is primarily with new releases but after a few months they relax that policy(assuming its an actual policy, I don't know for sure).
  7. It will change if the market wants it to change, and even then it won't happen overnight. The north american market is totally different from the rest of the world. These companies want their customers locked in, whether through a service contract or a device contract.
  8. themuffinman

    HTC Gluuv

    Google probably has the best april fools joke every single year. Also, "translate to emoji" for chrome on mobile devices is pretty awesome as well.
  9. themuffinman

    HTC Gluuv

    Yeah, read this last night, had me laughing for a while, LOL. If you actually read the whole thing its pretty funny.
  10. Got to give props to s4gru, if it wasn't for this site I would have left sprint over two years ago putting myself in a situation where my monthly cellular service would have increased significantly due to having multiple lines. Knowing that lte was right around the corner helped me to make the decision to continue to stay with sprint just a little bit longer which is a decision I glad I made. Now I get lte every where I go while not having to pay higher rates for the same services. S4GRU did what sprint couldn't, which was give me the answers I was looking for.
  11. Sprint or any other carrier for that matter doesn't really make that much money(if any at all) by selling a device outright. They make their money by getting people to sign contracts and if commissions are made I am sure its based on the contract and not the device.
  12. Over the last few years I have had issues buying phones out right from sprint retail locations. They usually like to keep stock for those signing contracts and encourage those who want to buy it out right to do so from sprint.com.
  13. Awesome, glad to be of service.
  14. I have always been a fan of sense UI especially with the latest versions of sense(5,5.5 and 6) but the Google experience launcher is a close second.
  15. Camera is excellent, its just as good as any other camera out there and its probably the best in low light but of course due to the lower pixel count, once you start to zoom then its obviously the worse. If its at the warehouse and you order early enough it would more than likely ship same day and you could get it as early as the next day.but 2 days seems to be the average. Yes, that will be more than enough to keep your 3g at bay. Your only other option is to use wifi but like others have said no more svlte with triband devices.
  16. If lte connection is your only concern, especially if you are on the edge of service(lte) then it's a no brainer to keep the n5 but if you are in an area that's reasonably covered then the m8 is a great device to own. Now I carry two devices at all times but it would take an act of God for me to get rid of my n5 because of it's RF performance but overall I definitely like the m8 a lot more.
  17. Yeah, nothing comes close to the n5 when it comes to lte connectivity but other than that the m8 wins everywhere else. If you have a specific question though, just ask away.
  18. Battery life has been outstanding for me so far and if you like the speakers on the m7 then you will really like the speakers on the m8.
  19. Like others have said the M8 is defintely better than the m7 and its about on par with the One Max which also has pretty good rf performance as well. I would say that the g2 may be marginally better and of course the N5 is in a different class of its own.
  20. Sprint suppose to have it in stores around the 10th as well.
  21. It definitely takes more realistic looking photos and you have a lot more software features available. The only advantage with the evo would be that you can crop a little bit more and retain more of the quality being that it has a higher mp count.
  22. Since you are not rooted there is an app on the playstore called hellium. Give that a shot and see if it works for you.
  23. If he is using the htc software to transfer everything then more than likely he and his wife's phone isn't rooted.
  24. The n5,is just a monster when it comes to lte performance. So far from what I can tell the m8 is ever so slightly better than the one max but it ain't no n5,but it gets the job done. As far as the device itself though, I am loving it. It's definitely worth a look if you are even remotely interested.
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