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Apple makes me want to vomit! (supposedly...)


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I haven't updated my iPod Touch to iOS7 yet, so I don't know if this is true, but is anyone feeling these type of side-effects? 


I've had iOS 7 for a few weeks on my iPhone 5 and don't have nausea or side effects lol. 

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Just because you do not feal the effects of these others does not mean its non existent. Everyone reacts different to different things.

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One of my best friends suffers from extreme motion sickness.  Anything from playing first person shooters to air travel or riding in a car that he isn't driving makes him sick as hell.  He does have an iphone 5, not sure if he updated his or not but I will ask him and see if it bothers him.  

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I puked my brains out when I got my 5S. But it may be because I ate at Waffle House. 


But did you bring Mountain Girl to the Waffle Hut?




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I never even notice my background moving, unless I'm concentrating on it to watch it move. As for making me sick to my stomach. I call BS. Never had problems with such things, and I get sick from roller coasters.

Fail troll fails.


Apple needs to educate the average user more so they can shut these things off easily. That's the fix. Whether people think it's a real issue or not, doesnt matter, it has merit. Moving things on a screen that move in ways you dont expect are exactly what cause motion sickness.


I can deep-sea fish in 20 foot seas all day with people puking around me, but ask me to read a book in a car for 20 minutes and I nearly pass out I get so dizzy and sick.


Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 2



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Fail troll fails? I hope you aren't addressing me as a troll.



Sent from Josh's iPhone 5 using Tapatalk 2

I know you aren't a troll, but you sure sounded like you were trolling for a response by calling people's motions sickness bs because roller coasters give it to you, but not ios 7.


Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 2



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Accessibility settings are easy to find, and Apple has more of them with more accessibility options than any other mobile OS to my knowledge. If the parallax makes you queasy, you can shut off animations and the effect is gone.

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I don't know what you all are talking about... live wallpaper is awesome. You just need the right app and gif pic.


Now, what happens when your wife finds your using a live gif background and sees the best part of the gif bouncing... that's the bad part.




Sent from my Note 2 using Tapatalk



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Accessibility settings are easy to find, and Apple has more of them with more accessibility options than any other mobile OS to my knowledge. If the parallax makes you queasy, you can shut off animations and the effect is gone.

For you its easy, for my 57 year old mother, it wasn't easy, she had to ask me, and it actually took me more than just a few seconds. After finding it, i shut if off on my iPad too, so it was worth my time.


Most of us have tech easy, the majority of people are not like us.


Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 2



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I've seen a couple of FB posts from my friends who complain about sickness after using their phones for awhile.  I haven't played with iOS 7 myself so I don't have any personal experience on the matter myself.

However, it's important to keep in mind that people react differently to different things.  These people can very well be feeling uncomfortable or sick because of it.  Just because you haven't seen it doesn't make it any less real.

I'm going to find a good article on how to turn off the setting in question and spread it around.  At least it's an easy fix. 

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I've seen a couple of FB posts from my friends who complain about sickness after using their phones for awhile. I haven't played with iOS 7 myself so I don't have any personal experience on the matter myself.


However, it's important to keep in mind that people react differently to different things. These people can very well be feeling uncomfortable or sick because of it. Just because you haven't seen it doesn't make it any less real.


I'm going to find a good article on how to turn off the setting in question and spread it around. At least it's an easy fix.

I posted how earlier in this thread.
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The Parallax effect doesn't bother me at all, but I have it turned off, along with other battery intensive features, like "background app refresh".


iOS 7 itself is more battery intensive than iOS 6, and when coupled with a 2 year old device and poor network conditions my 4S's battery just gets annihilated within 3-4 hours.


It looks way better though, our 1st gen iPad on iOS 5 just looks so clunky now. If only the battery life remained the same.

Edited by Sonic13
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