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Marcelo Claure, Town Hall Meetings, New Family Share Pack Plan, Unlimited Individual Plan, Discussion Thread


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You mean literally sitting out?


I would personally think it's very important they do actually participate in the 600MHz auction whenever that comes around, for the sake of helping to grow their nationwide footprint.

I agree and hope they do at least participate and receive some benefit for it.

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Did Marcelo’s Meeting With Masa Go Better Than Expected?



Read more: http://www.btigresearch.com/2015/05/28/did-marcelos-meeting-with-masa-go-better-than-expected/#ixzz3baSZqzdU




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Any chance you could summarize why BTIG suggests this, please?  I'm not a member of that site.  Thank you. 

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Any chance you could summarize why BTIG suggests this, please? I'm not a member of that site. Thank you.

It's free registration. I don't know what policy is for posting content from free sites so I'll summarize.


1) sprint 2015 CAPEX is $5bil which is more akin to maintenance than network improvement. CAPEX should increase by >35% if we are believe sprint that it wants to better its network.


2) sprint says softb supports sprint yet they keep talking about selling spectrum or issuing debt.


3) softb is looking to invest in other ventures so there could be internal struggle against giving sprint more money.


4) Claure repeatedly states softb is 'behind' the network densification plan


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It's free registration. I don't know what policy is for posting content from free sites so I'll summarize.


1) sprint 2015 CAPEX is $5bil which is more akin to maintenance than network improvement. CAPEX should increase by >35% if we are believe sprint that it wants to better its network.


2) sprint says softb supports sprint yet they keep talking about selling spectrum or issuing debt.


3) softb is looking to invest in other ventures so there could be internal struggle against giving sprint more money.


4) Claure repeatedly states softb is 'behind' the network densification plan


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There does seem to be a lot of back and forth confusion with what Sprint is saying and doing, which can't be good for its reputation and the perception many of its doubters have. Hopefully Sprint will clear this up soon.

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It's free registration. I don't know what policy is for posting content from free sites so I'll summarize.

1) sprint 2015 CAPEX is $5bil which is more akin to maintenance than network improvement. CAPEX should increase by >35% if we are believe sprint that it wants to better its network.

2) sprint says softb supports sprint yet they keep talking about selling spectrum or issuing debt.

3) softb is looking to invest in other ventures so there could be internal struggle against giving sprint more money.

4) Claure repeatedly states softb is 'behind' the network densification plan

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Why do I get the feeling these folks over at BTIG know a whole lot less than even we do about the matter.
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Yes, it is true. I cannot last five seconds. That is exactly what your mother said last night.





I didn't know she could see the future. I should probably exploit that in the stock market then...

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Why do I get the feeling these folks over at BTIG know a whole lot less than even we do about the matter.

Like what?


Plan A was to buy TMO to eliminate competition on the low end but fcc said no.

If a Dem wins whitehouse, that's 4 or even 8 more years of competing against TMO and the duo.

Softb may decide that it can get better returns by investing its own additional cash in India and other emerging markets.


Sprint can still take on more debt to fund 600 auction and densification and if Claure delivers, THEN son can step in and inject more $ to pay off that high interest debt. If it doesn't workout, softb will be shielded somewhat.



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Like what?

Plan A was to buy TMO to eliminate competition on the low end but fcc said no.

If a Dem wins whitehouse, that's 4 or even 8 more years of competing against TMO and the duo.

Softb may decide that it can get better returns by investing its own additional cash in India and other emerging markets.

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Why are we rehashing last weeks news.


Marcelo has already hinted at the "next generation project" and how its going to be massively densifying the network, and also how with in 18 months Sprint will be either one or two.


These are not words to take lightly and didn't come from some analyst looking to fudge the market.

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Why are we rehashing last weeks news.


Marcelo has already hinted at the "next generation project" and how its going to be massively densifying the network, and also how with in 18 months Sprint will be either one or two.


These are not words to take lightly and didn't come from some analyst looking to fudge the market.

May it be so.



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This is not the Hello Kitty forum. It's a forum of wireless nerds. Nerds are ruthless because they are well informed and think they are smarter than everyone else. And nerds use words and ideas as their weapons in battle. It's bloody, it's messy, it hurts, it is full of testosterone. It's not for everyone. But you will learn a lot. And you will be better for it. If you can take it.

Using Tapatalk on Nexus 6




I wish I could like this paragraph multiple times.  High 5, Robert.

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I didn't know she could see the future. I should probably exploit that in the stock market then...


She said that after the deed -- the best five seconds of your mother's life.





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She said that after the deed -- the best five seconds of your mother's life.





The deed only got a 1 star rating from IMDB, http://m.imdb.com/title/tt1379066/. So I can see why she didn't stick around for the other 6 minutes and 55 seconds of it.
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Like what?


Plan A was to buy TMO to eliminate competition on the low end but fcc said no.

If a Dem wins whitehouse, that's 4 or even 8 more years of competing against TMO and the duo.

Softb may decide that it can get better returns by investing its own additional cash in India and other emerging markets.


Sprint can still take on more debt to fund 600 auction and densification and if Claure delivers, THEN son can step in and inject more $ to pay off that high interest debt. If it doesn't workout, softb will be shielded somewhat.



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Your second paragraph here echoes exactly what I've been thinking in regards of Sprint's financial position in this auction, among other network improvements. There are many people who claim Sprint doesn't have the money to purchase spectrum, while repeating what they've read in biased articles also claiming Sprint is headed towards bankruptcy, meanwhile ignoring the vast fortunes of Softbank where there is plenty of cash to fund Sprint through this auction and their network improvements, etc., and even shield Sprint from any such possibility of bankruptcy.


However, if Softbank doesn't do this, then that ought to be a sign of some level of disconnect between the two companies. Although I don't say this against Sprint in any way. I believe that if Softbank does have a change of plans regarding Sprint, it'll end up being purchased by a company which does care for it, something I do hope Softbank still cares and funds for Sprint, and comes through with financial support which will not only help Sprint, but also to end any doubt about Softbank's continued interest in Sprint.

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1) sprint 2015 CAPEX is $5bil which is more akin to maintenance than network improvement. CAPEX should increase by >35% if we are believe sprint that it wants to better its network.

T-Mobile is working on network improvement (and expansion) just as Sprint is and their CAPEX forecast for 2015 is $4.4B to $4.7B. I don't think this analyst has a very good sense of what Sprint actually needs to spend in CAPEX to improve the network.
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Like what?


Plan A was to buy TMO to eliminate competition on the low end but fcc said no.

If a Dem wins whitehouse, that's 4 or even 8 more years of competing against TMO and the duo.

Softb may decide that it can get better returns by investing its own additional cash in India and other emerging markets.


Sprint can still take on more debt to fund 600 auction and densification and if Claure delivers, THEN son can step in and inject more $ to pay off that high interest debt. If it doesn't workout, softb will be shielded somewhat.



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FWIW -- my take is still that SoftBank assumed it was going to get everything it asked for.... 


 - buy sprint

 - buy clearwire

 - buy TMO 


I'm still taken back that SB assumed --- hey yeah the American's will let us come in and buy three (2 national and one semi-national/local) networks in less than 24 months???   


With that I believe SB wanted (will) invest gobs of cash to be in the top 2, BUT didn't count on also battling for the number three spot at the same time!  Which is in my opinion diverting much needed cash for becoming No 1 or 2.   



THAT all said -- SB might see this as a harder fight and may want to slow its roll on Sprint at the moment.  Especially if Crazy Uncle Charlie buys TMO.   



okay have fun with that post now :-)  



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Belief is stronger than fact -- that is how religion has persisted in the age of reason.


Many people still think that Sprint "sucks."  Meanwhile, T-Mobile was in the gutter but has somehow managed to turn around its public perception so that Magenta is now "nifty shit."  Fact or not, that is belief.


Sprint needs to reverse the trend -- otherwise, Sprint is in trouble.  While T-Mobile cannot support a subscriber base much larger than that of Sprint, T-Mobile can ride the swell and stem the tide for a few years.  But, if so, T-Mobile can and quite likely will "suck" again -- in its core urban markets.


Will Sprint be viable between now and then to challenge, though?  That is the question...





100% truth 


as many have said more or less - the biggest issue is the sprint haters; Family member ask's their nerd friend or family member 'i'm switching carriers, maybe i'll try sprint...' --- ' no don't even think about it sprint sucks' ---- '... oh okay thanks for that i'll stay clear - who do you recommend ?'   --- ' well tmo seems to be for the people and have good service at lower costs....' 


or something like that 


i do enjoy how tmo's data strong statement is stronger data than verizon <based on current subscribers at tmo... or something to that effect> 


that said I've been on TMO now for 5 is weeks and in my area - i get band 4 only (which is their older AWS spectrum ) and I get about 20-40mbps down all the time.  My area is suppose to be only band 2 and 12 for LTE so not sure what is up there.  From a technology standpoint -- I am sort of shocked at the performance - since TMO uses the same towers that Sprint does in my home area.  Yet with Sprint's full 800/190/2600 roll out complete I only saw 1mbps typically and when I saw LTE it was about 6mbps.... With Sprint's newer equipment I would have thought the reaction would be reversed.  Especially since TMO hasn't upgraded any of its towers here (per the CT sitting Council) in over a year.


--- oh and for those that ask why the hell is this guy still here? I actually do like Sprint the company ;-) 


   AND in one area where I travel to TMO has nearly zero service.... so I keep my options open to come back to Sprint 

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100% truth. as many have said more or less - the biggest issue is the sprint haters


that said I've been on TMO now for 5 is weeks and in my area.


i get band 4 only (which is their older AWS spectrum ) and I get about 20-40mbps down all the time.  My area is suppose to be only band 2 and 12 for LTE so not sure what is up there.  From a technology standpoint -- I am sort of shocked at the performance - since TMO uses the same towers that Sprint does in my home area.  Yet with Sprint's full 800/190/2600 roll out complete I only saw 1mbps typically and when I saw LTE it was about 6mbps.... With Sprint's newer equipment I would have thought the reaction would be reversed.  Especially since TMO hasn't upgraded any of its towers here

*This* is the real "100% truth".


"Sprint haters" does happen, but is for the most part, an internet-only phenomena (e.g. FierceWireless comments)


However, people who say "Sprint sucks" because they are used to wildly different performance from their phones is fairly common -- even today in Spark markets. That's not "hate", it's just people disatisfied with the service in their area for totally valid reasons.


Some people tend to lump them all together as "haters" to make them easier to dismiss. That is a mistake.




For instance, you just mentioned in your own market that T-Mobile is pulling down 4x faster data than Sprint, and doing so more often + more reliably than Sprint. You said yourself that you are "shocked by the performance difference"


Many normal reasonable people will see that and say "Sprint sucks" -- not because of any hate, but just as a reflection of the performance disparity present in that market. Especially your "nerd friend or family member" who is going to be more sensitive to data performance in the first place.


And the experience you just posted, while it's not true everywhere, it is not terribly uncommon today either. The majority of urban / suburban areas around here have very similar performance to what you described (verified by RootMetrics reporting), despite them being official Spark markets.

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FWIW -- my take is still that SoftBank assumed it was going to get everything it asked for.... 


 - buy sprint

 - buy clearwire

 - buy TMO 


I'm still taken back that SB assumed --- hey yeah the American's will let us come in and buy three (2 national and one semi-national/local) networks in less than 24 months???   


With that I believe SB wanted (will) invest gobs of cash to be in the top 2, BUT didn't count on also battling for the number three spot at the same time!  Which is in my opinion diverting much needed cash for becoming No 1 or 2.   



THAT all said -- SB might see this as a harder fight and may want to slow its roll on Sprint at the moment.  Especially if Crazy Uncle Charlie buys TMO.   



okay have fun with that post now :-)  




Fix the coverage and everything else will be a lot easier. It should be their #1 priority. And places like airports should be towards the top. That'd go a long way to improving the perception among decision makers.

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FWIW -- my take is still that SoftBank assumed it was going to get everything it asked for....


- buy sprint

- buy clearwire

- buy TMO


I'm still taken back that SB assumed --- hey yeah the American's will let us come in and buy three (2 national and one semi-national/local) networks in less than 24 months???


With that I believe SB wanted (will) invest gobs of cash to be in the top 2, BUT didn't count on also battling for the number three spot at the same time! Which is in my opinion diverting much needed cash for becoming No 1 or 2.



THAT all said -- SB might see this as a harder fight and may want to slow its roll on Sprint at the moment. Especially if Crazy Uncle Charlie buys TMO.



okay have fun with that post now :-)



It is a fact that softb's plan a was to buy TMO. Son stated so during recent softb earnings call.



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*This* is the real "100% truth".


"Sprint haters" does happen, but is for the most part, an internet-only phenomena (e.g. FierceWireless comments)



From what I've seen it is much more widespread than internet-only.

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*This* is the real "100% truth".


"Sprint haters" does happen, but is for the most part, an internet-only phenomena (e.g. FierceWireless comments)


However, people who say "Sprint sucks" because they are used to wildly different performance from their phones is fairly common -- even today in Spark markets. That's not "hate", it's just people disatisfied with the service in their area for totally valid reasons.


Some people tend to lump them all together as "haters" to make them easier to dismiss. That is a mistake.




For instance, you just mentioned in your own market that T-Mobile is pulling down 4x faster data than Sprint, and doing so more often + more reliably than Sprint. You said yourself that you are "shocked by the performance difference"


Many normal reasonable people will see that and say "Sprint sucks" -- not because of any hate, but just as a reflection of the performance disparity present in that market. Especially your "nerd friend or family member" who is going to be more sensitive to data performance in the first place.


And the experience you just posted, while it's not true everywhere, it is not terribly uncommon today either. The majority of urban / suburban areas around here have very similar performance to what you described (verified by RootMetrics reporting), despite them being official Spark markets.



I agree to a certain extent. However your experience on the network and raw numbers are two different things. The RootMetrics data suggests that T-Mobile is the faster network of the two (that's not arguable at all). However Sprint does seem to have better reliability overall in terms of call and text and in some cases, data as well.


It's all about perception rather than raw data in wireless communications. Touting bigger numbers is great for advertising, but what does that translate to in real world usage? A page loading 1 second faster or maybe even milliseconds faster. Ultimately Sprint has been successful at getting customers to stay and getting new customers to join because the price is cheap and reliable, not necessarily the fastest around.


It just seems to me that people are more forgiving of T-Mobile not having a signal than Sprint not having a signal. That's why we lump the T-Mobile fanboys/Sprint haters together in this way.

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T-Mobile is working on network improvement (and expansion) just as Sprint is and their CAPEX forecast for 2015 is $4.4B to $4.7B. I don't think this analyst has a very good sense of what Sprint actually needs to spend in CAPEX to improve the network.

Marcelo said the 5 billion number did not included NGN. The capes number for sprint will go up.

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    • Since this is kind of the general chat thread, I have to share this humorous story (at least it is to me): Since around February/March of this year, my S22U has been an absolute pain to charge. USB-C cables would immediately fall out and it progressively got worse and worse until it often took me a number of minutes to get the angle of the cable juuuussst right to get charging to occur at all (not exaggerating). The connection was so weak that even walking heavily could cause the cable to disconnect. I tried cleaning out the port with a stable, a paperclip, etc. Some dust/lint/dirt came out but the connection didn't improve one bit. Needless to say, this was a MONSTER headache and had me hating this phone. I just didn't have the finances right now for a replacement.  Which brings us to the night before last. I am angry as hell because I had spent five minutes trying to get this phone to charge and failed. I am looking in the port and I notice it doesn't look right. The walls look rough and, using a staple, the back and walls feel REALLY rough and very hard. I get some lint/dust out with the staple and it improves charging in the sense I can get it to charge but it doesn't remove any of the hard stuff. It's late and it's charging, so that's enough for now. I decide it's time to see if that hard stuff is part of the connector or not. More aggressive methods are needed! I work in a biochem lab and we have a lot of different sizes of disposable needles available. So, yesterday morning, while in the lab I grab a few different sizes of needles between 26AWG and 31 AWG. When I got home, I got to work and start probing the connector with the 26 AWG and 31 AWG needle. The stuff feels extremely hard, almost like it was part of the connector, but a bit does break off. Under examination of the bit, it's almost sandy with dust/lint embedded in it. It's not part of the connector but instead some sort of rock-hard crap! That's when I remember that I had done some rock hounding at the end of last year and in January. This involved lots of digging in very sandy/dusty soils; soils which bare more than a passing resemblance to the crap in the connector. We have our answer, this debris is basically compacted/cemented rock dust. Over time, moisture in the area combined with the compression from inserting the USB-C connector had turned it into cement. I start going nuts chiseling away at it with the 26 AWG needle. After about 5-10 minutes of constant chiseling and scraping with the 26AWG and 31AWG needles, I see the first signs of metal at the back of the connector. So it is metal around the outsides! Another 5 minutes of work and I have scraped away pretty much all of the crap in the connector. A few finishing passes with the 31AWG needle, a blast of compressed air, and it is time to see if this helped any. I plug my regular USB-C cable and holy crap it clicks into place; it hasn't done that since February! I pick up the phone and the cable has actually latched! The connector works pretty much like it did over a year ago, it's almost like having a brand new phone!
    • That's odd, they are usually almost lock step with TMO. I forgot to mention this also includes the September Security Update.
    • 417.55 MB September security update just downloaded here for S24+ unlocked   Edit:  after Sept security update install, checked and found a 13MB GP System update as well.  Still showing August 1st there however. 
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