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S4GRU Premier Sponsor
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Everything posted by Dfarley

  1. Digiblur has created some 1x800 priority PRLs that are available to Sponsors and Premium members. Here's the instructions that I followed and put together back on the 6.1.2 jailbreak to swap PRLs out; I would assume this would work similar with iOS 7 (won't have a chance to try for a couple of days): (ironically it references Digi's PRL explanations): http://www.howardfor...orce-it-to-Roam You'll need a Jailbroken iPhone, and download paid apps iFile & Tetherme (Tetherme is not mentioned in the instructions, but is necessary). From there, the other problem I had was finding a way to actually push the PRL file over from my computer to the phone (I have a Mac at home, you'll need to look for a way to do it from a PC), which after doing some research I was able to accomplish using the bonjour function in Safari. The instructions are geared towards loading VZW PRL and forcing roaming (which works well), but you can load any PRL using this method. Good luck!
  2. iOS Engineering screen is accessed by dialing *3001#12345#* then call. If you're connected to LTE select the Serving Cell Info and the band will be listed (PCS is band 25, SMR is the elusive 26 and the 5s isn't capable of band 41). If you're not in an area with LTE you'll have an option for 1x and EVDO. The band won't be listed on 1x (it used to on the 4s, but for some reason it's excluded on the 5, 5c, & 5s). EVDO will show frequency and band.
  3. Here's the quick and dirty: East Cleveland = corruption and crime. East side of Cleveland = drugs, murder, serial killer Anthony Sowell, more drugs, more killing, Bone Thugz n Harmony (that's actually a plus), the Cleveland Clinic (another plus) and Halle Barry (makes it all worth it). We're talking about the latter.
  4. It may in fact be a Sprint issue. There's a thread here on S4GRU about a similar issue (there may be multiple threads): http://www.s4gru.com/index.php?/topic/4057-Reason-for-very-low-quality-images%2E%2E%3F/page__view__findpost__p__155786
  5. I'm a misplaced Michigander living in Cleveland...maybe I'll start up the YouTube channel, I have plenty of material.
  6. Right. To fall into line with today's politically correct society, I sincerely apologize for any of you that I may have offended with my post. It was immature to use such a video and I accept full responsibility for my attempt to bring humor to what is otherwise a bleak environment (Cleveland, not S4GRU). Additionally I don't know how I made the connection between free phones and Cleveland....I was way off on that one and again, please accept my apology. EDIT: yes, this is full of sarcasm. Seriously though, I brought in an old political video which naturally can offend people; if it did then I do apologize. S4GRU has always been a forum that I respect for the overall nature of the discussions and the lack of immature back and forth debates, so I'll accept the fact to that you didn't like my post and refrain from any further debate.
  7. Oh, free phones and the streets of Cleveland, what a marriage made in heaven. Little do these folks know they simply need to get their free phone from Obama (sorry, I just couldn't resist the opportunity): Keep it classy Cleveland...
  8. Don't hurt your arm patting yourself on the back Robert, geez..... Just kidding - if anything this site has so much great information that it's hard to keep up with everything. It still amazes me how you and your team have been able to hold it all together - most other forums have just degraded to rant sessions and "I know more than you" battles of the dim witted.
  9. Your comment is slightly confusing, I think "SoftBank is declining to comment" would be a better representation: Mitsuhiro Kurano, a Tokyo-based spokesman for SoftBank, declined to comment on the Wall Street Journal report.
  10. I'm not sure if anybody really knows yet - as soon as I saw the Story come out from Reuters today I contacted Dan@Sprint to revisit an issue I opened back in May about unlocking my old iPhone 4S for domestic use. They couldn't fix it then and they couldn't do anything for me today, but the lady did acknowledge the new agreement and said to continue to check back regularly to see when Sprint updates their unlocking policies to comply with today's agreement. Here's the article I'm referencing: http://mobile.reuters.com/article/idUSBRE9BB05320131212?irpc=932
  11. Get your new friends at the "PRL team" to handle it, they seemed to respond quickly to your requests!
  12. I see you've joined the ranks of the sponsors and all the spoils that brings - welcome! If you haven't already done so, check out the map with all the updated towers: http://s4gru.com/index.php?/topic/517-nv-sites-complete/ I don't follow closely enough to know which are the newly accepted towers unless they're where I live / work / travel and nothing new to report in those areas.
  13. Putting aside this whole 60657 debacle (thanks for taking the lead and getting it fixed BTW) you have any way of seeing what changes 51099 brings to 51098?
  14. If you're still on 60657 update your PRL again (##UPDATE#) and you should get 51099. Worked for myself as well as others here. I'm not in an LTE area so I can't say you'll connect back, but logic would say 51099 is the next progression after 51098 and therefore your LTE scan should once again be active.
  15. 51099 on my iPhone 5 as well. Not in an LTE area so I can't tell you if I can connect or not.
  16. Digi, I'm sure you're a busy man, but I suggest that *you* become Sprint's PRL team...after this situation I'm confident that whatever you do would be far superior to anything the existing team is capable of...
  17. Sprint's 800 SMR is only on 1x, not EVDO so I think you're still roaming on Verizon EVDO. Here's the same screen from a Verizon phone in my market: I have no idea what the active set pilots means, but I think it's sheer coincidence that it's 476. Here it reads 428.
  18. The problem with that theory is that at this stage the only people that are on 60657 are us S4GRU folk that manually updated our PRL as soon as we heard there was a new version out. The masses of Sprint iPhone users are still enjoying LTE on 51098.
  19. I look at it this way, there's finally a benefit to living in Cleveland - since we hardly have LTE or 800 anywhere in our market (near me anyway) I'm not missing out on anything sitting here on 60657. Hey, I just like the drama....there haven't been any major updates in my area so at least I have something to get excited about now!
  20. Well yes, it is, however there has to be an updated PRL to be pushed to your phone...their first go to move is to tell you to update your PRL, however the running humor in that is that does absolutely nothing for you if you're already on the most up to date PRL - which in this case is 60657. The fix need to come from wherever the PRLs are updated and pushed out to the devices, then "updating the PRL" will in fact fix the problem. Again, I go back to the fact that the quantity of Sprint users that has updated their PRL in the past 24 hours is probably in the single digits (us on this forum), and the only way that I know of to bring awareness to them is by customers calling in. Bottom line - this is yet another self-imposed debacle....WTF.
  21. You can try, but I just called in to try and make them aware of the issue and the guy had no idea what I was even talking about, "a PRL simply tells your phone what towers are around you and selects the best one..." Then I dropped the call because, well that's what happens in my market when I go from a NV to legacy tower. I'm cool with it though....
  22. Except for the fact that the only people who manually update their PRL are us here...which in the scheme of things is minuscule to Sprint. I bet the issue won't bubble up to them for a few days at best more from new activations than people updating their PRL.
  23. I could be wrong, but I believe that for iPhone users you can restore your phone as new and go through the activation screens. This should reset the factory PRL to 31000 (or whatever it is) which I believe is LTE without roaming. You can then restore your phone from a backup. I'm not worried about it b/c I have neither LTE or SMR near me, but I think that should work.
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