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Everything posted by themuffinman

  1. LOL. not jut any kind of weed but the top shelf, won't sell to anyone else, super good weed.
  2. Whatever the type of qwerty keyboard, the photon faithfuls are going to be pissed.
  3. It was an opinion and if someone wants to challenge that then that is fine with me, after all its just an opinion and someone else may very well have a different opinion, such is life. My issue is with " I think it does a large disservice to this forum to say something like that without any evidence to back it up (aka rumors)", not to mention his very sarcastic response that was deleted. This isn't challenging my opinion, this is challenging me. What rumor? Am I spreading rumors? Did I say, rumor hast it that apple is bribing judges? No I didn't. He took a simple statement and ran with it, it was a statement even you and one other member liked. You said yourself "what is this judge smoking?" You said that because of the ridiculousness of the whole situation, and I feel the same way. How can a judge take some these allegations seriously? They must be smoking or maybe they are getting some kind of benefit from it, whats the difference? It's certainly plausible, obviously there is no proof hence the opinion but its not impossible is it? Look at the world we live in, integrity just like everything else has a price. Again though, some of these claims are so ridiculous that it makes you think of reasons why a judge would grant an injunction on something like this, hence an alternative opinion.
  4. So I have to provide a link/evidence to every single opinion I state and if I don't it does a large disservice to this forum? Are you serious? Like I said, it was an opinion and was not expressed in any form as fact. Some people may agree and some may think otherwise but you are totally out of line to tell me that what I said did a large disservice to this forum.
  5. So if I say I have a feeling about something and I express my opinion about it, then its irrelevant? If my opinion is that apple is full of themselves, is that irrelevant as well? My opinion is that apple isn't trying to compete with the competition, they are trying to eliminate the competition through litigation, but I guess that's irrelevant as well. The patent system is broken and apple is taking advantage of that but some of these patents that were granted are laughable at best, but thats my opinion which makes it irrelevant. When you first quoted me you stated that "No doubt apple has a lot of political influence". So tell me how would apple go about gaining all the political influence you speak of? The only way to get political influence is through some sort of economic exchange.
  6. Whoa There Kemosabe!!! I was simply stating an opinion, which is relevant to me and relevant to this thread. If I had any sort of proof, it wouldn't be an opinion now would it. If you disagree then that's fine with me, I don't care, but don't tell me my comment is irrelevant.
  7. I am not kidding when I say this, but I honestly and wholeheartedly believe that some of these judges(and other powers that be) are getting kickbacks and/or bribes from apple.
  8. Not sure if you are directing the question to me but I can answer it anyway. About 3 weeks ago I was getting an lte signal and for the most part battery performance was a lot better than I thought it was gonna be. Yes its not quite as efficient compared to just being on 3g but it should still get you through the day effortlessly, unless of course you are planning on streaming hd video all day or something of that nature.
  9. The epic has 512mb of ram, some of that is allocated to the OS and whatever is left over is what you see under ram status.
  10. Both the epic and the og evo had 512 of total ram. Now I can't speak for the epic but for the og evo the issue was rom. With 1 gig of rom, that didn't leave much space for anything else when it came to a gingerbread rom with sense.
  11. themuffinman


    Just wanted to let you two know that the evo does not come with beats headphones.
  12. The specific issue with the og evo was the fact that there wasn't enough memory and a lot of sacrifices had to be made. Gingerbread/sense had a far larger footprint than froyo/sense.
  13. Me and my girls evolte came with lte/cdma active, I can't remember what it was on my gnex though.
  14. WOW!!!!!!!!!!!! From what I been hearing and seeing though, sprint have been selling quite a bit of evo's. Maybe amazon anticipated more sales and it didn't quite work out that way and they are trying to move excess inventory.
  15. I wouldn't be surprised if they had a "soft launch" a few days before to work out all the kinks since all these towers are all gonna be on at the same time for the first time.
  16. @Robert, It would have been funny as hell if you opened up the box and there was a little troll doll on the inside of it.
  17. Voltron is so awesome, and for that I wish I could give you more likes than just one. I miss being a kid,
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