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¿¿¿por qué???


Porque, porque, porque...


It is nothing more than a mish mash in my own head, recollections of snippets of Mexican songs from my two years of high school Spanish.  Then, "Oy vey" evokes "Ay, ay, ay, ay."



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It is nothing more than a mish mash in my own head, recollections of snippets of Mexican songs from my two years of high school Spanish.  Then, "Oy vey" evokes "Ay, ay, ay, ay."






Because, because, because...

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  • 2 months later...

I think AT&T is getting ready to bump band 2 LTE up to 15x15 in the Chicago market. I noticed just on Saturday that the UARFCN for Band 2 HSPA+ changed from 462 to 612. I looked up the frequencies of those UARFCN's and cross referenced to their spectrum holdings and it aligns perfectly with them moving HSPA+ from PCS A block to PCS F block. So that leaves all 30 mhz of the A block open for B2 LTE (so far 10x10 is deployed on that block) 

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I think AT&T is getting ready to bump band 2 LTE up to 15x15 in the Chicago market. I noticed just on Saturday that the UARFCN for Band 2 HSPA+ changed from 462 to 612. I looked up the frequencies of those UARFCN's and cross referenced to their spectrum holdings and it aligns perfectly with them moving HSPA+ from PCS A block to PCS F block. So that leaves all 30 mhz of the A block open for B2 LTE (so far 10x10 is deployed on that block) 


I'm having some major issues with T-Mobile over their non-shipment of the Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge I ordered, which likely is going to affect my ability to get registered with Samsung for its free Gear VR and free year of Netflix promotion in time before Samsung closes the promotion, due to its limit for the first 300,000 registrants. The two Executive Response employees my mother spoke with yesterday harassed her over the order, prompting me to look into something I'm now waiting on a response from their higher ups, hopefully today. Switching to AT&T is pretty much a guarantee at this point, unless T-Mobile rectifies this awful situation they made much worse towards my mother yesterday.


I am glad to hear AT&T seems to be back working on its network here again. Very good news.

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A 10x10 B2 LTE carrier went live on AT&T at a few sites in Rapid City yesterday. First time we gave seen anything other than B17 or B4 in Western South Dakota on AT&T.


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I'm having some major issues with T-Mobile over their non-shipment of the Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge I ordered, which likely is going to affect my ability to get registered with Samsung for its free Gear VR and free year of Netflix promotion in time before Samsung closes the promotion, due to its limit for the first 300,000 registrants. The two Executive Response employees my mother spoke with yesterday harassed her over the order, prompting me to look into something I'm now waiting on a response from their higher ups, hopefully today. Switching to AT&T is pretty much a guarantee at this point, unless T-Mobile rectifies this awful situation they made much worse towards my mother yesterday.


I am glad to hear AT&T seems to be back working on its network here again. Very good news.

Well if you do decide to try them stick to a corporate store or order online. Go for unlimited if you have directv or Uverse TV. Otherwise, after you've been a customer for a day or two call Retentions and ask for the 20 gig $100 plan. (They've also been offering 30 gigs for $130, or apparently there's a 10 GB data add on available for $20, via Retentions as well). If you add a discount do it online don't bother with a store, it's easy to do online and fully automated and applies fairly quickly.





I realized something, if/when AT&T gets B2 up to 15x15 and with B30 rolling out at 10x10 they will have 90 MHz of LTE running in Chicago. That'll give sprint and especially Verizon a run for its money, at least until VZW starts refarming it's PCS. T-Mobile better do something quick, they're getting left in the dust very quickly with their measly 15x15 setup.

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Well if you do decide to try them stick to a corporate store or order online. Go for unlimited if you have directv or Uverse TV. Otherwise, after you've been a customer for a day or two call Retentions and ask for the 20 gig $100 plan. (They've also been offering 30 gigs for $130, or apparently there's a 10 GB data add on available for $20, via Retentions as well). If you add a discount do it online don't bother with a store, it's easy to do online and fully automated and applies fairly quickly.





I realized something, if/when AT&T gets B2 up to 15x15 and with B30 rolling out at 10x10 they will have 90 MHz of LTE running in Chicago. That'll give sprint and especially Verizon a run for its money, at least until VZW starts refarming it's PCS. T-Mobile better do something quick, they're getting left in the dust very quickly with their measly 15x15 setup.


I am going to try having my mother call the AT&T upper level CS she calls whenever she's renewed our Uverse internet discount they've given us every year since 2011-ish, or so around then. I joined the Freelancers Union after having read your post about it, gusherb. I'm hoping they'll accept it. especially if my mother manages to work an arrangement out with my aunt. It'll be one large bundle, so hopefully AT&T will appreciate the much added business from us. Knowing about the extra spectrum now being more competitive with Sprint, is a great thing for the Chicago market AT&T customers. T-Mobile is going to be in big trouble, spectrum-wise around here, unless they cut some sort of deal with Dish.


T-Mobile hasn't contacted us back yet. which will turn into a big fight if UPS doesn't reroute the Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge back to T-Mobile. The device is in the very early stages of transit currently, and T-Mobile claims they cannot themselves contact UPS to cancel the shipment, which I think is a bunch of b.s., as Amazon did that for me once, claiming it wasn't a problem. that they can even do it when the item is on the truck being delivered. So, I know T-Mobile is lying and I told the executive relations department that all my mother will do is to contact UPS and see if they'll cancel having the device shipped to us and reroute it back to T-Mobile. Hopefully UPS will do that, but if not, we absolutely will not accept the shipment. Odd thing is, back when we ordered the LG V10, T-Mobile claimed it required signature, which yesterday they denied.


Anyways, I apologize for sounding off venting my frustrations about this. I don't mean to sound unreasonable either. Normally, my mother would just return the item after shipment, but this is a bit different case, as T-Mobile isn't being honest about anything, and now we simply cannot trust them at all. I am very much awaiting on switching to AT&T, going to get the LG G5 now instead, though nothing against the Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge. It looks to be a wonderful device, though sadly Samsung has decided on this difficult limitation of the first 300,000 recipients to get the bonuses with it. I'm hoping LG, if they have their own promotion with the G5. will be more fair towards its buyers. 

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. I don't mean to sound unreasonable either. Normally, my mother would just return the item after shipment, but this is a bit different case, as T-Mobile isn't being honest about anything, and now we simply cannot trust them at all. I am very much awaiting on switching to AT&T, G5. will be more fair towards its buyers.

You don't mean to sound unreasonable? You certainly are. You belly ached about Sprint then said how happy T-Mobile gave you an unbelievable deal. Now they suck.


I'm taking bets how long before AT&T treats you wrong and you want to try US Cellular.

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I'm officially on att now and one more sero plan has bitten the dust. Sprint really does have a great network along the front range of CO but going anywhere else is instant roaming unfortunately. Verizon was too locked down for me and tmo... Well no thanks.

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You don't mean to sound unreasonable? You certainly are. You belly ached about Sprint then said how happy T-Mobile gave you an unbelievable deal. Now they suck.


I'm taking bets how long before AT&T treats you wrong and you want to try US Cellular.


Well, with both Roseanne Roseannadanna and Arysyn, it just goes to show you, it's always something.  Something always is wrong.





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You don't mean to sound unreasonable? You certainly are. You belly ached about Sprint then said how happy T-Mobile gave you an unbelievable deal. Now they suck.


I'm taking bets how long before AT&T treats you wrong and you want to try US Cellular.


You are the one being unreasonable placing judgments about what you don't understand. As people here have made clear to me that they'd appreciate my trying to lessen my post lengths and make my statements about my experiences more compact, I've decided to give a more brief explanation about this. I haven't described this experience in detail because of that reason, but I assure you, not that it is my responsibility to do so, but I will anyways, that while T-Mobile has generally been better to us lately, we ran into a difficult situation with a few very unhelpful representatives who as their title states, represent T-Mobile, therefore they are a major part of the issue. It is similar to when certain people here on S4GRU love Sprint, complain about representatives they speak with who give them problems with their accounts over such issues as billing, not processing phone upgrades properly, etc.


There isn't any difference other than the fact that certain, but not all of S4GRU staff members, as there are fair and polite people here helping to monitor the site. Yet, a few of them have made it okay to place me as a target of unfair ridicule, to the point of occasional bullying. Especially comments such as by AJ, who is the chief person responsible for encouraging this kind of action towards me here. I find it odd that I'm targeted for this latest situation of my sharing of the experience I had with T-Mobile, since there are people here who praise Sprint so highly, then leave, come back, leave again because of the same issues they left for in the first place, yet they don't get targeted here for their complaints about Sprint.


Yes, I've complained about my experiences with Sprint, but I've also praised them for doing things to fix their network which are the issues I had with them that they are fixing. I'm speaking of the PCS band they are making great improvements to. I've made clear that the main reason I left Sprint was because of poor connectivity on that band. Sprint has made great improvements to that since then, which I probably would have a much better experience on Sprint now, if I went back. Simple as that. My issues with T-Mobile on/off have been far worse and yes I admit to complaining quite a lot about it here. Problem is, I've had very little choice in the matter because it is my mother's account decisions. So, it is completely unfair to blame and ridicule me because of it, especially since as I've said here many times also, I have very little choice in the matter because of my health situation preventing me to have a job, where I can make my own money and get whatever wireless carrier I choose.


One more thing, I live in the Chicago area and am unable to get US Cellular. Besides, as I've mentioned, I've had AT&T for Uverse for many years and am generally happy with the company, unlike T-Mobile. I just wish the internet with Uverse would be more multitasking-friendly though, as the speeds seem to dedicate on one activity at a time, which is my only complaint about it.

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Well, with both Roseanne Roseannadanna and Arysyn, it just goes to show you, it's always something.  Something always is wrong.






Oh look, its a reflection of your inner soul, AJ!

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Oh look, its a reflection of your inner soul, AJ!


You mean Gilda Radner?  A brilliant sketch comedian who died too young.  Yeah, I will take that as a compliment.


Arysyn, either you are the Martin Short character in "Pure Luck" -- the unluckiest man in the world -- or you help bring these predicaments upon yourself.  Because with you, yes, it's always something.  One thing or another.



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You mean Gilda Radner?  A brilliant sketch comedian who died too young.  Yeah, I will take that as a compliment.


Arysyn, either you are the Martin Short character in "Pure Luck" -- the unluckiest man in the world -- or you help bring these predicaments upon yourself.  Because with you, yes, it's always something.  One thing or another.






You're not the one who has to deal with chronic pain every single day, forced to take the strongest pain medications given to humans, having to take those every single day, while worrying several times throughout the day if the medications you are on are going to be continuously effective enough at all times, without any moment of lack of medical strength enough to keep sharp, stinging, neurological pain volt throughout your body so intense you're screaming to be dead.


That is what I have to face. The other day, my neurologist told me that I cannot ever have any kind of surgery, because it can kill me. So, if I end up in a worse situation than I am in now, I'm stuck with it. You on the other side, can do things to make your life better, to change things if they are going bad for you. So, you can take your bullying and try it on someone else. Although, I hope you don't, because it isn't nice and just makes you look more like the person you really should try not to be. Seriously though, please leave me alone. If I violate a rule here, which I sincerely try to abide by this site's policies, so it isn't likely I'll ever do so, but if I do, by all means warn me. Otherwise, please leave me alone.

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You're not the one who has to deal with chronic pain every single day...




I do not think that anyone at S4GRU makes light of your health issues.  But multiple members have taken issue with your posts on seemingly incessant wireless service problems.  Again, you come across as just remarkably unlucky -- or anal retentive, finding a fault in almost everything.  Those posts annoy other members.  And that becomes a problem for S4GRU.



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I do not think that anyone at S4GRU makes light of your health issues.  But multiple members have taken issue with your posts on seemingly incessant wireless service problems.  Again, you come across as just remarkably unlucky -- or anal retentive, finding a fault in almost everything.  Those posts annoy other members.  And that becomes a problem for S4GRU.




As I mentioned earlier in this thread, I haven't made any more complaints than others whom have about their negative experiences. Now, one of the issues I remember some here complaining about, was my going on about my complaint in a very long ranting-like post, which I've cut down on to writing shorter, more concise posts, which I have done, though despite having less detailed information which doesn't give people the full situation, which therefore comes off sounding more like an unnecessary complaint.


I kept this issue with T-Mobile written simply, so not to make a long post, and not to come off sounding as I'm ranting. It is a serious issue though that I choose to minimize details about here by the request of people who've asked me to here in the past. Actually, my mentioning this was not posted in the T-Mobile thread even. I posted it here, in the context of my possibly going to AT&T and was thanking gusherb for giving helpful information that influences the decision for the reasons I mentioned simply. If I intended on ranting here only against T-Mobile, I would have mentioned it in the T-Mobile thread in its own dedicated post.


Besides, unless you know what is going on, don't judge. I did at least mention there are serious things going on, which is intended to tell people reading that there is good reason for my anger, but without subjecting those reading not interested in all the details from having to read/scroll past all of it. So, I am trying to be more thoughtful towards those who've been polite in their asking. Although, I'm not going to avoid doing what others here already have and are allowed to do, which is to mention issues they do have with the carriers they chose.

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Well, I got the T-Mobile issue resolved. I heard from an upper level Executive Response person who is very nice. They looked into the issue and aplogized for what happened. Apparently I don't have to worry about the LG G5 order messing up like what happened with the Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge order when the G5 is out for preorder. They are going to give me a slightly advanced preorder, so that the device doesn't end up scheduled to arrive several days after many others get theirs, or even over a week later as what was likely to happen with the SGS7E order, as the T-Mobile representative who placed it really botched the order. I can tell it was an embarrassment for the company to have an order made the first day of preorder get pushed so far behind in delivery. I'm glad T-Mobile has some genuine employees, which my mother and I are partly at fault for not trying to place this order with the people she already knew there, as this may not have happened otherwise. Still though, T-Mobile should not have any bad representatives, but then again, all carriers do have a few of them here and there.


One additional mention, my cousin who has AT&T, the same I was going to work with on swicthing over to a four-line unlimited plan with, he already has an unlimited line from long ago when AT&T use to offer unlimited. Apparently he complained to my aunt that his speeds have been down alot lately. I'm thinking if T-Mobile continues to be workable for awhile, I might try getting him to switch. I'm surprised he's getting slow speeds onAT&T, due to all the spectrum they have, unless the 10x10 limitations are what is doing it somehow. The 15x15 PCS AT&T is upgrading to will help, but only if he is connected to PCS. With all of AT&T's subscribers, I wonder if he might be better off with T-Mobile.

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Well, I got the T-Mobile issue resolved. I heard from an upper level Executive Response person who is very nice. They looked into the issue and aplogized for what happened. Apparently I don't have to worry about the LG G5 order messing up like what happened with the Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge order when the G5 is out for preorder. They are going to give me a slightly advanced preorder, so that the device doesn't end up scheduled to arrive several days after many others get theirs, or even over a week later as what was likely to happen with the SGS7E order, as the T-Mobile representative who placed it really botched the order. I can tell it was an embarrassment for the company to have an order made the first day of preorder get pushed so far behind in delivery. I'm glad T-Mobile has some genuine employees, which my mother and I are partly at fault for not trying to place this order with the people she already knew there, as this may not have happened otherwise. Still though, T-Mobile should not have any bad representatives, but then again, all carriers do have a few of them here and there.


One additional mention, my cousin who has AT&T, the same I was going to work with on swicthing over to a four-line unlimited plan with, he already has an unlimited line from long ago when AT&T use to offer unlimited. Apparently he complained to my aunt that his speeds have been down alot lately. I'm thinking if T-Mobile continues to be workable for awhile, I might try getting him to switch. I'm surprised he's getting slow speeds onAT&T, due to all the spectrum they have, unless the 10x10 limitations are what is doing it somehow. The 15x15 PCS AT&T is upgrading to will help, but only if he is connected to PCS. With all of AT&T's subscribers, I wonder if he might be better off with T-Mobile.

Being they have 3 10x10 carriers now it's probably some localized congestion he's experiencing. I experience it too in very crowded places, like on the expressway where traffic is stopped. 

Hopefully band 2 gets upgraded to 15 mhz. All clues point to it happening, considering there is a 10 mhz chunk of the PCS A block sitting unused right now and they wouldn't have moved UMTS off of that for no reason. 

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Well, I got the T-Mobile issue resolved. I heard from an upper level Executive Response person who is very nice. They looked into the issue and aplogized for what happened. Apparently I don't have to worry about the LG G5 order messing up like what happened with the Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge order when the G5 is out for preorder. They are going to give me a slightly advanced preorder, so that the device doesn't end up scheduled to arrive several days after many others get theirs, or even over a week later as what was likely to happen with the SGS7E order, as the T-Mobile representative who placed it really botched the order. I can tell it was an embarrassment for the company to have an order made the first day of preorder get pushed so far behind in delivery. I'm glad T-Mobile has some genuine employees, which my mother and I are partly at fault for not trying to place this order with the people she already knew there, as this may not have happened otherwise. Still though, T-Mobile should not have any bad representatives, but then again, all carriers do have a few of them here and there.

You were upset because your pre order got pushed back a few days? T-Mobile bent over backwards and gave you an excellent deal with your plan. Shipping delays happen, with any company in any industry. I know you have some serious medical issues to deal with but damn. It sounded like they drowned a litter of kittens reading some of your posts.


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You were upset because your pre order got pushed back a few days? T-Mobile bent over backwards and gave you an excellent deal with your plan. Shipping delays happen, with any company in any industry. I know you have some serious medical issues to deal with but damn. It sounded like they drowned a litter of kittens reading some of your posts.


Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk




No, actually it was going to be over a week delay more than when others were going to get it.


As many people here have complained to me about my post lengths being too long, which I admit to after having seen my last few really long posts on a smartphone screen got me to realize I really should make more of an effort to shorten them. So, my writing has been less descriptive, and quite honestly it has been difficult for me changing my writing to make posts shorter, as I've had so many years of writing on desktops/notebooks in a more blog-like style.


I apologize for not being more clear though. As time goes on, I'll get better at this. The issue with T-Mobile was they were going to have me wait until after the official release date while others got theirs much earlier, which instead of giving a reason for, they were telling my mother they wanted her to wait until it did ship, then seeing as our concern was getting it in time for the promos and not wanting to find out well after waiting past others getting theirs that the 300,000 limit had passed, we wanted them to cancel shipment. They refused to do a standard procedure which many other companies do in calling the shipping carrier to cancel the order, instead telling my mother she had to wait for shipment, make sure she's home when they arrive so she could stop them from placing the order at the door, which seeing as UPS is not reliable where I live, is a major hassle to do so. Including the fact my mother runs errands for me and can't always be home.


Anyways, they then told her to go to the UPS facility, which in the route of UPS we are in is quite far, then to explain our reasons for why we want them to cancel the shipment ahead of time. It wouldn't have been as big of deal if it were the more local area facility, but for whatever reason, it is not. With the T-Mobile representatives being incredibly rude, one whom was constantly claiming to us that all the reports I read about the earlier shipments were lying. He insinuated all the reports on TmoNews were being fabricated and that I shouldn't believe anyone who claims they were receiving their Galaxy S7's before the stated launch date, despite there being photos posted up online, including at TmoNews, which basically is quietly endorsed by T-Mobile. The two people we spoke with were relentless on not listening to the difficulties of this situation, kept insisting some ludicrous stuff I know not to be true, and pretty much forcing my mother to do one of these difficult things we were trying not to have to go through when we wanted it stopped before it even got sent. UPS didn't even officially have the shipment in their system.


My mother ended up having to call a supervisor at some UPS office who looked into this and was actually and surprisingly very nice (I have a really serious dislike for UPS I'll explain at another time, I much prefer FedEx) The supervisor agreed that T-Mobile was being incredibly odd as all T-Mobile had to do as I knew already, was to contact them with a redirect notice to their facilities. Apparently, this guy got it so my mother didn't have to worry about it shipping then dealing with T-Mobile which at the time we were losing trust in handling anything, let alone a simple return, seeing as T-Mobile was being so difficult with even this. Now, the contact we do have at T-Mobile has said this was a situation we shouldn't have had to deal with, taking the blame for this, and has told me she even likes to read TmoNews for information. We had a bad run in with a few problematic employees and now are only going to deal with the contact we now have, for everything, as we have direct contact information for her and not just deal with anyone from that department. That part of it again was partly our fault not having already established a direct contact, although I kinda thought my mother already did, and only found out recently she didn't have the guy's contact information, the one who got us on the great plan from last year.


I apologize for the long post, but hopefully this gives a more thorough explanation for this. Again, I didn't really intend to make my original statement concerning these events as a complaint post, unlike some other times I have done so in the past. I was more trying to explain something in context to AT&T when communicating with gusherb originally.

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I'm glad they took care of you in the end. In the future, if you sign up for UPS mychoice you can reroute and manage your packages online yourself bypassing all of that headache.


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I'm glad they took care of you in the end. In the future, if you sign up for UPS mychoice you can reroute and manage your packages online yourself bypassing all of that headache.


Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk


I may do that, even though I really don't like the idea of having any sort of account with UPS, though it does seem unavoidable as the many of the sources I purchase from use UPS. I really wish they'd use FedEx though. I'd even pay more for it if I had the choice of using FedEx instead.


While I know I'm not the only person who has issues with shipping carriers, I've had several UPS shipments arrive in really bad shape, opened, even to items inside that have been damaged by bad shipping. On some of the few occasions where my mother is home waiting for a shipment, which she can't always do because of her errands out helping me, etc, there have been UPS deliverers who've yelled at her for wanting them to take the item back because of bad quality shipments. Speaking of her helping me, we've gone out to appointments where several times UPS drivers have blocked entrances paths for people, including myself. Sometimes after having to reroute my walking, as I'm on my way, a few of the drivers have appeared and become very verbally upset when my mother has politely asked them to be more considerate. Some have even blocked disabled parking spaces. A few times when that has happened, my mother has left the car to go ask them to move, where they also became very verbally upset at her. There also was a time on a morning we were on the way to an important meeting when my mother needed to quickly stop into a UPS store for something. I stayed waiting in the car while she got up to the front of the line and they began taking other people who were behind her. She returned back to the car very upset. As she needed something done right then, I went in and had the owner arguing with me about the situation, which got quite verbal between us both. The situation became very ugly and could have ended even worse, but probably because by then the store got quite busy, the cashier stepped in and just gave my mother what she needed so we could leave. Nonetheless, these issues are a big part of why I seriously dislike UPS.


However, whenever I've had any experiences with FedEx, they always have been polite and courteous. I've never had a damaged item or even a damaged package arrive from them. They deliver on a much more consistent and timely manner than UPS, which delivers at any range of time (something I hope signing up for the MyChoice may help with, at least having a better idea regarding their deliveries.) I've never seen them blocking important pathways with their vehicles nor blocking disabled parking spaces, and the staff st the FedEx Kinkos Office stores I've been too have been polite and helpful. Recently, a friend of mine told me he's taken a job with UPS, though I forgot what capacity he's told me he's in. Likely I'll talk with him soon, so perhaps he might be able to help me with UPS issues, sort of how I now know someone at T-Mobile who is being very helpful and don't have to worry about issues with T-Mobile any longer, particularly as we have her direct telephone number and email address. My mother ought to have received the contact information from the person she spoke with last year who got her onto the great plan we have, rather than relying on contacting the Executive Relations department speaking with anyone there.


I now personally believe customers ought to be put in contact with a dedicated support representative when they sign up for a service plan. Someone who can get to know them and their needs, and be able to work with them long term, along with establishing a few backup staff who can help when the main contact isn't available. Some companies already are doing this for both enterprise and small/medium business customers, as well with higher paying individuals. It doesn't seem like something that isn't possible for wireless carriers to implement, even perhaps with a small upgrade charge. Plus, it would cut down time spent over the phone between the business and the customer not have to transfer customers around to different people in different levels/positions. That in itself might even save the company money where it doesn't have to charge the customer as much. The dedicated representative could be assigned a certain number of customers both primary and backup, since they already know some important information about the customers, there isn't so much wasted time going on with customers having to repeat their history, which goes to making the customers more satisfied too.


Alright, hopefully this will be my last long post for a while. I've been dong better at this lately and don't want to go back writing essay-lengthed posts. I hope sharing the information of my experiences have been helpful though.

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Arysyn, you may wish for FedEx instead of UPS, but trust me when I say this, you are overall better with UPS. I've had less trouble with UPS. One time my local fedex driver destroyed over $400 worth of products because he in too big of a hurry. He finally apologized about 2 months after the fact, and then a couple weeks ago got reassigned to a new area. I'm so glad too, we finally have a good driver, but my UPS driver is the best overall.



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You're not the one who has to deal with chronic pain every single day, forced to take the strongest pain medications given to humans, having to take those every single day, while worrying several times throughout the day if the medications you are on are going to be continuously effective enough at all times, without any moment of lack of medical strength enough to keep sharp, stinging, neurological pain volt throughout your body so intense you're screaming to be dead.


That is what I have to face. The other day, my neurologist told me that I cannot ever have any kind of surgery, because it can kill me. So, if I end up in a worse situation than I am in now, I'm stuck with it. You on the other side, can do things to make your life better, to change things if they are going bad for you. So, you can take your bullying and try it on someone else. Although, I hope you don't, because it isn't nice and just makes you look more like the person you really should try not to be. Seriously though, please leave me alone. If I violate a rule here, which I sincerely try to abide by this site's policies, so it isn't likely I'll ever do so, but if I do, by all means warn me. Otherwise, please leave me alone.


Just to echo AJ's comments, things don't always work perfectly. Honestly, you should never move to Hawaii :) Things here break lots. Life on a volcano 2500 miles from land. Cell phones are pretty much the most reliable things here. There power is off more than a whores panties, roads frequently closed for 6 hours. Its just life. Tmo messed up sending my my current phone, because I was feeling particularly cheeky I did call them and wangle some credits but it didn't sour my experience. They're shipping tens of thousands of phones across a huge country in one day. Stuff is bound to go wrong and it probably wont get fixed quickly. Thats just a reality.


At work I see it every day, parts we overnight take a week to turn up. People send the wrong stuff, or to the wrong place or a courier delivers it to the wrong place so they can go home early. If I got upset about that kind of stuff I'd have jumped off the pali years ago. You prepare for others to screw up and when it happens just take a deep breath and carry on. **** happens. Honestly you do seem to be very unlucky or have expectations that are a little too high, these types of service are offered on a best effort basis and for good reason.


If you are wanting verizon service for tmobile money then you are bound to be disappointed. I have tmobile and have had sprint and verizon. I know the difference and I am happy now with tmobile (although they are getting worse). There is a trade off for sure, but we each make our own choice and don't get belligerent when our own choice bites us in the ass.


Every day we get is a good one because no matter how bad it may seem its a hell of a lot better than not getting another day. 

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Arysyn, you may wish for FedEx instead of UPS, but trust me when I say this, you are overall better with UPS. I've had less trouble with UPS. One time my local fedex driver destroyed over $400 worth of products because he in too big of a hurry. He finally apologized about 2 months after the fact, and then a couple weeks ago got reassigned to a new area. I'm so glad too, we finally have a good driver, but my UPS driver is the best overall.



Sent from my Gold iPhone 6s Plus 128GB using Tapatalk


Yikes, that sounds awful! Were you able to recover the loss without much hassle? I'd be really angry to have that happen, as would anyone, but I hope you didn't have much difficulty recovering your loss.


It really seems to depend on who the driver is, the area, and a bunch of different factors with these shipping companies. Some people have awful experiences with UPS, others with FedEx, though I'll say both seem much better than what I've heard of small shipping carriers on a few Amazon-related blogs I've read of people who've complained of their experiences with shippers. Most people on there like both UPS and FedEx, but have lots of bad stuff to say regarding smaller shippers Amazon sometimes uses instead of UPS and FedEx.

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