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Everything posted by themuffinman

  1. Atlanta for the win, its about damn time. Anyway though, if it weren't for s4gru I would have probably jumped ship to att months ago. Thanks Robert for all your hard work.
  2. Robert is the one hoarding all the phones. I do have 3 lte devices on my account though, my girl has an evolte and I have an evolte and gnex. I am not ballin' like Robert yet.
  3. Well, I have been thinking seriously about selling my gnex and replacing it with a gs3. Like I had mentioned in another thread, my gnex doesn't like it when I travel, it takes on a mind of its own whenever I am not in atlanta. I will probably keep it though, since more than likely my gnex will see a jellybean rom well before any other phone anyway.
  4. Yeah, I don't think sprint would have sold as many evo's if it was simply called the one x. The evo name has a lot of value to sprint.
  5. Yes, I knew it was gonna be on july 15th, that was my guess all along. My reasoning for my guess was because of the current evo lte give away currently going on at sprint that ends July 15th. Also, my birthday is July 15th as well
  6. I know memory is expandable but why not just release the actual one s and just call it the incredible 4g lte? Its bad enough tmobile wants 199 for a one s when you can get the better one x and even better evo lte(based on specs) for the same price(not comparing networks). If this phone was priced at 149 or even 99 then it wouldn't be so bad. Edit: I don't know how true this is but from what I could fine this phone comes in at almost 12mm thick. I mean that considerably thicker than any other one series variant.
  7. I guess you can say its more of a One S jr. It has an s4 krait but its underclocked to 1.2ghz and I don't think it has the image sense chip, it also has 8gb of storage. Personally I don't understand why verizon would go with watered down specs. I wonder if they will find a way to gimp the gs3 as well.
  8. Charlotte airport, I swear they have more delays than any where else in the world. Good news about lte though.
  9. Like what Odell and you just said is along the lines of what I have experienced as well. At that moment when you realize you need to turn it off, then have to hurry to do one or two additional steps can be a slight inconvenience.
  10. Holding the power button down for 10 seconds is basically the equivalent of a battery pull. So its not weird, its a feature since we don't have access to the battery. As far as being able to adjust the volume without unlocking the phone, I like it like that personally.
  11. Like I said above, it could be hit or miss. There are too many factors that could determine network speeds at any particular moment in time. There are times I can easily stream youtube in HD or slingbox sitting at the airport in atlanta or anywhere else in or around the area for that matter. Yes, its no secret that sprints 3g data network went from the best to the worst in about 2 years but they are obviously in the process of making the necessary changes. Also keep in mind that there are 9 sprint towers that literally surround the airport so how can you determine what speeds will be like at the airport based off of 1 tower?
  12. Well honestly, 3g performance will be hit or miss at the airport, hopefully its a hit when you get there.
  13. The particular tower that I was connecting too is about a 1000 feet from my house so yeah, I had full bars for the most part. As far as going in and out of lte, there is a possibility that there are connectivity issues with the evolte that may cause it to lose lte connectivity that a software update should fix but even with minimal issues battery life was better than expected.
  14. The big problem with the og evo was the fact that there was a separate wimax chip, the evolte and gs3 have the new s4 krait which has lte built in which means nothing else additional to suck the life out of the battery. Now naturally there will be a slight hit in battery performance but nothing on the level of what we saw in the og evo. Also, a few weeks ago I was fortunate enough to ride some lte waves for a few days and the difference in battery life from what I could tell wasn't that big of a deal.
  15. themuffinman


    For some odd reason my gnex works perfect when I am in atlanta but for some reason it never works right when I travel to anywhere else. A few weeks ago I was in DC and a few times it would start roaming(or no signal at all) and wouldn't stay on sprint no matter what all the while my evolte is working fine. Also, many times my data would simply just stop working all together and it will just come back on its own whenever it decides too. This has also happened to me earlier this week when I spent a few days in miami, same exact thing. To add, when I was in the virgin islands, again the same thing. Random data,random roaming or random signal loss all the while my evolte is fine. I don't know what to think about the gnex anymore, if I didn't travel at all then it would be fine since my gnex seems to work perfectly when I am at home in atlanta but anywhere else its giving me problems, which makes to sense to me at all.
  16. Cocaine is a hell of a drug!!!!!!!
  17. Before I started working as an accountant full time I used to be a manager(store level aka lower level management) for a national retailer. I worked for that company for a decade and I have seen some things that are eerily similar to this situation where information was basically getting leaked to those that did not need to know. So my last few posts were basically coming from personal experience dealing with secured information as well as seeing the level of detail and the steps taken to find out who the "mole" was. Years had went buy, many people terminated, so many controls in places that didn't even need it all because the level of deception was so great that the "powers that be" kept looking in the wrong direction. To make an extremely long story short, the person ended up getting caught but it stemmed from a totally unrelated situation years after the fact and all along he was a person that was a part of the" powers that be". Now maybe I am giving this insidesprintnow person too much credit but you know never really know.
  18. Well first of all, we are here giving our own objective opinion on this situation. Upper level management has lots of time to do whatever they have more responsibility not necessarily more actual work, the lower down you are on the totem pole the more work you actually have to get done. How much money he makes has nothing to do with whether or not he wants to pay for this himself or not. Taking random donations from total strangers versus funding it yourself creates less of a paper trail. If you take what this guy is saying and doing at face value alone then you may not think much of this person which is what he or even she may have intended all along. The art of deception is one hell of a tool. That's true but lets say he is upper level, why would he release any info on that level? That could easily narrow the field as far as finding out who this person could be.
  19. Robert, this works if Sprint, as a company, has effective internal controls and for the most part I would say no they don't and even if they did, the confidence of this person is so high that I really believe that whoever this person is, they are definitely very high up on the sprints food chain......and I mean way up in upper management of the company. If it was some lower level person then it would pretty easy even with crappy internal controls to catch this person. Like my response to Robert, whoever he or she is, this person is way up there in the company. Time will tell though if he or she ever gets caught but it won't be easy.
  20. Inception was awesome!!!! Both of you know Scott merged the thread, LOL.
  21. Where is your general location?
  22. Thank you for posting but there is thread about this already. http://s4gru.com/index.php?/topic/1231-new-sprint-coverage-maps-with-lte-coming-soon/
  23. Based on where you are, the closest tower to you isn't scheduled to get lte until september but there are several sites in your general area already live or about to come live very shortly. Once a site goes live sprint then turns around and makes it undiscoverable while they work the kinks out. Anyway, once sprint flips the switch you should be good to go in my opinion.
  24. Yeah, the tower to your south has been live since the beginning of may so I doubt if thats the one you are connecting too since sprint seems to be blocking them once they go live. There is another tower less than a mile or so to your north west off of ellington dr and north main (AT54XC115) that is schedule to go live on 6/22 so it may very well be that one.
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