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Marcelo Claure, Town Hall Meetings, New Family Share Pack Plan, Unlimited Individual Plan, Discussion Thread


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T-Mobile is working on network improvement (and expansion) just as Sprint is and their CAPEX forecast for 2015 is $4.4B to $4.7B. I don't think this analyst has a very good sense of what Sprint actually needs to spend in CAPEX to improve the network.

But sprint has 2.5ghz in abundance not midband. This means higher CAPEX.



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But sprint has 2.5ghz in abundance not midband. This means higher CAPEX.



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2.5G may require more CAPEX to fully densify, but again the $5bil CAPEX expenditure doesn't include the mass densification covered under NGN.
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You have to be able to take direct challenges to your posts, even snarky jabs, if you are going to participate at S4GRU. We will not stifle debate for the purposes of sensitivity. If so, AJ wouldn't have lasted five seconds.


You know Robert, based on the observation of other newer (or perhaps non-acclimated would be a better description) member/poster comments regarding AJ's, shall we say, 'forum demeanor' over the time I've been here, I have to wonder if this blurb wouldn't be beneficial to be added to the S4GRU FAQ thread.  ;)

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--- oh and for those that ask why the hell is this guy still here? I actually do like Sprint the company ;-)

You keep saying that. However, I sometimes feel you are Moffet's online alter ego.


[emoji23] :rofl:



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You know Robert, based on the observation of other newer (or perhaps non-acclimated would be a better description) member/poster comments regarding AJ's, shall we say, 'forum demeanor' over the time I've been here, I have to wonder if this blurb wouldn't be beneficial to be added to the S4GRU FAQ thread. ;)

I'm thinking of incorporating it into the rules. With some wordsmithing, of course.


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100% truth


as many have said more or less - the biggest issue is the sprint haters; Family member ask's their nerd friend or family member 'i'm switching carriers, maybe i'll try sprint...' --- ' no don't even think about it sprint sucks' ---- '... oh okay thanks for that i'll stay clear - who do you recommend ?' --- ' well tmo seems to be for the people and have good service at lower costs....'


or something like that


i do enjoy how tmo's data strong statement is stronger data than verizon <based on current subscribers at tmo... or something to that effect>


that said I've been on TMO now for 5 is weeks and in my area - i get band 4 only (which is their older AWS spectrum ) and I get about 20-40mbps down all the time. My area is suppose to be only band 2 and 12 for LTE so not sure what is up there. From a technology standpoint -- I am sort of shocked at the performance - since TMO uses the same towers that Sprint does in my home area. Yet with Sprint's full 800/190/2600 roll out complete I only saw 1mbps typically and when I saw LTE it was about 6mbps.... With Sprint's newer equipment I would have thought the reaction would be reversed. Especially since TMO hasn't upgraded any of its towers here (per the CT sitting Council) in over a year.


--- oh and for those that ask why the hell is this guy still here? I actually do like Sprint the company ;-)


AND in one area where I travel to TMO has nearly zero service.... so I keep my options open to come back to Sprint

Your experience with Sprint sounds pretty much exactly like what I see written about on the least biased of the wireless articles' comment sections and from comments on Sprint's Facebook page, of course putting aside the biased pro T-Mobile comments.


I'm far from being any kind of expert on Sprint, so I don't know why this is going on, even in plenty of developed Spark areas, technically speaking. I would like to know why some people still are having these speed problems though its not a if the question hasn't already been asked before. Usually the typical response on the various sites is from people who basically ignore the question and comment rather about how their speeds are perfectly fine, which certainly doesn't really help the people asking the question.

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thanks I think.... who is he or she?

I think he meant Craig moffet...google away my friend.
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I'm far from being any kind of expert on Sprint, so I don't know why this is going on, even in plenty of developed Spark areas, technically speaking. I would like to know why some people still are having these speed problems though its not a if the question hasn't already been asked before. Usually the typical response on the various sites is from people who basically ignore the question and comment rather about how their speeds are perfectly fine, which certainly doesn't really help the people asking the question.

Just because someone says their market is complete does not make it so. You and johnner can look at the maps for yourself and see conn is no where near complete. Where are the screenshots showing second and third carrier for band 41 if it was complete?

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Just because someone says their market is complete does not make it so. You and johnner can look at the maps for yourself and see conn is no where near complete. Where are the screenshots showing second and third carrier for band 41 if it was complete?

There's still sites not nv complete in NYC. So yeah… and no, we don't care it's the landlords blah blah blah. It's mid 2015. Get it done.



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Just because someone says their market is complete does not make it so. You and johnner can look at the maps for yourself and see conn is no where near complete. Where are the screenshots showing second and third carrier for band 41 if it was complete?

I agree that it doesn't mean their market is complete, though I believe those who give more detail to their complaints of slow speed. For instance, those who give reports about the areas they are experiencing this, along with the name of town, etc., information where I can verify further details of it by reading updates here on S4GRU.


On a side note, taking into consideration the need for Robert to keep S4GRU as an enthusiast private club-like website, rather than have this site be a mainstream Sprint information site completely open to the public, while I completely understand why this the case, I think there is a lot here that would be a great benefit to Sprint's reputation and would help people who don't necessarily search out for this site while only relying on the official Sprint site for information about Sprint.

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Just because someone says their market is complete does not make it so. You and johnner can look at the maps for yourself and see conn is no where near complete. Where are the screenshots showing second and third carrier for band 41 if it was complete?



my version of complete - was/is when Sprint Tech Support and Engineering say my area is complete and has finished optimizations for each band... complete.    Does that mean they won't add additional capacity later - no, I hope they would.   But the current NV rollout was completed.  I doubt they would have null-void my two leased iPhones if they thought the area would would improve in a few months or end of year.   In fact Sprint more of less suggested that option before I brought it up.   


My area has many topographic issues - which is difficult for any wireless signal...   The other three carriers seem to do OKAY though...  I suspect its actually more of an Ericsson issue than Sprint to be honest.    


Some updated info though -- I stopped at a local Radio Shack store that just opened with a Sprint store... the person agreed with me that the area was not in good shape!  BUT Microcells are planned for this area over the next 12 months.  With high focus on 800 and 2600 - does that jive with what you folks see as a trend?  Since being with TMO I have noticed that some towers in my area have no Sprint radios at all... which might also be the issue.  Maybe the range of the NV2.0 build outs were not as powerful as originally thought... based on the area.   


I have seen many great VN2.0 build outs near my area - so I know what Sprint is capable of doing :-)  



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So yeah… and no, we don't care it's the landlords blah blah blah. It's mid 2015. Get it done.



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Don't play the ignorant card because you know way too well that you can't just "get it done".

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Don't play the ignorant card because you know way too well that you can't just "get it done".

Very true.


There are things like land reviews to make sure of safety codes, etc., and then going through other ordinances and often times stubborn board members who make even the harshest website administrators look like guardian angels.


Both organizational and public boards can be especially cruel and do not discriminate on who is the receiver of that. I imagine any business seeking approval from these boarfds must go through intense scrutiny from these board members and even local residents.


It is something I'm even guilty of, as I remember hassling an AT&T representative at a condominium complex meeting back in the very early 2000s, when I knew hardly anything about wireless, but was worried about all the news reports at the time about rf and the " cancer link". I do regret that now though and have since I started reading about wireless back in 2005.

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Consumers don't care. I wouldn't stay with a company just because I knew WHY their product sucks.


This is true.  Consumers apparently do not care that T-Mobile has taken nine years and counting to overhaul its entire network.  Or they do care -- just not that much.



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This is true. Consumers apparently do not care that T-Mobile has taken nine years and counting to overhaul its entire network. Or they do care -- just not that much.



Correct. They care that it works. They don't care the engineering behind it.



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This is true. Consumers apparently do not care that T-Mobile has taken nine years and counting to overhaul its entire network. Or they do care -- just not that much.



They are too busy admiring and worshipping their C.E.O. and making sure they've bashed Sprint somehow at least once per day.

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I'm thinking of incorporating it into the rules. With some wordsmithing, of course.


Using Nexus 6 on Tapatalk

Oh you must also include the fact that this is not the Hello Kitty forum too..   Preferably without any wordsmithing   :hee:

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This is true.  Consumers apparently do not care that T-Mobile has taken nine years and counting to overhaul its entire network.  Or they do care -- just not that much.





that is an amazing POV -- actually I knew TMO wasn't an option for where I lived... I tried them for over 10 years and only 2g EDGE at best.  I actually never really considered them a national player.  Rather a national - regional carrier that focused on major cities.   


Where as Sprint advertised as a true National option... 


so to your point - yeah TMO seemed to get (gets) a get out of jail card and pass directly to start collect $200 :-)   Where as Sprint always got (gets) kicked in the ____.  

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that is an amazing POV -- actually I knew TMO wasn't an option for where I lived... I tried them for over 10 years and only 2g EDGE at best. I actually never really considered them a national player. Rather a national - regional carrier that focused on major cities.


I hate to play devil's advocate here (especially with Lou's consistent passive trolling), but what you experienced (1 single user) isn't a good measurement for where T-Mobile sits today. As a matter of fact, looking at their map it seems like they've started to fire up H+ and LTE along the highways and rural areas (whether they have the back haul for it is a different story)


I'm not here to defend T-Mobile or Sprint. Heck, I'm the farthest from being a fanboy of any wireless company, mostly because they are all out to make a profit from us and don't care about the industry as much as we do. But we need to stop acting as if T-Mobile is a terrible company. Sure, they have a marketing guru as CEO who will ultimately ruin the company financially in the long run, but you have to admire the progress T-Mobile has had in the past few years. I don't think any company has caused as much change in the modern wireless industry as T-Mobile has.


In my opinion, T-Mobile has the better overall network today than Sprint. But if you were to ask me which company has a brighter future, its definitely Sprint. It still has a lot of LTE spectrum in its pocket and as soon as they finish 8t8r deployment, T-Mobile will have to find a new 'uncarrier' move to beat the speeds of its competitors. Las Vegas is a good example of what the future holds for Sprint. B41 was almost everywhere in that town (outside of the strip of course) and T-Mobile was struggling a lot of the times.

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But we need to stop acting as if T-Mobile is a terrible company. 


I don't think it's that we treat them as if they're a terrible company. It's just that no one gets passes. If we are going to acknowledge Sprint's strengths and weaknesses, then we are going to acknowledge T-Mobile's, AT&T's, and Verizon's just as much. It's not that we hate T-Mobile, it's just that we acknowledge their mistakes more heavily than anyone else is willing to.

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