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Azimuth last won the day on January 13 2017

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About Azimuth

  • Birthday October 24

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Profile Information

  • Phones/Devices
    Apple iPhone X, iPad Air 1, AirPods
  • Gender
  • Location
    Johannesburg, South Africa
  • Here for...
    4G Information
  • Interests
    Wireless, mobile broadband especially LTE, cellular technology and engineering.

Azimuth's Achievements

Member Level:  1x Advanced

Member Level: 1x Advanced (7/12)



  1. I actually started off with Beats Solo 2 Wireless but they “clamped” my ears (I also wear spectacles) and really hurt after extended use. Been so happy with the first set of AirPods that I gifted my wife a pair too. She uses hers more than I do!!
  2. Random update post: iPhone X and AirPods...my digital life is complete. Somewhat late to the party but finally got me a pair of AirPods last night. It’s like perfection ². Now...back to Netflix and The Expanse.
  3. On a different note, I came across an intriguing bug today. While in traffic, bumper to bumper, my phone was on the car charger and with a one-handed operation, I accidentally triggered a screenshot. The UI and Face ID were totally disabled. The only way to gain control again was to trigger a shutdown (power + volume down)...and then cancel.
  4. A small but positive update. After ticking over to the new month, the problem basically disappeared. Roaming is working again and I don’t have to use airplane mode anymore. So I guess something is up with the carrier...
  5. Come to think of it, I haven’t seen a carrier update in a very long time. I think since the iPhone 4s days. Back then, one would go into the Settings > About menu to trigger a carrier update. Is there another way to force this that I’m not aware of? Get a new SIM card perhaps?
  6. So, after 2 months, I’ve picked up a problem and I’m not sure how to solve it. I know there are a lot of knowledge folks on here, especially with regards to radios, cellular stations, cell phones and the relationship between them. To be clear, I’m not sure if the problem is hardware, an iOS bug (I’m on 11.2.6) or my carrier. The nature of the problem is this: I’m on the baby carrier in South Africa and they have a roaming agreement with the second largest carrier. About 2 weeks ago, my phone stopped roaming back to the “home” network and I have to flip the Airplane Mode switch to force it to go back to the home network. I’ve never had this problem before with my carrier nor previous iPhones. The only thing that has changed is the X - although this wasn’t an issue during the first month (unless I failed to notice the pattern because I didn’t run out of data whilst roaming). I’ve reset my network settings followed by all settings when that didn’t work. The only thing I haven’t done is wipe my phone and set it up as a new phone...doubtful if that will work but I’ll do it to rule out all possibilities. What do you guys think?
  7. I personally love every aspect of the X. Face ID. The Notch. The stainless steel band. The new swipe gestures. The amazing camera. It is blazing fast coming from a 6s. The battery performance also has a nice performance bump. (I wouldn’t expect less of 2 batteries!) I’ve been on iPhone since the 4s and I’ve had virtually every model since, bar the 7. This is my favourite iPhone to date and the best phone I’ve ever owned. (I’ve also owned Samsung Galaxy phones and HTC’s) I’m not as critical of carrier performance as the folks on S4GRU are. I’ve got zero complaints. If I had to be super critical...it’s quite heavy. The 6s is light as a feather next to it. Funny how a just a few grams makes such a difference. With all that’s crammed into it, plus the material composition, it’s to be expected.
  8. In a *very* pleasing turn of events, my “old” 6s 64GB was repaired today for $100. It turns out that the power management IC was at fault. Further investigation seems to suggest this is a $12 - $15 part but a lot of skill is required so I’m happy with the price. This also included a new battery. I’ve been using my 6s today and can’t stop smiling.
  9. I ended up getting a Griffin Survivor Core case and a Body Glove screen protector. With iCare. And household insurance, just in case.
  10. The authorised distributor in South Africa... They masquerade themselves as iStore but aren’t the real thing. I would have happily paid $299...
  11. Formal note of my exit of this thread and joining the X thread. On Xmas day my 6S died a sudden death while sitting by the Xmas tree and taking photos! The local repair centre took all of 5 minutes to assess and then sent that assessment to Apple. I got a $445 written quote for a replacement (not much details) which I rejected. One month out of extended warranty and this happens...thanks Apple. Upside...the X. P.S. Happy New Year, everyone!
  12. Maybe it's improved? Perhaps it's worth a try again and could be an easy solution to my problem since I have 200GB iCloud storage. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. Not FaceBook. Not ever. As for Google Photos, I tried it and loved it...until I found that all metadata was lost. I like Dropbox but it's expensive. I only have 10GB total storage space (free account). I'll check out Box, thanks. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  14. Hmm, looks like I will be trying phototransferapp.com this weekend. Photo Transfer App - Easy backup of photos+videos by Bitwise Software SL https://appsto.re/za/SQ8Wv.i Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  15. Well let's see what the others say. If I do find a lekker (South African for "cool") solution on my own, I'll post it here. This is the first time since my switch to iPhone and Apple that I've been stumped. Granted I've not put a lot of effort into finding a solution because I've also been hamstrung by not having a laptop for 2.5 years. That changed a week ago. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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