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Everything posted by themuffinman

  1. Also to add, many forecasters are saying that it should be a quiet season for hurricanes but I think it will be the opposite. This year the weather has been crazy with the insanely warm winter, early spring, so many tornados, and not to mention that it seems like the of weather we are getting for the month of may is more of a late june early july type of weather. I think this season will be worse than average for sure.
  2. Well at least in Florida you had the option to evacuate inland by driving where you needed to go if need be, where as in the islands you had no where to evacuate to. Be careful what you wish for.
  3. Most people in hurricane areas never take this kind of advice seriously until the hurricane is 24 to 36 hours away which is just sad. I guess it also depends on experience as well. I was born and raised in the virgin islands so I know what its like to face multiple hurricane threats every single year. Anyway, to all of our members that are on the coastal areas and caribbean, it always pays to be ready. Remember, its always better to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it.
  4. Yeah, talk about perfect timing. I will be back in the country tomorrow night(atlanta) before I head out to DC on business on monday for a few days so I will be at my sprint store bright and early saturday morning.
  5. Seems like the official launch date is saturday june 2nd http://community.spr...o-4g-lte-update https://twitter.com/#!/sprint
  6. http://www.theverge.com/2012/5/29/3051198/htc-devices-clear-us-customs Hopefully things will start to get better from here on out.
  7. themuffinman


    Yeah, the weird thing is that I was in radioshack a couple days ago and everyone there was calling evo "lite" as well.
  8. themuffinman


    For the evo 3d you would hold the power button and pressing the home button. I don't have my evolte yet so I don't know how it will work on that but you can try it and see.
  9. If you contact ecare, they usually will credit you back that charge.
  10. THAT'S SO HOT!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. I would add to what you said but I really don't see the point.
  12. Robert has a very busy schedule this week so thats probably why he hasn't updated anything, in either case though the source link thats provided still takes you to the same page.
  13. They told you it would be there tomorrow?
  14. This is great news, I wonder when the stores will get them?
  15. Yes I see the conflict as do others I am sure, it was just something that we can read and speculate about in the mean time. Edit: There are phones in the past that have been released at bestbuy before sprint had it available for sale. The touch pro or touch diamond(can't remember which one) was one of those devices, so it does happen, not saying thats the case this time though.
  16. Additional update: http://focustaiwan.tw/ShowNews/WebNews_Detail.aspx?Type=aECO&ID=201205210005
  17. Additional update: http://focustaiwan.tw/ShowNews/WebNews_Detail.aspx?Type=aECO&ID=201205210005
  18. Take a long walk off of a short pier? Ok Boss, if you say so. Also when did I ever call you a liar? Hmm? And how is this sprints fault? These phones(evo lte, one x) weren't held up due to the actions of sprint, they were held up due to litigation between htc and apple. Who knows if sprint new about it in advance and even if they did they probably had the same concerns and htc assured them that everything will work out just fine. Obviously it didn't work out and now everyone is scrambling to make things right. Now the only mistake sprint made is through public relations, they could have done a better job communicating with customers but other than that what else could they have done? They didn't infringe on a patent, htc did. Seems to me like you pissed off because you don't have the phone yet and it probably wouldn't have made a difference whether they emailed you or not, your attitude towards them would have probably been the same.
  19. Thanks for the info but I have to be honest with you, sometimes shit happens that you can't control, thats just the facts of life. Pre-ordering was available before an actual release was even known, pre-ordering was not necessary nor mandatory to get the phone and sprint did not convey that message either. All they said was that whoever pre-orders will be the first ones to get the phone whenever they were available, well guess what, they weren't available. This is why I seldom pre-order anything because I know that a pre-order doesn't guarantee anything other than me parting ways with my money. Now I can understand you being frustrated with sprint because they didn't communicate with you directly after you sent them your $200 by choice(even though its known that they sent out a mass email to those that did pre-order about the delay) but I am sure they are even more frustrated being that they have ten's of millions of dollars of inventory sitting somewhere collecting dust. So please stop with the sprint bashing because at the end of the day it wasn't their fault, HTC played a bigger role in this. Also remember that its just a phone.
  20. Wait a minute, doesn't this happen already?
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