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Everything posted by MacinJosh

  1. It's comments like yours that start flame wars. Please don't do that again. You don't see me going around yelling "Android Sucks!". Thank you. Sent from Josh's iPhone 5 using Tapatalk 2
  2. The Samsung SPH-I800 passed thru the FCC today. It appears to be the Ativ S Neo according to other reports I read online. SVLTE only phone. Has GSM 850, 1900, and UMTS 1900. I'm sure it's a quad-band GSM/Tri-Band UMTS roaming capable device.
  3. My voice sounds horrible on recording. And who cares about SVDO. Give me my Tri-Band LTE phones!
  4. I was up in the mountains yesterday. Hadn't had a chance to look at everything on here.
  5. Thanks. I just saw it on phonenews.com
  6. Gusherb, I keep my Sprint apps in their own separate folder too. And this background is from my trip to Pismo. I can't wait to get out of the heat and back to the coast. It's too hot anywhere else. Sent from Josh's iPhone 5 using Tapatalk 2
  7. I'm hoping for a late July/early August release, but I'm thinking the Novatel Tri-band LTE MiFi needs to pass thru the FCC before Sprint releases any of them. Sent from Josh's iPhone 5 using Tapatalk 2
  8. I know my iPhone isn't doing too well in the heat the last few days. I've been using it without a case or with my Otterbox Defender. I ordered a Boxwave ColorSplash for it last night from Amazon. Lets see how it fares with this. http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0006ZLBU2/ref=oh_details_o00_s00_i00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
  9. The Netgear Zing Mobile Hotspot passed thru the FCC yesterday, July 3! It's almost time for release! Yay!
  10. During the transitional period, Clearwire will still exist, but I expect Sprint to fold Clearwire into New Sprint with all the customers and spectrum into 1 company. No need to operate 2 separate businesses, it's not cost effective. Sent from Josh's iPhone 5 using Tapatalk 2
  11. Frankly, they care more about their own citizens and companies that they encourage entrepreneurship to stimulate their economy. Foreign companies coming in takes away from such a thing. But I still hold to the fact that Verizon is bad for the Canadian Telecommunications industry. Instead of 3 strong carriers, you'd have 4 strong carriers and they will all price gouge just like the big 3 do now. Sent from Josh's iPhone 5 using Tapatalk 2
  12. You didn't read the article: http://www.cbc.ca/news/business/story/2011/11/17/f-naguib-sawiris.html "Globalive, headed by Canadian entrepreneur Anthony Lacavera, has a complex ownership structure under which the Canadian equity owners control the company, but Orascom put up more than 80 per cent of the funding. That raised the ire of telecom incumbents Rogers Communications Inc., BCE Inc. and Telus Corp. which complained to the CRTC that the company doesn't adhere to Canada's stringent foreign ownership rules. After a lengthy process, Canadian officials eventually ruled that Wind was within the rules and was allowed to launch a cellular service in late 2009." By the skin of their teeth it was ruled ok; that's not how it should be. We have Tmobile and now Softbank. WTF are the Canadians worried about? It's one thing to have issues with Huawei and ZTE's routers but when it's Verizon? VoLTE: I'm sure you've read the mods' many posts regarding VoLTE in its current state. Simply, it's not as robust in terms of coverage at 700 MHz, let alone at AWS, compared to even W-CDMA voice. As the mods said, maybe LTE R12 will fix that but that'll be a while. And this is even more relevant for Verizon who has very far spacing on their LTE towers. Don't think that VZW will make their towers denser in Canada when their low population density will already require a huge investment. And marketing-wise, how can Verizon justify charging their US customers roaming on the Verizon-Canada network? They can't. That article was wrote 2 years ago. Here's the kicker: an article wrote earlier this year said that Canada's telecom authority has relaxed their rules more than when they let Wind Mobile start up. If I remember to this evening, I will try to find it. They want a major 4th player, but frankly, Verizon shouldn't be it. Sent from Josh's iPhone 5 using Tapatalk 2
  13. I don't think Verizon is eager to build another CDMA network when they're trying to shut it down in the US. How could they justify charging roaming to their American customers who "roam" onto the Verizon network in Canadia? I'm sure that Verizon-US customers are the biggest $$$ for roaming onto Canada. I think they're gonna buy Band 13 spectrum in Canada and create an all-LTE network just like they want to here. Their Canadian phones will have CDMA for roaming down south. Also, the Tier 2 carriers they're buying don't even have 850 MHz spectrum, right? It's Mobilicity, Wind Mobile, Public Mobile Turns out there's a reason why Canadians pay so much: besides China, they're the only country that doesn't allow foreign direct investment. http://www.cbc.ca/news/business/story/2011/11/17/f-naguib-sawiris.html So the Canadian government's public declarations that they want a fourth national competitor is just BS. Cause they'd change their investment rules if that were the case. First, in terms of foreign direct investment, Wind Mobile is a result of an Egyptian foreign direct investment, which took quite a while to secure. 2nd, I didn't say they would start another CDMA network there, they would use the AWS holdings that Wind has and upgrade it to LTE and when most of their US customers are on VoLTE, then they can gouge their US customers for roaming and pay it back to themselves. Sent from Josh's iPhone 5 using Tapatalk 2
  14. Bingo! You saved me a lengthy explanation. Thanks, Rawvega. To add to that, neither Bell nor Telus has deployed any GSM, only W-CDMA. AJ Plus, from everything I've read, Bell and Telus have no plans to discontinue their CDMA networks because of the roaming revenue they bring in from US CDMA roaming customers. All they see is '$$$$$'. If Verizon does enter the Canadian market, it's because they want to cheat the Big 2 in Canada of their roaming revenue, and enhance their own pocket books in the process. A purchase of Wind Mobile will put them in line to upgrade Wind's AWS to LTE and once Verizon sets up VoLTE, their customers would be on AWS just like in the US. Sent from Josh's iPhone 5 using Tapatalk 2
  15. AT&T launched LTE in Visalia just over a week ago, I believe. If not, it was for sure in the month if June. Sent from Josh's iPhone 5 using Tapatalk 2
  16. It's about to happen! The tower on Acequia in Visalia got it's fiber upgrade permit on June 28. And it appears that T-Mobile has applied for a permit on the Caldwell tower that Sprint uses for a swap of their existing antennas. So it appears that Sprint and T-Mobile will both be bringing LTE to Visalia around the same time!
  17. Updated list. Will update table for phone list in the next few days. Too many crazy things happening. (Friend passed away on Saturday.)
  18. No, because cloud4sites' mtest proved it was android. And I believe the FCC docs had Android listed in them. (Can't remember for sure since its been a while.) Sent from Josh's iPhone 5 using Tapatalk 2
  19. I've taken trips to LA and Wichita, KS and used LTE in both places, and let me tell you, I'm patiently waiting, and have been surviving on 3G. Sent from Josh's iPhone 5 using Tapatalk 2
  20. I don't use it to find towers as most, if not all towers squawk the wrong coordinates. One I ran across yesterday said the tower was over by Santa Barbara, and I was in the San Fernando Valley off the I-405. Other than GPS flaws not at the fault of planetbeing, his app is great. Sent from Josh's iPhone 5 using Tapatalk 2
  21. I'll be checking on Visalia's permits sometime this week after I get caught up with the Vegas permits map. Sent from Josh's iPhone 5 using Tapatalk 2
  22. Thanks. I'll try to get to the update this week. Problems at home and traveling have kept me from my normal stuff. Sent from Josh's iPhone 5 using Tapatalk 2
  23. Would u care to share with us wat you found and how to do it? Sent from my HP Touchpad using Tapatalk 2 On the phone dialer: dial *3001#12345#* and hit send (with the stars and all. Phone will enter field test mode. Then press and hold the lock button until the swipe to shut phone down screen pops up. (Do not swipe)!! Then release the luck button and hold the home button. Until field test closes, it will take 10 seconds or so. The signal strength is decibels will then stay in the top left of the screen. To go back to signal bars, just enter field test again and then close it normally with the home button. Daniel j. Sent from my iPhone 5 using Tapatalk Plus you can tap on the decibel to change back and forth between the two. Sent from Josh's iPhone 5 using Tapatalk 2
  24. Within 3 weeks from the merger close, I expect Sprint permits to start showing up in Vegas detailing 6 panels, 3 being Network Vision permits, and the other 3 being Newer TD-LTE panels. Sent from Josh's iPhone 5 using Tapatalk 2
  25. Las Vegas was a LightSquared test bed. AJ I figured as such, but they let quite a few of their permits lapse without doing anything to them. Sent from Josh's iPhone 5 using Tapatalk 2
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