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S4GRU Members Average Monthly Data Usage (with Poll)


S4GRU Members Average Monthly Data Usage  

207 members have voted

  1. 1. Your Average Monthly Data Usage, is

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Most likely, performing certain data activities that violate the contractual Ts and Cs.  But that is cool, lol.





"Most Likely". I'm not discussing it because it's againest the rules here. But I'm sure you can assume it lol :)



I do my part with using Wi-Fi where i can.. 

I also used Wi-Fi where I can, But 4G and 3G does the job just fine. :)

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Another 10 or so members have been polled. We are probably reaching the point of diminishing returns, so I will post another graph and stats soon.  In terms of user/data distribution, nothing much has changed.



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With 154 members polled, here is another histogram of the results:




For the statistical bins, we again used the median value of each of Arysyn's poll options -- with a zero bin to establish the trend line and a 97.5 GB bin to represent the 90+ GB option.


Now, the overall mode is 2.5 GB, overall median is 7.5 GB, and overall average (arithmetic mean) is 11.9 GB.  Almost exactly two thirds of users are in the two lowest non zero bins, and that has remained remarkably consistent even as the poll has grown in the number of responses.


What we could deem "excessive use" appears to kick in close to 10 GB -- as that marks an inflection point in the graph where the trend line shifts from concave down to concave up -- or, for you mathematicians, the second derivative shifts from negative to positive.


Then, an interesting phenomenon, no use in the 60-75 GB range but a definite "data abuse bump" occurs above 75 GB.  These abusers appear to be replacing home broadband or cable/satellite TV with "unlimited" data.



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The histogram looks very good, though I disagree on what amount of data usage constitutes as abuse. Yet, if it took breaking the T.O.S. to get to higher levels of data use, then that certainly is abuse.


My opinion remains that moderate use is anywhere up to 45gb Monthly, although certainly not in terms of averages, as shown here. However, I think usage of over 25gb ought to be paying more than $60 Monthly, according to my main rate plan idea of $55 for 25gb Monthly, $75 for 35gb Monthly, $95 for 45gb Monthly, which works out to $5 Monthly for the single-line and $2 per 1gb of data.

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The histogram looks very good, though I disagree on what amount of data usage constitutes as abuse. Yet, if it took breaking the T.O.S. to get to higher levels of data use, then that certainly is abuse.


My opinion remains that moderate use is anywhere up to 45gb Monthly, although certainly not in terms of averages, as shown here. However, I think usage of over 25gb ought to be paying more than $60 Monthly, according to my main rate plan idea of $55 for 25gb Monthly, $75 for 35gb Monthly, $95 for 45gb Monthly, which works out to $5 Monthly for the single-line and $2 per 1gb of data.

History has shown through the numerous times this has been discussed, that even those like us who are techheads 15+ is a lot. It takes effort to break 20+ even with watching your TV shows on mobile.
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History has shown through the numerous times this has been discussed, that even those like us who are techheads 15+ is a lot. It takes effort to break 20+ even with watching your TV shows on mobile.

Note : This post is going to be a bit long, I apologize, but I need to allow space to do calculations I believe are important in showing my outlook on data usage.


When I look at the example I frequently use for data size comparison, which is the 3gb HD movie I downloaded from Xfinity ToGo awhile back while I had MetroPCS, I consider how many of those movies could a person watch on their streaming device if they live a "normal" life with a job and all. Admittedly, I'm one of those people often referred to online as "a person who lives in their mother's basement", though I have a valid reason for my life being this way as I'm terminally I'll and suffer from a severe neuropathic condition. Yet, I try to look at data usage not from my own situation which allows me plenty of free time to use a lot of data.


In doing so, it doesn't seem far fetched that a person with a job could watch one HD movie each week using wireless data, which considering that 3gb amount per movie, would bring that total to 12gb in a month. I definitely would never consider watching four HD movies in a month using wireless data, as network abuse. However, once 4k becomes the normal viewing preference, that 3gb each HD movie will become at least around 9gb or more per movie, depending on compression. Four 4k movies watched in a month becomes a 36gb data usage, at least, which isn't considering other things that can be done in a month using wireless data.


For example, a dozen speed tests use around 1gb of data, which at one test per day is around 2.5 GB of Data for a month. Listening to a few hours on Tidal, say around the amount of time it takes for many people to travel between work and home, along with an outing during lunch breaks when they decide not to watch streaming video, so around half a GB of Data. So on a five day work week, four days they listen to Tidal, the other they watch streaming video in HD and/or 4k. those days listening to Tidal add up to around 2gb per week, while the HD video around 3gb per week which adds up to my 12gb Monthly usage example. The Tidal Monthly usage in this example is 8gb Monthly.


Between the 12gb Monthly video streaming usage and adding in the Tidal usage, brings the number up to 20gb Monthly for six hours of Monthly HD video streaming and 32 hours of Monthly Tidal music streaming. By the way, I'm referencing Tidal rather than others, as I believe Lossless to become a standard for music listening eventually. Oh, adding in the 2.5gb Monthly for once per day speed testing, totals that Monthly usage at 22.5gb, this not counting any 4k streaming, internet browsing, etc.


Besides, I'm not looking at this in a way to judge how people decide to use their data. People shouldn't have to watch/listen to low quality, when there is high quality. Surely there should be a difference in price based on usage, though not at the currently high per GB data rates.


Again, sorry for the length of this post. I did shorten it quite a bit from what I had originally, using more examples.

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History has shown through the numerous times this has been discussed, that even those like us who are techheads 15+ is a lot. It takes effort to break 20+ even with watching your TV shows on mobile.

Especially with low latency and better range on most tech head's WiFi setups.


I offload to WiFi all the time at home and I'm a third of a mile from a B41 tower.



Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

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The most data I have used on my Sprint phone in the last year was my last billing cycle which ended on the 21st of this month. I used 7.72GB of data on my phone, plus 2.05GB of Mobile Hotspot, and that was because I was traveling for the greater part of the month.

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First off I don't think speed tests matter in your calculations. Average users (this is what we're talking about) do NOT speed test unless something is wrong, or they're told to speed test every second of the day because it's 'free' (aka T-Mobile).


4k video streaming isn't applicable either, every carrier is going to throttle video streaming to where 4k is not possible to keep capacity open, and sorry but people are plain stupid if they watch 4k on a mobile device because the quality is not noticeable to the human eye.


Most people also don't stream movies on their phone anyways, they stream TV because they are doing it on their breaks or etc....when they have enough free time to watch a movie they are usually at home, or somewhere they can offload anyways.


Also lossless audio streaming probably won't become a standard. I stream 8 hours of Pandora (high quality) a day 6-7 days a week and barely use 4gbs from it, and that's above average usage.


Tldr; You can argue/discuss back and forth with members all you want, however your opinion on this has been disproved multiple times on this forum alone.

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First off I don't think speed tests matter in your calculations. Average users (this is what we're talking about) do NOT speed test unless something is wrong, or they're told to speed test every second of the day because it's 'free' (aka T-Mobile).


4k video streaming isn't applicable either, every carrier is going to throttle video streaming to where 4k is not possible to keep capacity open, and sorry but people are plain stupid if they watch 4k on a mobile device because the quality is not noticeable to the human eye.


Most people also don't stream movies on their phone anyways, they stream TV because they are doing it on their breaks or etc....when they have enough free time to watch a movie they are usually at home, or somewhere they can offload anyways.


Also lossless audio streaming probably won't become a standard. I stream 8 hours of Pandora (high quality) a day 6-7 days a week and barely use 4gbs from it, and that's above average usage.


Tldr; You can argue/discuss back and forth with members all you want, however your opinion on this has been disproved multiple times on this forum alone.

I'm not arguing with anyone here, nor am I even being hostile, though I do sense hostility towards me by some, even those who say my opinions don't matter here.


Seriously, there is a lot of really bad, very negative hostility by many people here, despite there also being many kind people here as well. Although, a lot of the hostility seems to be allowed to go on, despite the problems it can cause. It goes beyond people just giving their opinions and while normal discussion generates debate of those opinions, it is very rude for anyone to say those opinions don't,t matter or that those opinions are false, which is insulting.People can give false ideas on facts, not on opinions.


I'm very tired of the hostility shown to me by some on here, along with seeing others receiving this same hostility while nothing gets done about it. Granted, I'm use to administrating forums about much more personal, life-sensitive issues than wireless, yet even for this topic things go too far at times, especially when a few of the staff here are the source of some of the hostility. From accusing people or even insinuating people on breaking legally binding contracts, to smaller yet still hurtful comments, is very inappropriate and is shocking to see on any professional type site.


FYI to everyone reading this, I didn't just get involved being interested in wireless as a hobby, nor just as a means of finding the right wireless carrier for myself, but also as a way to keep my mind away from a topic that was a major part of my life for eight years that still remains a daily thought in my mind. I even was on the front cover of the Chicago Tribune about it back on St. Patrick's Day 2009. Getting involved in wireless interests has helped ease my mind about my serious health situation, which I was hoping to share those interests and opinions on a community site I felt was best, and where I can learn from others who wouldn't be so judgmental.


I thought this was that site, and in some ways, it still is. So for those who will be more fair in their discussion with me, great, but those who are going to be hostile, please stop responding to me, unless you can be fair and not be so judgemental.

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I'm sorry you found my post 'hostile'. All I did was refute your statements with information I believe to be correct, more along the lines of what most of this site probably believe to be true.


I purposely put argue/discuss because some people will take it one way or another, and past a certain point discussing becomes arguing in my opinion. It's simply a way that I go about to prevent people from getting agitated because this is the internet and I understand it's hard to grasp the inflections through text. If you don't like it please don't take it personally, that's the way I cover things and that is the way I'm going to continue to.

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BTW, rather than having a hostile rebuttal to my above post by staff, with respect I'm not criticizing the site, but merely saying what I'm noticing here by certain people, though I understand how that may not be welcomed on a publicly viewable post. If you are going to remove it, etc. please also delete me from the site, as this matter is already causing me enough stress.

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I'm sorry you found my post 'hostile'. All I did was refute your statements with information I believe to be correct, more along the lines of what most of this site probably believe to be true.


I purposely put argue/discuss because some people will take it one way or another, and past a certain point discussing becomes arguing in my opinion. It's simply a way that I go about to prevent people from getting agitated because this is the internet and I understand it's hard to grasp the inflections through text. If you don't like it please don't take it personally, that's the way I cover things and that is the way I'm going to continue to.

You also could choose to either not respond to me, or just respond with the few paragraphs where you were fair in your disagreement with me, though without your last paragraph attacking my opinions by claiming they've been "disproven" when only false facts can be, not opinions.

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Both sides need to chill. Lets get back on topic with out getting on each others nerves. Otherwise, the thread will be closed. Simply as that.


we now return you back to your regularly scheduled programming.



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I just don't see using 40, 50, 60+GB in one month unless you don't have a home ISP or are on the road 24/7. That is a lot of data, even for streaming video. I'm surprised you keep bringing up streaming 4k. What phone screen supports that resolution? The highest that comes to mind is 2560x1440p which is far from UHD/4k's 3820x2160/4096 x 2160. Where can you sit for hours on end each day streaming that much video where WiFi isn't available? How does your battery in your handset even last that long?

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I just don't see using 40, 50, 60+GB in one month unless you don't have a home ISP or are on the road 24/7. That is a lot of data, even for streaming video. I'm surprised you keep bringing up streaming 4k. What phone screen supports that resolution? The highest that comes to mind is 2560x1440p which is far from UHD/4k's 3820x2160/4096 x 2160. Where can you sit for hours on end each day streaming that much video where WiFi isn't available? How does your battery in your handset even last that long?

I've written a lot about the 4k topic in the Sprint Plans thread, but I'll restate here that I'm not advocating the use of 4k on wireless devices, though it'll become a form of use eventually. Already there are reports that the Samsung Note 5 may use a 4k screen, which if so, we'll be seeing 4k on smartphone displays this September, beginning with the Samsung Note 5, unless another 4k display model beats it to the market first.

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I've written a lot about the 4k topic in the Sprint Plans thread, but I'll restate here that I'm not advocating the use of 4k on wireless devices, though it'll become a form of use eventually. Already there are reports that the Samsung Note 5 may use a 4k screen, which if so, we'll be seeing 4k on smartphone displays this September, beginning with the Samsung Note 5, unless another 4k display model beats it to the market first.

I don't see it being common. Look at HTC and Apple, both opted for a 1080p display on their flagship phones instead of bumping it up. Both displays look amazing, higher resolution isn't necessarily better. Think of all that extra GPU power required to power that display, and the larger battery needed to accommodate the higher power requirements.


For some of the high power users, what are you doing to use that much mobile data? I'm not trying to call anyone out, but I just want to understand how you are using that much data in a manner that does not violate the terms of service. I still don't see it being possible to average that much data use unless you don't have a home ISP or travel for work (business, trucking etc).

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I don't see it being common. Look at HTC and Apple, both opted for a 1080p display on their flagship phones instead of bumping it up. Both displays look amazing, higher resolution isn't necessarily better. Think of all that extra GPU power required to power that display, and the larger battery needed to accommodate the higher power requirements.


For some of the high power users, what are you doing to use that much mobile data? I'm not trying to call anyone out, but I just want to understand how you are using that much data in a manner that does not violate the terms of service. I still don't see it being possible to average that much data use unless you don't have a home ISP or travel for work (business, trucking etc).

Frankly I'd rather they focus on battery life, camera quality, display quality and price before they even thing about a 4k display.

I'd take a really good quality 720p display over a mediocre 1080p display, at least on phone-sized screens.

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In South Africa, our baby carrier is about to launch a brave (or stupid) product. Uncapped LTE for around $60 per month. The cap is rumoured to be 50GB - these so-called uncapped products are funny like that.


They will apparently limit the offer to 150 users per base station. Some of us are worried what is going to happen to the speeds. In truth, I could sure use this service as I pay almost triple that every 1.5 months but with a completely unrestricted service. This uncapped product will be shaped depending on content - again, why LTE at all then? Heavy users should stick to DSL because even with low speeds, they seem to pull in excess of 200GB a month.


(Just a reminder that this is in the context of fixed LTE for home users that don't have a decent DSL service)



Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

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In South Africa, our baby carrier is about to launch a brave (or stupid) product. Uncapped LTE for around $60 per month. The cap is rumoured to be 50GB - these so-called uncapped products are funny like that.


They will apparently limit the offer to 150 users per base station. Some of us are worried what is going to happen to the speeds. In truth, I could sure use this service as I pay almost triple that every 1.5 months but with a completely unrestricted service. This uncapped product will be shaped depending on content - again, why LTE at all then? Heavy users should stick to DSL because even with low speeds, they seem to pull in excess of 200GB a month.


(Just a reminder that this is in the context of fixed LTE for home users that don't have a decent DSL service)



Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk


Sounds like the marketing that Sprint is using to lure VZW and AT&T customers to switch.  Not a bad idea if they have the bandwidth to accommodate the added users.  I would think if their subscribers increase dramatically, they will replace a cap.


On a completely off topic side note, South Africa's currency is very colorful.  :)   Exchanged some US Dollars for South African Rands.  My neighbor's daughter will be leaving next Friday for her summer college program.

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On a completely off topic side note, South Africa's currency is very colorful.  :)   Exchanged some US Dollars for South African Rands.


Krugerrand.  Or, as I like to call it, K ugerrand!




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I'm on pace to take down close to 20GB for the first time because of a family vacation. My wife is close to about 10GB.


It's all streaming crap to stave off a mutiny with the kids as we drive all over Florida.

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