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Everything posted by themuffinman

  1. Anything additional information you can post will be very helpful, thanks.
  2. If the galaxy note 2 has a 1080p screen with Jelly Been, I think I will bite.
  3. I think I just found it, I was browsing over on xda and came across this thread: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1382034 The app is called call master and this thing is beast. Exactly what I am looking for.
  4. I was in the dc area two weeks ago but unfortunately I wasn't able to get a signal but this is great news. DC is my second most traveled to place so this is just wonderful.
  5. I got to call you out on this one, LOL. Yes its very frustrating when it comes to delays but its very easy for you to say since you already have a gnex and a evolte to quench your smartphone thirst. Someone who's been using the same phone for a few years can't relate to what you are saying.
  6. Yep, that's what she said. I just couldn't help myself with that one.
  7. Whoa there, you took what TS said and totally ran with it in whatever direction you wanted to go with it, I don't see where TS is claiming anything specific to what you said. I don't think any one would disagree that apple single-handedly changed the smartphone market when the original came out in 2007. Up until then smartphones were boring and for the most part geared towards business users and really wasn't geared towards the general population. When the iphone came out it was a fast and simple user experience all rapped up in well designed hardware which caught the attention of the general public through marketing. You could even say that the iphone was a smartphone for dummies. But at the time even though winmo was slow as crap, there were a lot of things it could do that an iphone couldn't. For example, the iphone lacked basic features like mms, copy and paste, no multitasking whatsoever, no stereo bluetooth support, no wireless syncing, hell, it didn't even have 3g for godsakes and the list goes on and on and on. All this while being sold at a premium price. The reality is apple proved that eyecandy sells better than actual utility which really is a fact. Since then apple has maintained the eyecandy while improving on utility and the opposite can be said for other mobile OS's where they have maintained utility but now they are trying to improve on the eyecandy. What I would say TS is referring to is everytime a new feature was introduced on any particular iphone, 9 times of 10 it was feature that was already available but when apple does it, its marketed in such away that it comes across as the next best thing since slice bread and it sells like hot cakes. Apple killed off the stylus with their touch interface and guess what, products like the htc flyer/evo view but more significantly the galaxy note is bringing the stylus right back in. Now I can guarantee that with the unexpected success of the galaxy note that apple is some how gonna find away to introduce their own stylus and market it as the next best thing since slice bread and the media will be all over it. Its all in the marketing bro, thats a fact. At the end of the day specs/features alone don't sell a product as well as marketing and support does and thats why apple is #1. Samsung has finally figured this out and thats why they have been doing so well over the last year or so and thats why apple is so threatened by them now.
  8. Swiftkey is working just great for me. I downloaded the latest beta a few weeks ago and I must say, its even more awesome than ever before.
  9. You do realize that sprint advertises 3 to 6 mbps with peak speeds of 10 for wimax right? Let me see wimax do this:
  10. I am trying to get my tuesday appointment changed to thursday so I can travel the wednesday instead of monday so I can attend this function. If we had an s4gru t-shirt I would have definitely worn it for sure.
  11. The good new is I registered earlier and got my confirmation email. The bad news is that I just found out literally 5 minutes ago that I am scheduled to take a business trip on monday afternoon and I am not even gonna be here to attend it. This really sucks, I have got to figure something out.
  12. Anyone got this email? I just checked my inbox and I got an email stating the following: The Next Big Thing is Here Be the first on your block to get your hands on it Due to your V.I.P status as a Sprint customer, you are invitedto take a sneak peek at the Galaxy S® III. Take hold of the sleek new design. Witness the powerful performance. Engage with world-class technologists as you learn how to share content on a whole new level. Visit our three Share Pods: Share for Business, Share with Friends, and Share with Devices. Earn Share Points and move up our Galaxy Leaderboard with the hope of winning some grand AllShare prizes. Don't forget to check out our Share the Love hands-on demonstrations using the latest NFC technology. When: Tuesday, June 19, 2012 Where: The Foundry at Puritan Mill 916 Joseph E Lowery Blvd. Atlanta, GA 20218 Time: 6:00pm – 8:00pm There is also a link I can click on to register to attend, this must be similar to the event in boston earlier this week.
  13. To add though, if the new photon only comes with a physical keyboard then a lot of current photon owners are going to be pissed.
  14. I was one of those same people as well. I absolutely had to have a physical keyboard and that was the end of it. My speed and accuracy was unmatched compared to using an onscreen keyboard. But what can I say, the screen size of the og evo really attracted me and I decided to bite. It took a while getting use to it but once I did there wasn't any looking back. Also with the advancement of swiftkey especially the latest swiftkey beta my speed and accuracy is amazing. There is no way I will ever go back to a physical keyboard.
  15. There will always be that small fraction of customers that will rather have a physical keyboard but still though keyboards are dead.
  16. I understand you may have good intentions but I think posting this is strickly against the forum rules if I am not mistaken.
  17. I haven't researched much as far as android apps go but back in my winmo days there was an app that would give you all sorts of crazy options. I can't remember the name of the app but it allowed you to send a call straight to voicemail, or simply answer and hang up so it doesn't go to voicemail. You could even set it up to automatically send specific text messages to specific numbers when they called. You could even block all numbers from a particular area code if you wanted too, all this also applied to sms as well and it all would take place behind the scene without you being disturbed. You wouldn't even know the app was running in the back ground if you didn't know it was there. You could, at any time, check the apps log to see any activity that took place.
  18. Exactly, I figured it wouldn't be AT03XC089 since thats been live since april so I was thinking AT03XC088 since that one is schedule to go live on the June 16th so maybe they are slightly ahead of schedule with that particular site.
  19. Hey whats up, I saw the screenshots you posted in the other thread. I am not sure how to tell which tower you are connected to and opensignal seems to be inaccurate a lot of times. So were there any other areas where you went that you were still getting an lte signal?
  20. Also keep in mind that htc is very timely when it comes to ota updates, definitely a whole hell of a lot timelier than samsung. But lets be real folks, there will always be software issues and hardware issues, thats just how it is with any product and thats why we have warranties.
  21. There are a few towers within 2 miles or so that have been live since last month and the month before but I am almost positive those are getting blocked. There is one about 2 miles south west of your location thats schedule to have 4g turned on June 16th so you may be getting a signal from that one. When ever you leave where you are, if you don't mind, if you still have a 4g signal, could you please give an update as to your location? It would help me narrow down which tower it could from.
  22. How close are you to the hospital?
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