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Boston Marathon Bombing


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www.google.com and google it. I don't want to post direct links, It's absolutely horrible.

Prays and thoughts go out to the 22 injured and RIP to the 2 that died. A horrible tragedy :(

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Guest 503ducati

No, Verizon and Sprint have publicy stated there has been no request to shut down service and networks are up.






An earlier report had indicated that cellphone service in the Boston area was shut down, but at about 5:30 p.m., cell phone companies said service is operating, but with heavy traffic following of the explosions at the Boston Marathon.


A law enforcement official, citing an intelligence briefing, said cellphone service had been shut down Monday in the Boston area to prevent any potential remote detonations of explosives. But officials with Verizon Wireless and Sprint Nextel said there had been no such requests.


Sprint spokeswoman Crystal Davis said: "Minus some mild call blocking on our Boston network due to increased traffic, our service is operating normally.''

Edited by 503ducati
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I work in an office building on Copley Square and heard the explosions. Cell service was never shut down. I missed several calls, but I received text messages over 3G and LTE via Google Voice.

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I work in an office building on Copley Square and heard the explosions. Cell service was never shut down. I missed several calls, but I received text messages over 3G and LTE via Google Voice.



Stay safe dmchssc!!!

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The government has Wireless Priority Service!

I have been texting a friend that ran the Boston Marathon all day. She is ok and thankfully Sprint is operational. If it wasn't, our family would be worried sick.

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Erroneous information can even be included in intelligence briefings.


Just crazy rumors spreading because people are dumb.


I just saw the best comment ever where a guy said Sprint was piping LTE to his house and only his house since it had a purple dot on his house and no where else around. He posted a screen shot in Sensorly of it. LOL. Does he realize he made that purple dot?


Sent from my little Note2



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Just crazy rumors spreading because people are dumb.


I just saw the best comment ever where a guy said Sprint was piping LTE to his house and only his house since it had a purple dot on his house and no where else around. He posted a screen shot in Sensorly of it. LOL. Does he realize he made that purple dot?


Sent from my little Note2


He doesn't get out of the house, clearly.

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I can also confirm that networks were not shut down. Sprint was beyond overloaded; T-Mobile actually held up well.


Even without the crisis, this area is notoriously overloaded for Sprint.


This is one of those times where you really wish Sprint could have had a few more sites upgraded - it could have helped loved ones connect with each other a bit faster during this tragic event.

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I was the only one of my friends who had a useable Internet connection on LTE. I let them all message someone who had an iPhone to let them know that we were okay because only iMessage was working. No calls in or out and no texts went out but did come in. I guess I can thank the fact that sprints LTE network isn't crowded like AT&T and Verizon's are.

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I was the only one of my friends who had a useable Internet connection on LTE. I let them all message someone who had an iPhone to let them know that we were okay because only iMessage was working. No calls in or out and no texts went out but did come in. I guess I can thank the fact that sprints LTE network isn't crowded like AT&T and Verizon's are.


Sounds like events in my area. ATT is the majority holder with Sprint almost last, ATT will not work at many events like football games, parades etc. But Sprint works for the most part.


Sent from my little Note2



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I was in Downtown Boston at mile 25 when it happened (Kenmore Square for you locals). Was with family waiting to see my sister running. Thankfully she tweaked her knee around mile 15, and slowed her pace... otherwise she would have been at the finish line at the exact wrong time. They shut down the race as she passed mile 24.


Anyways, My phone performed better than I expected.. I had trouble making one call, but other than that, my phone was texting/ringing/dialing non-stop for a solid 2 hours before the battery had enough. Facebook and Google Maps were a little slow but not unusable. Others I was with seemed to have more problems than me, but I don't know who had what carrier. Text messages seemed to be flowing without any issues for everyone.


Just want to say all of the police/fire/EMS/race volunteers did an unreal job. Except for the first few minutes at the immediate scene (completely understandable), there was virtually no panic; some people were crying, but for the most part it was just an eerie quiet as everyone followed the directions of the public safety folks trying to clear the area.


They messed with the wrong city...



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