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Everything posted by themuffinman

  1. If you are familiar with the jonesboro area, do you know where the hooters restaurant is on tara blvd? There is a tower right there about 75 feet away if that. I live about 1000 feet west of the hooters/sprint tower. I noticed guys working there all morning but I didn't have enough time to stop buy and talk to them but I did take a picture though. As I sit here typing this I still have 4g on both my gnex and evolte and my girl is sitting here next to me with 4g on her evolte. If you are in that area try to toggle to cdma then back to lte/cdma. In the second picture, the building you see to the left is the back part of the hooters restaurant, I took the picture from the citgo gasstation thats right next to hooters. Its kind of hard to tell from these two pics but there were 3 guys in hardhats doing something inside one of the cabinets there, this was before I got the lte signal about 10am this morning. This particular site was also schedule to be completed on june 4th. http://i1154.photobu...75/IMAG1866.jpg http://i1154.photobu...75/IMAG1864.jpg
  2. Yep, I want to see Lebron come to tears tonight. I hope its a blowout.
  3. Yeah, I just went to grab some dinner a few miles away and I still had a 4g signal(full bars). Me and my lady where video chatting over 4g for a good 20 minutes or so with absolutely no issues. Both of us were using evoltes.
  4. LMAO!!!!!! Oh and I did encounter a few disconnects on the evolte but none on the gnex. Right now it seems like both phones are running fine when streaming though.
  5. From my gnex: http://i1154.photobucket.com/albums/p523/themuffinman75/Screenshot_2012-06-07-18-51-54.png From my evolte: http://i1154.photobucket.com/albums/p523/themuffinman75/2012-06-07_18-52-15.png Like the other screenshots I posted in the other thread a few hours ago, it seems like the evolte on average is getting better speeds than the gnex.
  6. Ok, my evo just disconnected from slingbox when it switched to 3g. I toggled to cdma then back to lte/cdma and it connected back to 4g again. I am also streaming a youtube video on the gnex but that hasn't disconnect yet.
  7. Braselton? Thats way out there isn't it? Impressive numbers.
  8. Ok, I can run my slingbox on the evolte for you. Edit: Ok, I got my slingbox running fine for now.
  9. This is from gnex: http://i1154.photobucket.com/albums/p523/themuffinman75/Screenshot_2012-06-07-15-53-17.png This is from my evolte: http://i1154.photobucket.com/albums/p523/themuffinman75/2012-06-07_15-47-34.png As you can see the average speeds on the evolte are better than the gnex, not sure if that means anything, anyway I saw some guys working on a tower about 1000 feet from my house this morning so I guess they just flipped the switch. Hopefully it stays on.
  10. I am trying to post some screenshots but its not letting me.
  11. Yes I do, and for those that wants to know my location I am in south atlanta. About 5 minutes south of the airport(jonesboro to be exact).
  12. Well, I don't know about any text message but as I am sitting here in my den, I looked down at my gnex and it has an lte connection, I also looked at my evolte and it also has an lte connection. Yes, my nipples are hard with excitement. I will post screenshots after a few speedtests.
  13. No issues here either with both evoltes in the household but my gnex been acting like an ass the last week or so though.
  14. themuffinman


    LOL, it does make you feel like a boss doesn't it
  15. themuffinman


    It shows "enable" so therefore its enabled. The english language can suck sometimes, LOL.
  16. themuffinman


    Both are enabled, thats how it came out of the box. My fiance's evolte also came enabled out of the box.
  17. LOL, that's a pretty valid explanation. Celtics all the way!!!!!
  18. Didn't realized you posted this two days ago. I am not sure but it might have been the longer version, it sure seemed like it was longer than 30 seconds.
  19. I am here watching the celtics vs heat game and saw my first evolte commercial. Personally, I kinda like it. Opinions? http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=DuRUXR03CEg
  20. Yeah, its almost to0 thin. I ordered a tpu case for $5 on ebay the other day and it gives that little extra thickness to where it feels perfect in my hands now.
  21. Well I already owned my gnex and of course I picked up my evolte this morning and honestly the screen on it is absolutely amazing and this is coming from someone who thought the screen on the gnex was amazing(and it still is). The gnex wins hands down as far as blacks goes but when you put them side by side that pentile layout is pretty obvious and really begin to appreciate the screen on the evo better.
  22. Well I wouldn't say they were idiots and it actually wasn't a bad experience at all, I actually had a lot of fun. It just boggles my mind that they didn't know a thing about a phone of this caliber. I mean no one knew anything and I can't even say they were new employees because many of them been working there for years. They all said that this morning was the first time they actually handled the phone, they didn't receive any kind of formal training which personally I find hard to believe but I guess I should believe it since it was pretty obvious. Anyway, right before I left the manager gave me a sprint employee htc evo t-shirt and a sprint coffee mug. As I walked out I told him to call me if you have any questions, we both LOL'd then I left.
  23. So I am here at my sprint store and there are people every friggin were buying these phones. Now I hate to say this but every single sprint employee here are total n00bs. Literally, no one knows anything about this phone. Employees are asking how to remove the cover to install the battery. I was like "uhhhh, the battery is built in and not removable". I am standing here educating these people on their own product. They didn't even know how to install the memory card. One guy thought that little pin hole up top was to pop out the cover, but I had to explain to him that it's a second mic for noise canceling. Now there is another issue, they are having activation issues and they wanted to do a battery pull but since it's built in they were stuck. I shook my head and told the manager to just press the power button for 10 seconds. The manager then shook my hand and got me a sprint evo tshirt from the back. I am posting this from the sprint store using my gnex so sorry for any typos, I will be home shortly Edit: Just got home, just so everyone knows I wasn't upset or mad or anything just a little shocked as to how unprepared they were. If I wasn't there this morning things could have been a lot worse. LOL. All in all though, it was a great experience and they still deserve all 5 stars on their survey. Go sprint!!!! Edit#2: Oh yeah, this evolte is one bad ass phone!!!!
  24. LMAO, seems like you been in sarcastic mood recently. I swear, every time I see a post of yours I automatically start laughing because I know what I am about to read is probably gonna be funny as hell.
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