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Everything posted by WiWavelength

  1. Based upon this thread title, my plans was to do nuthin'. AJ
  2. Nope. They would not know that. Only the small minority of "savvy" users even know that. The masses of common people rely upon personal experience and anecdotal recommendations in their buying decisions. AJ
  3. If so, your experimentation put your handset into a single band mode. It now will not operate properly on the Sprint network nor roam properly -- unless you manually switch the band selection, as needed, each and every time. Your only recourse is a full reset. Otherwise, as I stated earlier, you are "screwed." AJ
  4. But would you be surprised how many do not? If I asked my parents, girlfriend, or coworkers about RootMetrics ratings, what do you think they would say? AJ
  5. Uh, if you are using your experience with a handset to judge multi band LTE coverage, you are doing it the wrong way. Sorry, guys, with the move to multi band LTE, all bets are off. Even though the band that you want may be available, you may not always be camped on it. That is a product of your handset and the network. AJ
  6. You have not described what you actually did inside the hidden Testing.apk. But if you messed around with the band selection submenu, then you were not "mrknowitall," and now, you are an inclined plane wrapped helically around an axis. AJ
  7. How many common people actually pay attention to those rating services? I surmise not many. AJ
  8. How did you get yourself into this predicament? I thought that you were "mrknowitall"? AJ
  9. John Legere has announced that T-Mobile calling will soon add Dolby Atmos. #uncarrier AJ
  10. I doubt it, but did you "get baked" before you typed that post? AJ
  11. If the recipe and ingredients are good, I will bake at almost any price. But, yes, I might "balk" at $1000. AJ
  12. To answer the thread title question, no. But we will all ultimately adopt ISIL wallet -- or pay by the bullet. AJ
  13. The T-Mobile purchased Nexus 5s were "un-included." AJ
  14. It is that big in a Mercator projection. AJ
  15. Good, Gilligan. Now, you go collect coconuts while I "check on" Ginger and Mary Ann. AJ
  16. Oh, and until Robert gets home tonight, you should respectfully refer to me as "Admin AJ." AJ
  17. We have not published it yet, but you are aware that the Sprint variant Samsung Galaxy Note Edge is the first Category 6, band 41 carrier aggregation capable handset. AJ
  18. Yes. Hutchison Whampoa's 3 network in the UK was, as I recall, the first W-CDMA only network. It was a new entrant to the market following the "3G" spectrum auctions, circa 2000. AJ
  19. Maybe. But you must be referring to "AT&T" as AT&TWS GSM or Cingular nee Pac Bell GSM, not AT&TWS TDMA -- all of which were in your area at one time. AJ
  20. No, it is actually accurate. The "core" refers to the GSM MAP, which is the core telephony network. It is newer than the IS-41 core telephony network that AMPS, TDMA, CDMA, and CDMA1X have retained. So, that is the reason GSM supports, for example, exotic three way calling combos that CDMA1X does not. It puzzles some more recent subs who port from one 3GPP operator to another 3GPP2 operator. But those subs likely also fail to recognize perspective. For the same core telephony reason, GSM type providers never had true AMPS nor TDMA roaming in North America. And that left them with very poor geographic coverage for over a decade. AJ
  21. Never say "UMTS." That is a 3GPP euphemism. Be sure to say "W-CDMA." Always remind the GSM zealots -- many of whom laughed at or despised Qualcomm -- what they needed for their "3G" standard. AJ
  22. Robert is traveling today, so as tech editor, I am the admin pro tem. As such, I am going to lay down the law -- and there will be no debate about my decision. This thread is hereby locked and will not be reopened. However, it will not be deleted nor hidden. It will remain viewable for those who wish to read it. That is the best compromise between two competing agendas that seemingly cannot get along in this discussion. AJ
  23. I have again updated the top post and spreadsheet. They do not, however, include the reported second band 25 carriers in Revol spectrum yet. Those await screenshot confirmation. AJ
  24. Somebody prod one of these reviewers into punching in ##DEBUG# and posting a screenshot. AJ
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