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Everything posted by S4GRU

  1. Within Sprint, they use AAV as a catch all term to describe all backhaul that is not either Microwave, direct fiber (Sprint owned) or T1. Even fiber from 3rd parties (like Cox and FPL) are referred to as AAV. Robert via Samsung Note II via Tapatalk
  2. locked door Robert via Samsung Note II via Tapatalk
  3. This thread has reached the end of the line. But I created a new one: http://s4gru.com/index.php?/topic/2707-keep-a-word-drop-a-word-3/ Robert
  4. We have started a new thread for KAW-DAW. The previous thread got to over 5,000 entries! If you've never played Keep a Word, Drop a Word before, it is really simple. See below... Example Post 1: customer satisfaction Example Post 2: tough customer Example Post 3: tough break Example Post 4: break wind Comprendo? See, it is really simple. For each new post just keep a word from the previous post and drop the other and replace with a new one. Please KEEP your posts to JUST 2 WORDS, but if you are stuck and must to, you can include a "helper" word, like: a, the, an, etc. BUT the next post CANNOT use that "helper" word as the one they keep for the next post. You can however use the same "keep" word as the previous poster if you want to. Otherwise just have fun with it and let's see where it goes? If things get stalled out just start a new line of thought by making a new 2 word saying. I will kick off the game below...
  5. I believe the app is trying to say LTE is a GSM technology. Robert via Samsung Note II via Tapatalk
  6. I've never heard the reason why. I assume it's an equipment issue. As in the market for 800 radios is so thin, it didn't make economic sense to have OEM's develop LTE 800 ground and remote radios. But I have seen several notes that say, no LTE 800 at sites with Ground Based Radios. And I have also seen site lists that say (Ground Based Radios, no LTE 800) at certain sites. Also, Sprint internally has said they are targeting 80% of their sites in each market to get LTE 800, on average. What I have seen so far supports that goal. However, the SoftBank investment could have impacts on the final LTE 800 deployment, as well as the FIT. All very preliminary at this point. Robert via Samsung Note II via Tapatalk
  7. Yes indeed. The 20% that will not get LTE 800 are largely redundant urban sites in tight spacing where the site already gets an abundant LTE 800 signal from adjacent sites and they are designing to minimize interference. Also, sites that cannot handle RRU's and need ground based radios were not originally slated to get LTE 800. But this may change by the time LTE 800 FIT is complete and equipment goes into production. Robert via Samsung Note II via Tapatalk
  8. 5Mbps is pretty normal for -113dBm RSRP. I'm pretty sure that app is not reading the -91dBM as the LTE RSRP, but errently reading the 1x RSSI, much like Net Monitor and other apps do. Robert via Samsung Note II via Tapatalk
  9. We will see some LTE start appearing in West Washington in December. It's coming. However, it will be a few months before launch still. Robert via Samsung Note II via Tapatalk
  10. If you find one of the new LTE sites is live, please run Sensorly to catalog it. Thanks! Robert via Samsung Note II via Tapatalk
  11. We once did a Colorado Alfred Packer car trip. Lots of fun. I torment my kids with songs from Cannibal all the time. Like, "Let's build a snowman!" and, "That's All I'm Asking For." Robert via Samsung Note II via Tapatalk
  12. If you depend on WiMax, that's probably the way to go. Or you can get a really cheap WiMax hotspot and upgrade to a LTE device now. Robert via Samsung Note II via Tapatalk
  13. I enjoyed bringing along my Nexus 4 to my trip to Wichita Falls. It performed admirably in Santa Fe, Amarillo and Wichita Falls. Averaging about 5Mbps DL and 1Mbps UL. Peaked at 21Mbps at one spot in Amarillo. However, Tmo 3G coverage is so bad just 5 miles out of the cities. It's unfortunate I cannot access engineering screens on this thing. I did appreciate that you can access the Hotspot on the Nexus 4 for no additional cost. It is normally $15 additional per month with Tmo. But with the Nexus 4, they offer it for no additional cost. The data just comes out of your allotment. And thats the way it should be with tiered data. Robert via Samsung Note II via Tapatalk
  14. Cowbell solo... From one of my favorite all time movies.
  15. There is too much shifting in Sprint's deployment strategy in the remaining markets to say definitively at this point how the Utah market will shake out. However, all remaining markets should be started by Mid 2013. So either SLC will be we underway or starting by mid year. Robert via Samsung Note II via Tapatalk
  16. The Charlotte and RDU markets were really quiet the past two weeks. This is not all that usual. If you have several crews who start work all around the same time, then will produce results in batches. You will get several sites one week, then it will be quiet for a few weeks. You would get more consistent results if they were staggered. I'm not saying that is what is for sure happening here. But it could be. Robert via Samsung Note II via Tapatalk
  17. Work will likely start after the New Year. Milwaukee is definitely due. Robert via Samsung Note II via Tapatalk
  18. No way to know for sure except to find the site and look at it. Robert via Samsung Note II via Tapatalk
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