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Everything posted by cletus

  1. Can you link the offer? If current subs are eligible this seems like not too bad of a deal. I have a iphone 4 (not in use) and an iphone 5 I would trade in towards an Iphone 6 if it is $200 per...
  2. Focusing on B41 for high usage sites is what makes the difference, period. I mean that is what T-Mobile has done for it's network rollout, right? They did the downtown core areas first and then went outward and this seems like the best approach to please the most people This is in S. Austin in an area I was getting only 6-7 down on my wife's iphone 5. My phone supports B41 and it is a game changer here for me. Taken yesterday:
  3. http://www.theverge.com/2014/9/9/6129107/sprint-angling-iphone-6-buyers-with-free-iphone-for-life-leasing-plan I am sort of surprised it isn't a requirement or somehow built into the price/an option like T-Mobile Jump..
  4. Spark is pretty widespread in Austin but better in Dallas and San Antonio. Not too sure about Houston.
  5. Considering that the new plans don't do much for existing subs because existing users can't get the waived line fee promotions I would say it is more likely that the exodus to T-Mobile continues while more people on AT&T or Verizon may consider Sprint. Edit: Although, once they go on T-Mobile they can easily come back to Sprint for cheaper plans.
  6. This makes me seriously consider adding a new iphone to my wife's line on family share for $20 as a surprise gift. That is pretty hard to pass up really. . . Plus then she can enjoy the glorious B41 that is finally available in Austin.
  7. Interesting Marcelo article: http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2014-09-09/sprint-s-iphone-for-life-plan-lets-users-upgrade-every-2-years.html
  8. I wonder how employer discounts are calculated for this
  9. looks like there is a tab for Family Share plans as well BTW. 4 line comparison 80/mo lease, 120/mo easy pay, 4 leased iphones for $180/mo and 4 easypay iphones for $220/mo. Geez.
  10. This is going to make for a pretty complicated spreadsheet.
  11. Hum, $50 a month eh? With employer discounts that could be really a good step for Framily users and for competitiveness overall. For new Sprint users it would mean that 2 unlimited lines = 2 lines on the 20 GB tier which is fine by me. If that stays I will remain on Family Share until the promotion ends next December and then switch to 2 lines on unlimited to save money.
  12. Good idea. I had been mulling it over but now that the spreadsheet isn't just a flat list of prices I think it would be okay to move it out. Thread is here: http://s4gru.com/index.php?/topic/6402-sprint-plan-comparison-spreadsheet/
  13. Okay. I updated the spreadsheet so you can plug your employer discount into it and then see what the pricing is. Also, if anyone could give me pricing and how employer discounts are calculated for the Everything Data plans I can add that to the comparisons as well. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1L4FXkfyfM69LNJ6-vJ0baMZxdSWJ8N8aQNS_vVd5XOM edit: The range of discounts is really surprising.
  14. Knox is used in regards to the manufacturer warranty (to Samsung) against defects etc. Sprint should not turn you down for insurance repair (you may have to pay the normal deductible) if you have Knox tripped. I have never made a claim but honestly I don't think there is a big issue. T-Mobile allows tripped Knox phones even for the Jump program, etc. The only company that seems to care is Samsung and Samsung only.
  15. I thought Knox was just some Samsung anti-warranty deal for people who flash roms? edit: As far I know Knox will be on the Note 4 and also most companies plain don't care. T-Mobile and Sprint both seem to take Knox tripped devices on insurance. You will have to pay the normal deductible etc. Basically you lose your manufacturers warranty but who cares if you have insurance, I guess?
  16. FYI Google Fiber is available in like 2 or 3 places downtown now. I didn't know AT&T had places that were full gigabit yet so that is cool to know. I wonder what TWC's long term plans will be once Google Fiber is actually available. I guess the wifi hotspots could be compelling for people on limited data cellphone plans. I'm happy on TWC with my 100/10 with my paid for modem so far. Unsurprisingly, my actual usage has gone up about 30% since I got the speed increase last month.
  17. Yeah I think way north Austin/Cedar Park/Leander area has Suddenlink but I live pretty South so I have no clue what they offer up there.
  18. Here in Austin we have 3 companies "offering" gigabit speeds. Grande Communications offers it downtown in a small area but elsewhere the speeds have not even gone up. AT&T currently maxes at 300 down and the advertised price also includes a $20 rebate for letting them spy on you and requires a 2 year contract. Google Fiber is still building out and I only know of a few downtown apartment buildings and a couple libraries. TWC on the other hand is offering 300 down BUT they have doubled everyone's speeds for free and their free wifi across town is actually really nice and fast.
  19. I ended up calling in and they also show 40 GBs in their system on the 20 GB for $100 plan with no extra charges pending. I guess we will have to wait and see what the actual end result is. My guess is that the software is stupid and is duplicating the 20GB package for each line. Still doesn't make a whole lot of sense though because my promotional data doesn't get doubled. Weird.
  20. I continued the 40 GB saga in the new plan thread: http://s4gru.com/index.php?/topic/6319-marcelo-claure-town-hall-meetings-new-family-share-pack-plan-unlimited-individual-plan-discussion-thread/?p=358653
  21. So that picture lead to this discussion: Sarah V.: I see here that you are under 20GB Share Pack. You: That is correct Sarah V.: Though you have the 20GB, this does not mean that you only have the 20GB or 20971520KB. You: It should be 20+2GB per line You: but that still isn't 40 GB like it appears to show Sarah V.: There is an extra data of 2GB per line. Sarah V.: For 20GB (20971520KB) plus 2GB for one line (2097152KB) plus 2GB (2097152KB). You: correct You: I show 41,943,040KB available on the website right now though You: If you guys want to give me 40 GB of data for the 20 GB price that is totally fine by me Sarah V.: As I can see here that the data for your shared plan is 40GB. Sarah V.: That is the good thing about the new plan we have. You: Sarah, I am so confused now You: haha You: I signed up for the 20 GB plan with with 2 GB per line promotion for a total of 24 GB/month available You: No idea where the currently shown 40 GB has come from Sarah V.: I do apologize that this has caused you confusion, Tate. Sarah V.: I'm still researching the information for you. Thanks for your patience. You: Sure no problem. I understand the plans are pretty new for you guys as well Sarah V.: Thank you for waiting. Sarah V.: This is actually a promotion that you got for having 20GB. The promotion awards you with an additional 2GB of data per line per month (for up to 10 lines) through 12/31/15 Sarah V.: You will notice a 40GB allowance when viewing your usage because the additional 20GB is built-in to the plan. Sarah V.: Although this promotion is marketed as 2GB of additional data per line, you actually receive the benefit of a 40GB data allowance, regardless of how many lines you have in your sharing group. Sarah V.: This is a great plan we have, do you agree? You: Err wow You: so I actually have 40 GB of data? Sarah V.: Exactly! The promotion is until 12/31/15. You: That is super interesting You: Okay, now I have one more question for you Sarah V.: You've the 20GB and paid the monthly for the 20GB Share Pack and you've got the 40GB without paying extra. And also this discussion: Randy A.: There is a 40GB allowance when viewing your usage because the additional 20GB for 10 total lines is part of the plan You: So I am paying for 20+2+2GB and getting 40GB for that cost? You: really? Randy A.: That is correct. You: Will this end 12/31/15 then or continue? Randy A.: This promotion will end on 12/31/15. Maybe Rocket87 can comment on this? It looks like I am paying $77/mo after employer discount for 40 GB of shared data.... I may follow up via phone with Sprint once I am off work if I have time because this seems super interesting if they have it set up like this.
  22. Google uses 1,000,000 KB to 1 GB. Sprint uses 1,048,576
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