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Everything posted by themuffinman

  1. From a consumer point of view this is a great idea but from a business stand point you may end up costing yourself quite a bit of profit.
  2. I understand what you are saying but that would take us back to the point that a minimum sponsor amount really wouldn't be a good idea in the long run. I am sure its pretty obvious to Robert who the real supporters are versus the ones just wanting donate a dollar just to get a little extra info. I have said this before and I will say it again, I can't speak for any other sponsor when I say this but I donate to s4gru not because of whatever benefits I might get but because of the value of the service that Robert and s4gru's small staff is providing and doing on their free time. The purpose of a donation is to help support a cause, donating just so you can get something in return is not really donating in my humble opinion. We all value things differently which causes us to donate different amounts or not donate at all. As far as adds I can tell you from now that isn't going happen anytime soon if ever.
  3. I have thought about this before and I think its a pretty good idea. Now go and donate,
  4. +100 Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaassssssssssssse, let be earlier than 11pm eastern.
  5. I may have to give that one a try, thanks for the suggestion.
  6. So whats a good call blocking app? My past is catching up with me and I need to block some numbers. I know I can do it from my sprint account but I would rather just use an app that would give me a little bit more control and more options. I also use to have my number integrated with google voice which had decent options for call blocking but google voice can act like its possessed at times so thats not an option either. So any suggestions? I've seen quite a few apps on the play store but I don't feel like trying all of them.
  7. themuffinman


    I added a little extra to my post but yeah, its something that I have been doing since the winmo days. As soon as I get home I just do a hard reset and for the most part it seems to have always worked for me as far as cutting down on random issues. Edit: Yeah, I haven't rooted mines either. I am hoping there is another way to get the bootloader unlocked other than the htc method.
  8. themuffinman


    I am seeing a lot more issues popping up with this phone and personally I really haven't experienced any of these issues for the most part. Now I don't know who else practices this but every single time I purchase a new phone, as soon as I get home the very first thing I do before setting it up is to perform a hard reset. edit: Let me add though that I kept getting the reset time notification thing but I just unchecked the boxes from automatic under the date/time setting and I haven't had the issue since. Also, there was an issue with wifi disconnecting randomly at times. So all I did was went under advanced setting under wifi changed the frequency band from auto to either 5ghz or 2.4ghz(depending on your router of course), so no more wifi issues.
  9. themuffinman

    EVO LTE Heat

    For the record, my evolte runs a lot cooler than my evo 3d, og evo, touch pro 2 and definitely the touch pro 1. If anyone had a touch pro 1, they should know what I am talking about. That thing overheated faster than a nuclear reactor that just lost its cooling system. As a matter of fact my gnex gets quite a bit warmer than my evolte as well.
  10. I know why and its because bigger is always better, don't let anyone else tell you otherwise.
  11. The pic used in the editorial over on androidcentral says it best: http://cdn.androidcentral.com/sites/androidcentral.com/files/imagecache/w680h550/postimages/684/screening.jpg
  12. I was in the dc area early last week and I was experiencing the same thing. This was happening in areas where I should not be roaming at all.
  13. AT25XC068 This is the site I been getting my signal from since last thursday. It seemed like it was blocked over the weekend, but yesterday I had a signal again but by mid afternoon it was gone. Got up this morning, no lte, so I guess it is currently being blocked.
  14. LMAO, ok. Well go and get one already.
  15. I don't why I laughed when I read this, sorry. LOL Anyway, does yours really say version 000?
  16. I have hardware version 3, I wonder what other people have?
  17. Yeah, there is a rooftop tower on the roof of southlake mall but that one isn't schedule to have 4g until the end of july so I think its safe to say that you were still connected to the tower(a little over a mile away) close to my house. Over the weekend the 4g signal wasn't detectable anymore but this morning it was, unfortunately as of right now I can't detect a signal anymore so who knows what will happen later on this week.
  18. I am kind of glad that I have the gnex because without it I would be blaming sprint for their inconsistent lte service not realizing that it was the evolte itself and not their network, which like you said, makes sense for sprint to deny access at this time. I really considered selling my gnex to get yet another evolte but I think I would be better off having two different phones for comparative purposes.
  19. Honeslty though, based on the few days of experiencing lte while having two different phones there is definitely a connectivity issue with the evolte. With the gnex I don't think I have ever lost connectivity at all while on 4g but there were a few times where I would lose connectivity with the evolte and had to either reset the phone or toggle cdma then back to lte/cdma so that I could reconnect to lte. It wasn't really that bad and sometimes it would just connect to lte by itself, at first it was no big deal being that they been working on the tower for a few days right up the road from my house but after paying closer attention it really wasn't happening to my gnex at all compared to my evolte.
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