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Comments related to the NV Running List Thread

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Again though if at the tower setting up lte & cdma on 800 and testing makes as much sense as doing it for lte on 1900 right now.

Currently there are zero devices that support either so saying it makes little sense to do lte on 800 and test right now is no different than what they are doing on 1900 now already...unless like I said they still for some reason do not know if they will even put lte on 800 along side cdma1x too...or you took me saying that lte on 800 would mean no cdma1x if lte was there, which was not what i ment. I ment for both to be there from start.

I see no reason why they when they would flip on live cdma 1x on 800 and NOT lte there too, less I'm missing something....


Sent from my PG86100 using Tapatalk


I'm pretty sure what Robert is saying is that the contractors will install all the equipment that each tower is scheduled to have installed. Only certain towers will receive LTE on 800, and that has already been determined when they wrote up the Network Vision plan, but all the appropriate equipment for each tower will be installed. They will test everything and then go live with what the current handsets can support. Enhanced 1900 CDMA and 800 CDMA will go live. Depending on if there are LTE handsets released, the 1900 LTE will go live as well. The only variable will be if Sprint's LTE handsets can support LTE over 800. Until Sprint has a device that can access 800 LTE, it will be shut off. When they release a capable device, they will flip the switch at their headquarters and remotely activate the 800 LTE. Part of the Network Vision plan is to give Sprint enhanced control of the remote equipment from their headquarters.

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All this doesn't mean anything unless Sprint moves iDEN to 900. Otherwise they can't run anything on 800 at all until decommissioning is complete. Except on for a few hundred sites fully outside of iDEN areas.


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I'm pretty sure what Robert is saying is that the contractors will install all the equipment that each tower is scheduled to have installed. Only certain towers will receive LTE on 800, and that has already been determined when they wrote up the Network Vision plan, but all the appropriate equipment for each tower will be installed. They will test everything and then go live with what the current handsets can support. Enhanced 1900 CDMA and 800 CDMA will go live. Depending on if there are LTE handsets released, the 1900 LTE will go live as well. The only variable will be if Sprint's LTE handsets can support LTE over 800. Until Sprint has a device that can access 800 LTE, it will be shut off. When they release a capable device, they will flip the switch at their headquarters and remotely activate the 800 LTE. Part of the Network Vision plan is to give Sprint enhanced control of the remote equipment from their headquarters.


there we go on same page then now. lol


was totally lost for a bit there trying to make sense of it. lol



Only thing id ? is why have it off, would LTE on 800 cost to have it on even if not being used really? Can't see them just flipping the switch and lighting up the US in one instance when the first 800MHz device is released is all...if so thats awesome and i wanna push that big red button to do so at that time. lol

It kinda goes at the point of them transmitting LTE live right now on the fully finished NV sites yet there isn't a device out that can use it yet...

Edited by Sgt. Slaughter
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All this doesn't mean anything unless Sprint moves iDEN to 900. Otherwise they can't run anything on 800 at all until decommissioning is complete. Except on for a few hundred sites fully outside of iDEN areas.


Posted via Forum Runner





they could just shut it off and claim "network outages" across all iDEN network and force those few left that they must convert over. lol

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All these Network Vision details are like a puzzle. I get a piece here and I get a piece there. Some pieces make no sense, and seem contradictory. But then, I get another piece and some of the previous ones start to make sense. Sarge, I don't have all the pieces yet. And sometimes it can cause you guys to get a little frustrated. I understand.


This is one of those subjects. I have shared what I know now. I will share more as I know more. I'm still amazed at all that info we have gotten. I would love to know more. I wake up every day excited about what new tidbit I will learn today.


- Robert


Posted via Forum Runner

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Thanks Robert for all the info you are able to share with us!



So for about two weeks my speeds have been in the 2+ Mbps range but today dropped back to the .5 range... Seems odd. Thats pretty much where is was before the sudden jump to 2+. Any thoughts on this?

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All these Network Vision details are like a puzzle. I get a piece here and I get a piece there. Some pieces make no sense, and seem contradictory. But then, I get another piece and some of the previous ones start to make sense. Sarge, I don't have all the pieces yet. And sometimes it can cause you guys to get a little frustrated. I understand.


This is one of those subjects. I have shared what I know now. I will share more as I know more. I'm still amazed at all that info we have gotten. I would love to know more. I wake up every day excited about what new tidbit I will learn today.


- Robert


Posted via Forum Runner


hey no worries at all, appreciate everything thats shared.


just was trying to make sense of it some is all there. there gonna do what there gonna do in the end and nothing any of us say of discuss is going to change that anyway, so in reality it doesn't really matter. lol

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Thanks Robert for all the info you are able to share with us!



So for about two weeks my speeds have been in the 2+ Mbps range but today dropped back to the .5 range... Seems odd. Thats pretty much where is was before the sudden jump to 2+. Any thoughts on this?


thinking you were clicking your heels jumping for joy for 2 weeks. lol

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hey no worries at all, appreciate everything thats shared.


just was trying to make sense of it some is all there. there gonna do what there gonna do in the end and nothing any of us say of discuss is going to change that anyway, so in reality it doesn't really matter. lol


It's still all blurry to me and I haven't even seen the documents Robert has seen, lol

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there we go on same page then now. lol


was totally lost for a bit there trying to make sense of it. lol



Only thing id ? is why have it off, would LTE on 800 cost to have it on even if not being used really? Can't see them just flipping the switch and lighting up the US in one instance when the first 800MHz device is released is all...if so thats awesome and i wanna push that big red button to do so at that time. lol

It kinda goes at the point of them transmitting LTE live right now on the fully finished NV sites yet there isn't a device out that can use it yet...


Seems like 800MHz and 2500MHz are going to be used in 2013 when LTE-Advanced goes live.


I don't really see the point of doing it any other way.

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Will there be any more neighborhood by neighborhood breakdowns for Network Vision rollouts in primary markets like there was for Chicago? I'm particularly interested in Boston.

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Will there be any more neighborhood by neighborhood breakdowns for Network Vision rollouts in primary markets like there was for Chicago? I'm particularly interested in Boston.


If the information regarding neighborhood by neighborhood is leaked from Sprint, then I'm sure we will be the first to know.

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Will there be any more neighborhood by neighborhood breakdowns for Network Vision rollouts in primary markets like there was for Chicago? I'm particularly interested in Boston.


Currently, I do have geographic cluster info on approx. 1/3 of Sprint Markets. But I only have a cluster schedule for Chicago. I hope to get more in the future.


- Robert


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Anyone still feel confident in sprint being complete with the rollout by the end of 2013.....

To me seems like they might be pushing it given the info Robert has laid out for us thus far, unless they have multiple markets that will be done in a months time...


Sent from my PG86100 using Tapatalk

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Hi guys, I'm new in site. I really appreciate all the information that you guys specially Robert are shearing. I Just wanted to say that I think that most of the NV should be up and running befor 2013. If you guys think about it, Sprint got a big contract with apple selling the iPhone. I'm more than sure that the next iPhone will have the LTE just like the new iPad. I'm almost positive that following the tradition on apple reveling the new iPhone on October, Sprint needs to be sure that its VN is up and running for that realize day.

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Hi guys, I'm new in site. I really appreciate all the information that you guys specially Robert are shearing. I Just wanted to say that I think that most of the NV should be up and running befor 2013. If you guys think about it, Sprint got a big contract with apple selling the iPhone. I'm more than sure that the next iPhone will have the LTE just like the new iPad. I'm almost positive that following the tradition on apple reveling the new iPhone on October, Sprint needs to be sure that its VN is up and running for that realize day.


Welcome to S4GRU. I sure appreciate your optimism. And the iPhone will certainly be a big factor in Sprint's urgency of deploying Network Vision. However, for them to be largely complete by 2013, it will include an acceleration that their internal schedules are not yet projecting.


I hope to see you around the forums! We also have another liver chat scheduled for Tuesday night at 9:30 PM Mountain time.


- Robert, S4GRU.com

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Bye the way, if you know any updates on NV for Delaware, let me know. Thanks


I know the entire schedule, as it sits from a few weeks ago. However, the schedule is largely in flux at the moment. But Delaware is not in the near future. I will say that much now. But stay tuned to S4GRU.com as the details change.

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