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Everything posted by themuffinman

  1. The atlanta map is looking so sweet with all that lte goodness.
  2. I woke up this morning to 4g lte again, lets see how long it will last this time around.
  3. themuffinman


    Sprint phones do roam there, I think its either 1.99 per minute or something close to that. As a matter of fact I will be there in 3 weeks to attend a wedding.
  4. Awesome, didn't realize that worked as well. I figured it was just specific to the gnex, so maybe the power volume down thing is a standard ICS feature.
  5. Post #79 of this thread has some screen caps that I posted, I could also post ones that I did yesterday but those speeds on average were a lot slower.
  6. themuffinman


    Now that is true, not only people in St. John but people who live along the north side of st. thomas experience the same roaming issues from the BVI but it all seems to be isolated to only att customers for the most part though. I haven't heard of any sprint customers experiencing that issue.
  7. themuffinman


    I guess that would make sense, the island of Tortolla is about a mile and a half off of the north eastern coast of St.John. Weird thing though is that I can get a sprint signal on the western half of Tortolla sometimes.
  8. themuffinman


    Yeah the more east you go the worse the signal will get and as far as sprint adding a tower or two more that will probably never happen. With 75% of St. John being a national park it makes the other 25% of the land insanely valuable and it would definitely not be worth it for sprint to find somewhere to put a tower when the relatively small population of residents lives mostly on the cruz bay side anyway. So sprint really would have no incentive to really put towers any where else..
  9. Well as of a few minutes ago my gnex can no longer get an lte signal. So I guess its back to the waiting game.
  10. themuffinman


    I'm an accountant and my dad has his own accounting firm there on st.thomas. I refuse to actually live there so commuting every month is something that I simply decided to do. The hovensa plant closing is both a blessing and a curse to st. croix and to the overall economy being that they employed about 2000 people and the total population of the USVI is about 100k. Anyway, if you are on st john then I hope you are staying around the cruz bay area, anything past that part of the island is hit or miss(mostly miss) for sure as far as service goes.
  11. Maybe it is, hope they fix this soon. All that lte goodness and the evolte is one hell of a combination, I was almost considering replacing my gnex with another evolte, but now I definitely won't.
  12. themuffinman


    I am in the USVI every single month for one reason or another on business(I was born and raised there as well) and I can tell you that upgrades are definitely needed. As far as coverage goes, its actually pretty decent if you are on St. Thomas, if you are going to St. John or St. Croix its basically hit or miss' Hell I can be 15 miles out to see fishing for tuna and king fish and still get coverage. Now during peak hours of the day there tends to be quite a bit of dropped calls and 3g can be non existent. Now most, if not all buildings there are made out of concrete so if you are somewhere like in an interior room then signal strength can drop of very quickly. So if you are gonna go there make sure you leave any positive expectations about sprint at the door or else you will be highly disappointed.
  13. Well whatever the potential issue may be, I hope they take care of it quickly.
  14. So something weird is happening that I can't explain. For the last several hours I haven't been able to get an lte signal on my evolte so I figured my fun was over and sprint made the lte signal not discoverable like the many other lte sites that are live. So anyway, I just pulled my gnex off the charger and low and behold my gnex is still getting an lte signal but no matter what I do my evolte can't get a signal. Can anyone give an explanation as to why both my phones are laying next to each other with one getting full bars of lte while the other one can't connect? If I didn't already own a gnex I would have never known the difference.
  15. Excellent, with me getting lte the other day as well and the other poster in houston in the other thread, now this one, it looks like the official launch is right around the corner. Hopefully
  16. It has 16gb built in, it doesn't come with an sd card, thats extra.
  17. Well i hope he is wrong but only time will tell.
  18. I had to run to the bank and on the way back the guys where still there working on the tower not to mention that my lte signal came back. Two where on the top of the tower and the third was working on one of the cabinets, so I decided to stop by for a few. When I asked him if he was working on sprint lte upgrades he was kinda surprised that I knew that but he seemed like a pretty cool guy when I was telling him about s4gru.com. He didn't think the tower was actually live to where anyone could connect to it but I showed him my evo and ran a few tests for him and he was impressed with the speeds. I did ask him if once they were through would the site remain live and he said he wasn't sure want sprint was planning on doing but he said he didn't think it would remain live.
  19. Update: As of about 20 minutes ago I can't get an lte signal anymore. It was fun while it lasted.
  20. In defense of the original poster, we all use to be n00bs at some point and at some point we all were non-sponsors. Personally I think that the more accepting we are of new comers the more likely those same new comers will become sponsors as well which helps Robert and s4gru in the long run which should be priority number 1 for each and every one of us.
  21. More pics of my tower. If you look closely there is a guy at the very top of the tower working on something but I couldn't tell exactly what he was doing. I took these about 20 minutes ago. http://i1154.photobucket.com/albums/p523/themuffinman75/IMAG1878.jpg http://i1154.photobucket.com/albums/p523/themuffinman75/IMAG1877.jpg
  22. Whats up bro, just woke up and I still have that 4g signal. Speeds are averaging even better than they were compared to yesterday. If you gonna be there at a certain time just let me know, I don't have anything else to do today.
  23. I am telling you the honest to god truth when I say this, I been refreshing this thread waiting to see what your response was gonna be. LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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