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Sprint now offers shared, capped data plans for small business subs


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That's probably true, but with a job being in Customer Service, I tend to think those numbers might be a bit off. :rolleyes:

In what way? I work as a Sprint Service and Repair technician, and I find that to be almost exactly true. Anything above and beyond said 2-4% tends to be my own fault (or the fault of my peers) in hindsight. If you disagree, I'd say spend a week and actually count the number of "problem" customers you can't bring around. They seem to be much larger in number simply because they are more memorable and more "crazy" than everyone else. One loud idiot feels like 100 regular folks.
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Not sure why we go thru this story every few months here on the site. What I would like to see is Sprint educate customers, keep unlimited data and remove abusers that violate the terms of service.


Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2



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Well, I was hinting 4% may be low but that's probably just my opinion. I get a lot of customers at my job that feel entitled to more than they should be.


Edit: liked your response to that guy on XDA. Lol


Do you have a customer service role where you deal with people's problems? If you only deal with problem people, your percentages would be higher.


Robert via LG Optimus G using Tapatalk



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Well, I was hinting 4% may be low but that's probably just my opinion. I get a lot of customers at my job that feel entitled to more than they should be.

My experience is that humanity is a very entitled species. I also find that setting good expectations tends to work that off. YMMV, of course.


Edit: liked your response to that guy on XDA. Lol
You missed :P accidentally clicked the wrong person!
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  • 3 weeks later...
Well, I was hinting 4% may be low but that's probably just my opinion. I get a lot of customers at my job that feel entitled to more than they should be.


Edit: liked your response to that guy on XDA. Lol


Ya...when I work at a Supermarket, the one phrase I absolutely hated to hear was..."Do you know who I am!"

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Ya...when I work at a Supermarket, the one phrase I absolutely hated to hear was..."Do you know who I am!"

You wouldn't believe how many "business owners" we get in here... where "business" means "I plow a dozen driveways every winter" or "I sell meth out the back of my van" (if the teeth are any indication).


Mentioning being a "business owner" is often included with the phrase "I need my phone." Which, people seem to think that lets me go push the magic "make everything right" button. "Oh, you need your phone? Well, I was operating under the condition that your phone was a fancy toy. Here, let me give you a free upgrade and free service for life." Nope.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, I was hinting 4% may be low but that's probably just my opinion. I get a lot of customers at my job that feel entitled to more than they should be.


Edit: liked your response to that guy on XDA. Lol


And that is because the customers who can be satiated, tend to walk away resolved fairly quickly with a minimal amount of fuss and time invested. The 4% eat significantly more time and resources even when they are in the wrong.

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If you claim to state my position, please do not misrepresent it. Thanks.


Folks, try thinking about this parallel. At various times, several states have tried unlimited speed limits on certain highways. But those unlimited speed limits have never lasted very long. Now, why not?




Terrible example.


Unlimited speeds ended due to federal mandate. Same as under 21 drinking (except PR which takes the federal penalty)


Germany has unlimited speeds, as do some other countries.


States like Montana have limits (fed mandate), but dont enforce them in certain parts.

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Terrible example.


Unlimited speeds ended due to federal mandate. Same as under 21 drinking (except PR which takes the federal penalty)


Germany has unlimited speeds, as do some other countries.


States like Montana have limits (fed mandate), but dont enforce them in certain parts.


Give me a break. No, it is not terrible.


It is a highly relevant example of human nature -- giving people an inch and watching them take a mile. And I had Montana in mind when I formulated it. As Montana found out, people require limits. Otherwise, some have little appreciation for what is "reasonable" and will go to extremes to the detriment of others who share the commons.




In the case of wireless data, the people who object most vigorously are those who want to maintain unlimited data at low prices, even if it means bringing the network to its knees with the overuse of media streaming that mindless people do these days. Call it self interest -- another aspect of human nature.


Finally, congratulations, jamesinclair. You continue to cement your status as one of my least favorite, most annoying S4GRU members.



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In the case of wireless data, the people who object most vigorously are those who want to maintain unlimited data at low prices, even if it means bringing the network to its knees with the overuse of media streaming that mindless people do these days. Call it self interest -- another aspect of human nature.


1) /raise hand who does *not* want to maintain unlimited data at low prices?


2) unlimited data 'bringing the network to its knees'


3) unlimited data 'overuse of media streaming'.


4) hmm, human beings acting in the interest of... self interest? go figure...

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First of all, you may be alarmed that our entire legal system is based off terms like "reasonable", "prudent", substancial" etc - no hard lines.


Finally, congratulations, jamesinclair. You continue to cement your status as one of my least favorite, most annoying S4GRU members.


In every discussion weve had, feel free to compare the number of likes my posts get to yours. You may find your position is not as popular as you might think.


I've said nothing rude, I simply offer my opinion, but since it doesnt line up with yours, that appears to be an issue. Since you fail to understand that discussion is a two way street, and you cant always be right, I will simply no longer reply to anything you post. Maybe that way you can be happy.

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Finally, congratulations, jamesinclair. You continue to cement your status as one of my least favorite, most annoying S4GRU members.




Now I do not know much about either of you, but speaking of XDA AJ, this is a typical reponse I would see over there. I read this thread and I'm pretty sure jamessinclair was stating options. You sir took it further.

You seem to be imo, a person that must be agreed with or that person is not correct. If you see it or not that's the way this whole thread comes across to me.

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First of all, you may be alarmed that our entire legal system is based off terms like "reasonable", "prudent", substancial" etc - no hard lines.




In every discussion weve had, feel free to compare the number of likes my posts get to yours. You may find your position is not as popular as you might think.


I've said nothing rude, I simply offer my opinion, but since it doesnt line up with yours, that appears to be an issue. Since you fail to understand that discussion is a two way street, and you cant always be right, I will simply no longer reply to anything you post. Maybe that way you can be happy.

I do find it curious that, instead of continuing the conversation, refuting his points, you decide to turn this in to a popularity contest. The quality of conversation in this thread is degrading, quickly.
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For some people, it seems that anything more than checking your email and browsing s4gru, is unreasonable data usage.


For all people, creating fallacious straw man arguments diminishes the rationality of their positions.





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Now I do not know much about either of you, but speaking of XDA AJ, this is a typical reponse I would see over there. I read this thread and I'm pretty sure jamessinclair was stating options. You sir took it further.

You seem to be imo, a person that must be agreed with or that person is not correct. If you see it or not that's the way this whole thread comes across to me.


Unfortunately (or fortunately), you are not aware of the long ongoing discussion on this topic that appears in many threads on our site. You would need to read all of that history to be able to make that claim against AJ. AJ has explained, defended and used reasonable points in hundreds of posts on this topic.


AJ and I agree on many things, but we have disagreed in the past on some subjects. AJ also has disagreements with other staff members about this subject and many others. He has no problem discussing in detail his opinion and he offers very good counter arguments.


AJ, and many of our members, do not appreciate people who abuse the Sprint network and hide behind the unlimited banner. They confront these abusers and people who defend them.


However, when it comes to jamessinclair and dedub, I don't think there is much love between them and AJ either way. They have very opposing view points when it comes to data usage and spectrum utilization. AJ is certainly able to say he dislikes someone after months and months of banter. And jamessinclair and dedub will be able to make their counter points. We do not sensor posts unless they violate our posting guidelines, whether from staff, sponsors or members.


Robert via Nexus 7 with Tapatalk HD

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Unfortunately (or fortunately), you are not aware of the long ongoing discussion on this topic that appears in many threads on our site. You would need to read all of that history to be able to make that claim against AJ. AJ has explained, defended and used reasonable points in hundreds of posts on this topic.


AJ and I agree on many things, but we have disagreed in the past on some subjects. AJ also has disagreements with other staff members about this subject and many others. He has no problem discussing in detail his opinion and he offers very good counter arguments.


AJ, and many of our members, do not appreciate people who abuse the Sprint network and hide behind the unlimited banner. They confront these abusers and people who defend them.


However, when it comes to jamessinclair and dedub, I don't think there is much love between them and AJ either way. They have very opposing view points when it comes to data usage and spectrum utilization. AJ is certainly able to say he dislikes someone after months and months of banter. And jamessinclair and dedub will be able to make their counter points. We do not sensor posts unless they violate our posting guidelines, whether from staff, sponsors or members.


Robert via Nexus 7 with Tapatalk HD


I understand your point Robert and do not intend to side with anyone. I do like most of what AJ says in most posts and have come pretty aware of how he responds to people and there posts. Seem like a pretty smart person when it comes to network stuff.

I though, see it as giving into the other person when writing something as he did. Nothing against the man as he seems very intelligent. Just one of those things that get to me when I see a response lowering yourself to a level not usually seen.

Next time I will keep my mouth shut as my post was knee-jerk response. nothing agaist either of them. Just added my two cents too quickly.

In response to why I said, the thread looked like a normal debate until what AJ wrote. I guess I do not know the whole story though as you pointed out.

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To explain myself a bit further, I do not resort to insults, but I do speak my mind, quite bluntly at times. And jamesinclair raised my ire to a breaking point.


He cherry picked one six week old post, disregarded my further elucidation in the thread, and called my analogy "terrible." His choice of words was poor and, I believe, driven by ideological disagreement, not rational disagreement. As I explained it, my example was quite relevant.


But, from what I have witnessed, this is a pattern of posting with jamesinclair. He brings to the table a lot of negativity about Sprint, WiMAX, Network Vision, etc. And I think that misplaced at a non profit Sprint enthusiast site staffed entirely by unpaid volunteers.


So, as Robert has articulated above, I do not expect agreement from everyone. We have disagreements among the staff, as any well functioning, critically thinking staff should. I welcome informed dissent, and I enjoy a good debate. But what I do not appreciate is rampant negativity here at S4GRU.



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I have no issue with AJ, or any other member for that matter, I think he is a great asset to the community.


The only issue I have is, when opinions come across as 'I am right and it's my way or the highway', whether intended or not.


In the end, the only opinion that truely matter's is sprints.


I will leave with this;


An idle network, does no one any good.

An overloaded network, does everyone no good.


Somewhere in between, everyone can do some good.

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Negativity about Sprint is going to be the trend since Sprint cut POP's covered this year from 250 million to 200 million.




If you disagree with that, fine, but realize that's going to create an undertow of negativity.


I get tired of the "why isn't my town LTE" posts as well but if you go back and look at the big picture, some of that's just going to not be preventable.

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Negativity about Sprint is going to be the trend since Sprint cut POP's covered this year from 250 million to 200 million.




If you disagree with that, fine, but realize that's going to create an undertow of negativity.


I get tired of the "why isn't my town LTE" posts as well but if you go back and look at the big picture, some of that's just going to not be preventable.


This may be a point of various contention. We can hardly equate the piecemeal or overlay type network improvement/buildout of other networks (and their currently unsaturated and uncongested hardware) to what Sprint-uh-bank is hoping to accomplish by completely overhauling its network. The pops will come in time and probably much faster than expected if all goes according to plan merger-wise. This is why there are so many hands in the pot trying to prevent Sprint from a quick and clean merger. There exists a huge competitive threat in what most see as the bastard carrier (Sprint) once all is said and done.

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Well, as a long-time poster here, I've gone against the grain more than once and have never had my opinion censored.


I think Sprint has a lot of things going for it and a lot of challenges. There is so much going on, it makes for a lot of things to talk about.


If we all said/thought the same thing, we would have nothing to discuss and this site would sit idle.

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