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Everything posted by WiWavelength

  1. Examine the date and the metadata. That info is from 2012 -- well before the release of tri band, single RF path, e/CSFB handsets. Circumstances have changed. AJ
  2. Can we get somebody to introduce Peyton Manning to John Legere? Have the Tin Man QB shout at the Pink Batman? Omaha! Omaha! Omaha! AJ
  3. Will it run Google Voice for SMS notification on screen? AJ
  4. Done. I have updated the spreadsheet and also corrected a previous minor error. AJ
  5. I doubt that a "Nexus for Life" would work quite as well as the "iPhone for Life." Too much variability in Nexus handsets. To illustrate, imagine that a "Nexus for Life" program had been instituted last year. Thus, for the past year, you have been driving a nice luxury sedan. Your year is up, so you roll in to Sprint and turn in your old Nexus for your new Nexus. The salesman takes your keys, hands you the keys to a 45 foot RV, and says, "There you go." Not a happy camper... AJ
  6. Since the Nexus 6 is so ridiculously huge, the Nexus 5 should stay in the lineup and receive a band 12 revision. The antenna would not need to be upgraded. The only hardware that might need to be upgraded would be the RF amplifier, which may be limited to band 17. Or if the amp already covers band 12, then the Nexus 5 would need just a firmware update to support band 12. AJ
  7. ballman has been demoted to ballboy. AJ
  8. If had waited until today, I would have cost myself six months. That time in my life is more valuable than $100. Besides, I bought my iPad mini 2 (at least, that is what it is being called now) at $399 minus $40 in Best Buy rewards certificates. Then, I got a $40 price adjustment due to a 10 percent off sale a week later. Because I am a high roller, a Best Buy Elite Plus customer, I also earned 450 rewards points, which equate to about $10. And through my credit card, I also accrued at least 720 rewards points, which amount to $7.20. Thus, final net cost was almost exactly $300. AJ
  9. Upon further reflection, I will withhold my judgment of the Nexus 9 until the LTE version is released. If it supports both band 12 and band 41, has solid RF performance, includes engineering screens, and runs SignalCheck Pro, then I will consider it. AJ
  10. So, the only gains for the iPad mini 3 are Touch ID and new finish colors? Is that really all? Bwahaha! I am glad I bought my iPad mini 2 both on sale and with Reward Zone certificates six months ago. Makes me look smart. AJ
  11. Different W-CDMA bands, different LTE bands, and 3GPP only MDM9235 baseband are all possibilities. The handset may be big, just not big enough for the kitchen sink. AJ
  12. In a word, no. If there is word, you need not ask. We will report it. But, so far, second band 25 carrier Sprint deployment is limited to spectrum acquisition markets. California and Nevada do not qualify. AJ
  13. If that were true, how could so called "world phones" or international roaming exist? Think about it. AJ
  14. The iPhone LTE variants on VZW do not support SVLTE. The Nexus 6 could be in a similar position on VZW. No simultaneous voice and data, just simultaneous LTE and CDMA1X idle. AJ
  15. Whose great idea was it to turn the next Nexus tablet into an iPad mini clone? If that is what we wanted, we would buy an iPad mini. Sheesh... AJ
  16. Ah, but Android 5.0 Lollipop enables you to use a regular ink pen as a stylus. You should try it out on the screen of your brand new Nexus 6. If it does not work, the battery is probably low, so you should pop the handset in the microwave for a quick recharge. AJ
  17. Again, though, explain how the FCC would have any "regulatory" hand in the decision to have separate variants for North America and the rest of the world. AJ
  18. For the non metric system fluent, that means an inch taller, half an inch wider. Not even close... AJ
  19. Uh, why would the FCC be a "political reason"? That sounds like thinly veiled rhetoric. AJ
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