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network.sprint.com tower updates get taken offline?


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Tried to access it and was forwarded to the main website.  Anyone know a new link?  





Same reason every single other carrier doesn't show their cell tower locations on a publicly accessible Web page. Its time has run out.


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This sucks. They had new sites that not even S4GRU had up. Do we even have a source for any new updates or is this the end of the line for maps and we are on our own?

We are short on sources these days. It will happen again, but not likely in the very near future. We have an update through the first week of October that will post soon.


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We are short on sources these days. It will happen again, but not likely in the very near future. We have an update through the first week of October that will post soon.


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Does this correlate with any sort of slowdown on sprint's side? ... Which hopefully will pick back up with NGN deployment?

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I wonder why all the silence by Sprint regarding its network upgrades. Now they take down this tower map. So, likely they won't start NGN this year, but next year, and this would be the time not to take the tower map down, but to expand on it.


Sprint talked alot about NGN earlier this year, and despite some short quiet periods in between that, never were there this long of a lull in promoting it as the next major advancement for Sprint. Not actively building it wasn't keeping Sprint from talking about it, so yet again, why the silence?


I'm beginning to revert back to my opinions I had a few months ago, where I was doubting Sprint going through with NGN, which this was back when there was talk by Sprint of it happening. What made me think that despite all that was being said about it, was the simple fact of the T-Mobile deal being better for Masa, or at least for what he wanted. His admittance awhile back of regret and then failure to sell Sprint, also the very fact that he tried selling Sprint, was a big sign of doubt in my mind to do anything to help Sprint, other than to merge with T-Mobile or to sell Sprint to someone who'd buy it.


I'm not trying to be negative, and I'm not being critical so much of Sprint itself, but rather of Masa. Softbank owns Sprint and should be trying to do anything they can to promote the company, yet very little is being said, some things are being taken away that help people to know of network improvements, rates are increasing, people are being laid off, no word on NGN, but the last major announcement affecting consumers, is that Sprint is not participating in the auction.


The media was mostly negative about that in their reports and editorials. Sprint could have made a strong case to reflect their wisdom in that decision by greatly discussing NGN, which may very well have made the auction decision more accepted and understood to those disagreeing with it. In some ways, I think had Dan Hesse been in charge, even if he made the same decision for Sprint not to participate in the auction, he likely would have said and/or done something to deflect that. Just look at all of the frequently updated information on Network Vision which S4GRU, and to a lesser extent other sites had updated rather frequently during that time.


However, a Google News search for "Sprint NGN Project" I did just a moment ago showed only one article result from early August, with a few from July and June, though mostly going back to May. This is partly why I attribute the negativity in recent media articles about Sprint to. Again, not to bash Sprint by saying these things, and I'm inclined to think had Dish won the bid for Sprint, rather than Softbank, we might be seeing a much different, much better outlook for Sprint by now. If not though and Dish utterly failed, Sprint would likely be owned by a different company by now doing much better, not speaking in terms of network quality or the other things related tightly with S4GRU, but in those regards discussed by the analysts and for overall business reasons, which now are tied down to finances, and ownership.

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We are short on sources these days. It will happen again, but not likely in the very near future. We have an update through the first week of October that will post soon.


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I hope this update is really good. I just finished writing a long post here about my outlook of things for which I regret being negative in it, but I wanted to be honest, though I do hope something positive and optimistic does occur from this.

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Sprint talked alot about NGN earlier this year, and despite some short quiet periods in between that, never were there this long of a lull in promoting it as the next major advancement for Sprint. Not actively building it wasn't keeping Sprint from talking about it, so yet again, why the silence?


I'm beginning to revert back to my opinions I had a few months ago, where I was doubting Sprint going through with NGN, which this was back when there was talk by Sprint of it happening. What made me think that despite all that was being said about it, was the simple fact of the T-Mobile deal being better for Masa, or at least for what he wanted. His admittance awhile back of regret and then failure to sell Sprint, also the very fact that he tried selling Sprint, was a big sign of doubt in my mind to do anything to help Sprint, other than to merge with T-Mobile or to sell Sprint to someone who'd buy it.

As Marcelo himself has said, and has been repeated many times in many places by many people on these forums, NGN is not going to ramp up until Q1 of next year. As Tim has to keep reminding people, equipment orders are placed 6 months in advance. NGN was approved this summer. 6 months later... early next year. Do not take silence now as a sign that plans have stalled or stopped.


TL:DR ... CHILL!!!!

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Are spark deployments still going on or are they stalled? I can't speak for the entire nation but Florida has slowed down drastically with b41 installs and it makes me think they are just going to wait til next year to go full throttle again. I dont think there should be any waiting involved in the Florida market because bird season will quickly make NGN complicated if they wait til the 1st quarter. Fall and winter in Florida is perfect for mass tower installs. Great weather and not a cloud in the sky. This is easily the best time of year for any type of outside work and I think it would be wise to execute now while its easy.


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Are spark deployments still going on or are they stalled?

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Stalled? No. Slowed down? Yes. The initial push has ended, the next wave will likely be part of NGN, and will also start to ramp up this winter and early next year.

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As Marcelo himself has said, and has been repeated many times in many places by many people on these forums, NGN is not going to ramp up until Q1 of next year. As Tim has to keep reminding people, equipment orders are placed 6 months in advance. NGN was approved this summer. 6 months later... early next year. Do not take silence now as a sign that plans have stalled or stopped.


TL:DR ... CHILL!!!!

I'm not speaking against Sprint for not being more vocal, but suggesting that if they were, it might help them receive more positive response from these analysts who've lately been quite vocal against Sprint, even bias in some of their reports and editorials.


I'm split between what I'm hoping for based on my viewpoint S4GRU influences, which is the technical side, versus the business side of it I gather from reading articles on these other sites where analysts are writing about some very serious financial negativities.


I'm not here complaining about any of this, just writing how I view these various portrayals. Whatever the reality is, I still hope for the best regarding Sprint and while I can understand hostility against me if I were here bashing Sprint personally, I assure everyone that I'm not. I'd like to see something be done about the confusion in the media, as that would go to help Sprint's image, which I imagine many people here want to have happen.


Just that in order to do so, the state of Sprint, the truth of it and its plans for the future, be best said by Sprint directly, which I support and recognize as I address all these various happenings in the media regarding Sprint, which again honestly, isn't good, though I'd certainly like that to change.

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Are spark deployments still going on or are they stalled? I can't speak for the entire nation but Florida has slowed down drastically with b41 installs and it makes me think they are just going to wait til next year to go full throttle again. I dont think there should be any waiting involved in the Florida market because bird season will quickly make NGN complicated if they wait til the 1st quarter. Fall and winter in Florida is perfect for mass tower installs. Great weather and not a cloud in the sky. This is easily the best time of year for any type of outside work and I think it would be wise to execute now while its easy.


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I completely agree!


I use to live in Naples, Florida back in 1988-1993, moved back to Illinois with my mother. I still went back down to Florida on vacations several times up until a few years ago, and was amazed by the rapid growth in population there. The entire state really ought to be treated just as importantly, if not more so, than NYC is by all wireless carriers doing business in Florida.


There is no reasonable excuse for any of those carriers not to have an amazing network throughout the state.

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I completely agree!


I use to live in Naples, Florida back in 1988-1993, moved back to Illinois with my mother. I still went back down to Florida on vacations several times up until a few years ago, and was amazed by the rapid growth in population there. The entire state really ought to be treated just as importantly, if not more so, than NYC is by all wireless carriers doing business in Florida.


There is no reasonable excuse for any of those carriers not to have an amazing network throughout the state.

In most places I go as far as capacity goes the other 3 carriers almost always have more capacity than Sprint. Band 41 in Florida on a whole is subpar at best. The other three carriers have large amounts of capacity deployed even in small cities that don't need it. I just dont see how Sprint can catch up in this state. Voice coverage is another story that Sprint largely excels at and is likely tied with At&t and only behind Verizon. Rootmetics confirms what I see with Sprint usually last in data reliability in most of the state. I am with you on 5x5 networks as they just don't cut it in downtown areas without a higher capacity band. Sprint gets better everyday though somewhere but it also gets worse in some places where they just don't have the capacity and don't do anything about immediately. All carriers are guilty of this but Sprint is definitely the most guilty. I just hope NGN is extremely fast and efficient but seeing how large this project will be I will have to take the wait and see approach. I already lost 2 referrals this month because while voice kept up with Verizon and At&t the data capacity issue in Florida was so bad they went back to their carriers.


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Does this correlate with any sort of slowdown on sprint's side? ... Which hopefully will pick back up with NGN deployment?

Probably not. More of a changing of the guard. Everyone we know has slowly left the company over the past several years. We are fostering new friendships.


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In most places I go as far as capacity goes the other 3 carriers almost always have more capacity than Sprint. Band 41 in Florida on a whole is subpar at best. The other three carriers have large amounts of capacity deployed even in small cities that don't need it. I just dont see how Sprint can catch up in this state. Voice coverage is another story that Sprint largely excels at and is likely tied with At&t and only behind Verizon. Rootmetics confirms what I see with Sprint usually last in data reliability in most of the state. I am with you on 5x5 networks as they just don't cut it in downtown areas without a higher capacity band. Sprint gets better everyday though somewhere but it also gets worse in some places where they just don't have the capacity and don't do anything about immediately. All carriers are guilty of this but Sprint is definitely the most guilty. I just hope NGN is extremely fast and efficient but seeing how large this project will be I will have to take the wait and see approach. I already lost 2 referrals this month because while voice kept up with Verizon and At&t the data capacity issue in Florida was so bad they went back to their carriers.


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The 5x5 PCS matter likely is what is causing the capacity issue in Florida as it is elsewhere Sprint doesn't have enough band 41. I understand many people here seem to think my viewpoints on it are unfair to Sprint, or whatever else they want to use as a reason to think I'm being negative about it. The common viewpoint here seems to be that unlimited data heavy users are the main problem and focus so much disdain on that, which of course conflicts with my view. Everyone though has a right to their opinion and I've chosen not to be rude about it, unlike how some others have.


I've done alot here to show my viewpoint is not negative towards Sprint, despite being different, which part of that viewpoint I have, is for Sprint to make band 41 their priority band that once densifies enough through the network, makes little need for 5x5 PCS. Still, Sprint's low band is very important and if their is a need for more of it, then Sprint really ought to reconsider the 600mhz. Even a 5x5 chunk of that to complement Sprint's existing 5x5 low band, would help Sprint far more than Sprint's chunks of 5x5 PCS, considering how low band spectrum is much better for building penetration than both PCS and band 41, plus since Sprint has such a vast amount of band 41 that can help them in so many ways.


Without those advantages low band has, 5x5 midband and even highband, are fairly useless at this point in technology. To acknowledge for those who may remind me or scold me about it, I do realize Sprint's band 41 TDD doesn't use 5x5. I'm simply referring to it in close terms proximately.


Terrell, I hope your experience on Sprint improves despite your descriptions of how things are there though. I'm disappointed my suggestion to you awhile back regarding contacting Sprint's Executive Relations didn't work. I've had such mixed experiences when I dealt with Sprint and certainly have read the same/similar from others online. Hopefully there'd be someone there who'd say differently and help you with your needs, though it is completely understandable if you didn't want to deal with that again. I suppose in the meantime it is what it is.

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Probably not. More of a changing of the guard. Everyone we know has slowly left the company over the past several years. We are fostering new friendships.


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I had that discussion with someone from this site the other weekend who met me from out of town, a very nice, kind, helpful individual. Since I haven't been on this site too long, though I had read here for about a year, year and a half or so before becoming a member, I wasn't fully aware of all the different times throughout this site's history. Yet, I find it disappointing Sprint doesn't acknowledge this site to a point which at least I think S4GRU deserves.


I can't even count how many posts I've read here from people saying they'd either never have joined Sprint, and/or wouldn't have remained with Sprint, had it not been for the valuable information here. There have been so many people who've said that, perhaps there ought to be a poll.

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Terrell, I hope your experience on Sprint improves despite your descriptions of how things are there though. I'm disappointed my suggestion to you awhile back regarding contacting Sprint's Executive Relations didn't work. I've had such mixed experiences when I dealt with Sprint and certainly have read the same/similar from others online. Hopefully there'd be someone there who'd say differently and help you with your needs, though it is completely understandable if you didn't want to deal with that again. I suppose in the meantime it is what it is.

My experience is not terrible just not as good as the other carriers in the data department. I get more LTE signal than At&t and Tmobile if rural areas are inlcuded but its not always usuable. Usually when band 25/26 is unusable I toggle 3G and it is normally decent. Thats why I have stopped complaining so much because I found 3G to be more reliable than LTE which works but compared to the others unacceptable.


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Stalled? No. Slowed down? Yes. The initial push has ended, the next wave will likely be part of NGN, and will also start to ramp up this winter and early next year.

Does that mean that they have slowed down on band 41 on current sites that dont have band 41 yet or sites that have the 2nd carrier yet?

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