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T-Mobile LTE & Network Discussion V2


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And I just want to add one more thing. I like Marcelo. And I trust him more than Legere. But he still runs a business and the business' best interest first. I don't trust him to pick winners and losers for me. I don't want him in that role. I don't want anyone in that role.


This isn't good for Sprint to do either, if they emulate it. I don't support that. I'm not going to change my tune. It's bad for all of us. I will understand why they will do the same. And they may even do a worse job of it than Legere. I fear they all will.


But this is not right. This is not right no matter who is doing it. No one can be trusted with that kind of power.


I'm fighting a losing battle. Because the masses see us standing against this as just downers. They wonder if we don't like free candy. How can we be against free candy? We are about to be stampeded for the hoardes on their way to the free candy gatekeeper. So be it. My last solace will be to say I told you so, as my gate is closed by big business.




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I don't understand an argument that suggests what T Mobile is doing is bad. And I say that as a Sprint customer and not a Legere fan. The baseline of service is clearly that all data costs you in terms of going against your allotment. It would be a significant issue if he was somehow restricting that baseline service but he's not. What he is doing the saying that OK now building upon that baseline service I am offering partnership perks for the following services. I don't see anything wrong with that. It's a business decision. It's like when you fly Southwest Airlines and they give you more mileage perks only if you use an Alamo rental car or when you shop at Costco and they give you perks only on partner products. I just don't get this argument.

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I don't understand an argument that suggests what T Mobile is doing is bad. And I say that as a Sprint customer and not a Legere fan. The baseline of service is clearly that all data costs you in terms of going against your allotment. It would be a significant issue if he was somehow restricting that baseline service but he's not. What he is doing the saying that OK now building upon that baseline service I am offering partnership perks for the following services. I don't see anything wrong with that. It's a business decision. It's like when you fly Southwest Airlines and they give you more mileage perks only if you use an Alamo rental car or when you shop at Costco and they give you perks only on partner products. I just don't get this argument.

You like candy. I get that. I like candy too. That makes it hard. But sometimes you have to say no to something that seems good, for the greater good.


You ultimately are saying you trust Legere to be the gatekeeper. But he will not be the only guardian of the gateways. This is about to explode everywhere.




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Unlimited LTE customers finally got a gift... 14GB of LTE hotspot data included. 14GB!!


I did not see this posted yesterday.  "Unlimited" data plan price also is increasing from $80/mo to $95/mo.  And, of course, that is non contract without any device upgrade subsidy.


Many have not wanted to hear it, but several of us at S4GRU have been saying this for years.  "Unlimited" data for the masses is not tenable and will become more and more expensive.





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You like candy. I get that. I like candy too. That makes it hard. But sometimes you have to say no to something that seems good, for the greater good.


You ultimately are saying you trust Legere to be the gatekeeper. But he will not be the only guardian of the gateways. This is about to explode everywhere.




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You like candy. I get that. I like candy too. That makes it hard. But sometimes you have to say no to something that seems good, for the greater good.


You ultimately are saying you trust Legere to be the gatekeeper. But he will not be the only guardian of the gateways. This is about to explode everywhere.




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More like,


I'm mad as hell, and I'm not going...


Oooh, a piece of candy. Ahhh.


Oh look, there's writing on the wrapper. "Courtesy of John Legere and the fine folks at T-Mobile. #Uncarrier"


Aww shucks. I hope he puts my favorite mint on my pillow tonight when I go to bed.


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Fast forward to bed time...


Well, hell. There is a mint on my pillow. It's an Andes mint. I don't much like those. I like the ones down the street from that new organic shop. But hey, it's free and it's mint. Maybe if I submit it to Legere, maybe he will approve it? I love free candy.


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I hear VZW and ATT have free candy now too. And they give it away in bigger bowls and in more parts of the country. A few less flavors, but hey, can't have it all! Just keep giving me that free candy. In fact, inject it in my veins. Oh, feels great! And it's free!!!


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#FreeCandyRocks #SayYestotheScaryMan


OK already ;) Maybe you are right. A little bit.

In seriousness, I love the free candy too. It's already impacting me on my T-Mobile line. I know I shouldn't eat the free candy. But if I am going to eat a piece of candy anyway, I might as well eat the free one, right? I know I'm not doing the right thing, but it's human nature.


For instance, I listen to Amazon Prime streaming in the car. I love it. But now since Tmo is deploying in my area, I'm using Tmo more and more. Amazon Prime music streaming isn't covered on Tmo for free when I checked. So, I listen to Pandora when on Tmo. I don't like Pandora. Amazon Prime music is a better product in every way in my opinion. But I don't want music streaming to count against my data bucket.


That's why I'm so fearful. I'm even making changes and allowing winners to be given to me, and losers to be taken away. I'm the problem. You're the problem. It's all of us.


Free candy is alluring. We all will allow these changes for the free part.




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Maxsilver, you can add more and more words to your same arguments. But a few more people are seeing the anti-Net Neutrality black lining to these Legere giveaways.



And when anyone starts to feel like maybe this is a bad idea, they will read your reassuring Neville Chamberlain words, and the Duopoly will give them a new flavor of candy they haven't had before, and it will all go away.


I'll be honest -- I'm not sure why this is directed at me.


I already stated that T-Mobile's plan is an bad move and huge Net Neutrality violation. Zero-rating is bad. It's bad when T-Mobile does it. It's bad when anyone does it. Even Wikipedia shouldn't get a free pass - http://blog.wikimedia.org/2014/08/01/wikipedia-zero-and-net-neutrality-protecting-the-internet/


I can't tell if your preaching to the choir, or if this is a joke that went way over my head.

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Here would be an interesting litmus test.  I wonder how Music Freedom would fare against an Americans with Disabilities Act court challenge.  A deaf person has all data usage counted against a quota, yet a hearing person has some audio data usage zero rated.  That is arguably both anti accommodation and discrimination.





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I'll be honest -- I'm not sure why this is directed at me.


I already stated that T-Mobile's plan is an bad move and huge Net Neutrality violation. Zero-rating is bad. It's bad when T-Mobile does it. It's bad when anyone does it. Even Wikipedia shouldn't get a free pass - http://blog.wikimedia.org/2014/08/01/wikipedia-zero-and-net-neutrality-protecting-the-internet/


I can't tell if your preaching to the choir, or if this is a joke that went way over my head.

If you're saying this is a bad move, I missed that. I'm sorry. I need to redirect this to people who are for it. I will make the revisions accordingly. My mistake and I apologize for implicating you.


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I went back and read Maxsilver's post. I must have been having a Geritol moment. I don't know how I misread that. I apologize again. But the rest of you who are for these anti Net Neutrality moves, for shame.


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I thought Title II was supposed to prevent things like this. If Title II isn't, than what is the point of it? One of two conclusions can be drawn:


1. The FCC wanted to implement Title II as a show of how much they care with no real regard for actually implementing anything.

2. A lot of people who said more modern regulations were needed were ultimately correct to say that Title II did not cover the modern Internet with any effectiveness.

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New promotion everyone!


Unlimited Data free of charge as long as you only visit these 10 sites! 10$ per kb outside of this.




Go ahead and laugh at that but it isn't that far of a jump. It doesn't matter what carrier /isp is doing it.


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Also, all the T-Mobile price points are going up with these changes, not just unlimited. I think that T-Mobile might just be trying to fix something that wasn't broken in the first place. Their price plans were reasonable and modest before. Now? Not so much. They aren't in Duopoly territory yet, but they are getting close.


Remember when Simple Choice was, well, simple? [emoji853]

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Also, all the T-Mobile price points are going up with these changes, not just unlimited. I think that T-Mobile might just be trying to fix something that wasn't broken in the first place. Their price plans were reasonable and modest before. Now? Not so much. They aren't in Duopoly territory yet, but they are getting close.


Remember when Simple Choice was, well, simple? [emoji853]

My thoughts exactly.  Simple Choice is definitely not simple, now that we need to monitor our usage even more!  Music Freedom?  Only available for select services.  Same with Video Binge On.  And now we need to keep track of which countries have unlimited minutes/data/text and which ones have a combination of some, or none at all.  This and the leasing promotions via JoD, meaning your bill will go up undoubtedly if you upgrade a number of times.  And now even supplying your own backhaul for their LTE network still counts towards your usage.  LOL


Overall, I'd say it's cool for some, but confusing the everyone.

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In seriousness, I love the free candy too. It's already impacting me on my T-Mobile line. I know I shouldn't eat the free candy. But if I am going to eat a piece of candy anyway, I might as well eat the free one, right? I know I'm not doing the right thing, but it's human nature.


For instance, I listen to Amazon Prime streaming in the car. I love it. But now since Tmo is deploying in my area, I'm using Tmo more and more. Amazon Prime music streaming isn't covered on Tmo for free when I checked. So, I listen to Pandora when on Tmo. I don't like Pandora. Amazon Prime music is a better product in every way in my opinion. But I don't want music streaming to count against my data bucket.


That's why I'm so fearful. I'm even making changes and allowing winners to be given to me, and losers to be taken away. I'm the problem. You're the problem. It's all of us.


Free candy is alluring. We all will allow these changes for the free part.




Using Tapatalk on Note 8.0

How has T-Mobiles service been treating you in your neck of the woods?



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 And now we need to keep track of which countries have unlimited minutes/data/text and which ones have a combination of some, or none at all.  


Ok, I agree with most of your post, but this? You are complaining that they made some countries free. You didn't track your usage before? The only difference now is that when you look up the cost for some countries it is free. When travelling or calling abroad I always checked up on the prices to prevent surprises, some of them are just free now which is hard to interpret as a bad thing.

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Ok, I agree with most of your post, but this? You are complaining that they made some countries free. You didn't track your usage before? The only difference now is that when you look up the cost for some countries it is free. When travelling or calling abroad I always checked up on the prices to prevent surprises, some of them are just free now which is hard to interpret as a bad thing.

True that, I'm appreciative of the global roaming.  It was just something off the top of my head that could cause confusion for the average consumer. 

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True that, I'm appreciative of the global roaming.  It was just something off the top of my head that could cause confusion for the average consumer. 


Sadly virtually everything causes confusion for the average consumer lol. Calling abroad and calling from abroad has always been a mine field. I have relatives abroad and travel, it's always involved some level of research. I settled for a skype account with a global calling plan for years then tmo introduced a $5 a month unlimited calling plan for the countries I wanted so that was a no brainer. 


What remains to be seen is how long tmo will tolerate the plans they used to attract people in, they are already bumping up prices. Have to be careful though as the cheaper verizon gets per GB and the more expensive tmo gets per month the less incentive there is to stay with tmo. Word on here is that sprint is starting to show us some lte love here as well so they are back in contention as well. I know there is a lot of contention over tmo, not everything they are doing is great, but we have two companies in the market who are shaking things up and some of the ideas may miss but overall I feel sprint and tmobile have done a lot of good over the past 3 years. 

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All of this reminds me of the Dan Hesse approach at Sprint. Increase value, create the appearance of quality and customers will accept incremental price increases. Hesse was never a fan of lowering service revenue. Tmo's network gambling demands the revenue increases and perhaps the free for all network flogging will be the impasse for a mega merger or acquisition. But uncarrier? No, sorry, all of it seems oh so calculated


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How has T-Mobiles service been treating you in your neck of the woods?



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Still very spotty. I'm watching permits and site activity like a hawk. I've been encouraged by what's coming.


Where you get a good signal, it's amazing. Equal or better than VZW and AT&T. But it's going to be awhile still until it is ubiquitous around here.


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Here would be an interesting litmus test. I wonder how Music Freedom would fare against an Americans with Disabilities Act court challenge. A deaf person has all data usage counted against a quota, yet a hearing person has some audio data usage zero rated. That is arguably both anti accommodation and discrimination.





AJ, and I mean no offense to anyone else's posts I've liked in the past, but this post by AJ is the best I've ever read on any website, period, in pointing out such a major flaw in something I myself hadn't even considered.


Please believe me when I say that I am typically very meticulous when it comes to anything that may be discrimination towards people with disabilities, as I was in the media several times discussing the issue and defending an organization involved in a particular health based human rights issue.


Yet, I never thought about the Music Freedom part in disability discrimination, until now. I'm now curious if visual impairment issues might be looked at the same with this new "binge on".


Anyways, great points, AJ and I'm definitely on your side with this. As someone with very bad disability, thank you for mentioning something in that is bad for us, in our defense. If only there was more thought to it in these corporate boardrooms like yours, less discrimination would happen.

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