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Example of how Sprint Reps get a bad name


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This wonderful and very knowledgable Sprint Rep definitely made my day this weekend! Love it!


So over at XDA I was asked a while back to take over a PRL thread in one of their forums. I reworked a majority of the thread and added a PRL myth section. This is what I "had":


Common PRL Myths

1. A PRL is not a list of towers. It's a list of cell phone systems that your phone searches for.

2. It will not make your phone connect to different Sprint 3G towers.

3. It will not give you better Sprint PCS band 3G or 1X coverage.

4. It will not give you better LTE coverage.

5. An update is not required for new cellular sites.

6. The only time a PRL update will give you better native Sprint coverage is when 800mhz SMR (BC10) support is added and enabled in your area.

7. You can not use AT&T or VZW LTE with a use of a different PRL


Until a Sprint Rep decided to say the following:


You're "Common PRL Myths" section is slightly wrong. Not trying to put you out there but I am a Sprint Service and Repair tech and the following...

Lines 1, 2, 3, and 5 are slightly wrong.

a PRL IS a written command line file for the phone that has a list of towers with what frequency are currently running on that tower and the towers that match off the PRL are what your phone is going to connect to as. Simple terms i WILL make your phone connect to different Sprint Towers.


When new towers go up or get updated new PRL's WILL be released with new lines of code for the device to have better reliability.

and lastly, the right or wrong PRL WILL offer better or worse sprint coverage/data. I'm James and I work out of Sprint at 2609 Dougherty Ferry rd. St. Louis Missouri. 63122 636-225-8057


BUT myths like is there a "best" PRL = NO. PRL's will vary from county or your current area your in.

as far as about LTE coverage. PRL's shouldn't affect LTE coverage. And I only state shouldn't because I currently do not have LTE coverage in my area to test any of these PRL's and seeing how it affects LTE.

I simply posted this for "clarification" purposes for you and others to see. If anyone has any other questions then simply just ask me.


Wow. I was going to type up a long message shooting holes all in your false accusations with real facts. Instead I will wait for you to backup your words with sources and facts. Until then my friend your post is simply a good chuckle and will be added to my list of myths.


my sources are fact. I work for the damn company (even gave you all the info to call me up) seems pretty legit to me. but you should re-up your ideas about a prl by asking the sprint rep's and not just one sprint rep.

smh at air headed fellows. d-__-b


So why are there less than 2000 records in the PRL when Sprint has 38,000+ sites. Are those all new towers waiting for the next update?




Haven't seem nor heard from him since.. I definitely got a good laugh and had to add #8 to my myth list:


8. Don't believe the nonsense and lies that a Sprint rep will tell you about PRLs (they were never trained on PRLs and only go by rumors and hearsay instead of facts)

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This wonderful and very knowledgable Sprint Rep definitely made my day this weekend! Love it!


So over at XDA I was asked a while back to take over a PRL thread in one of their forums. I reworked a majority of the thread and added a PRL myth section. This is what I "had":


Common PRL Myths

1. A PRL is not a list of towers. It's a list of cell phone systems that your phone searches for.

2. It will not make your phone connect to different Sprint 3G towers.

3. It will not give you better Sprint PCS band 3G or 1X coverage.

4. It will not give you better LTE coverage.

5. An update is not required for new cellular sites.

6. The only time a PRL update will give you better native Sprint coverage is when 800mhz SMR (BC10) support is added and enabled in your area.

7. You can not use AT&T or VZW LTE with a use of a different PRL


Until a Sprint Rep decided to say the following:










Haven't seem nor heard from him since.. I definitely got a good laugh and had to add #8 to my myth list:


8. Don't believe the nonsense and lies that a Sprint rep will tell you about PRLs (they were never trained on PRLs and only go by rumors and hearsay instead of facts)

But....but..... What if Sprint buys US Cellular? I heard they did, doesn't that mean that they will update it for them?!



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It's true. I've heard the following:

Here, let me show you this. This is a "PRL Update". When you do this, it connects your phone to the closest tower. Give it a shot if you're ever getting bad coverage, it can help a lot.

Which, besides the usual effects of a pseudo-airplane-mode-cycle, this provides a nice placebo effect.


As an aside, according to the Sprint Store locator, there is no store at "2609 Dougherty Ferry rd. St. Louis Missouri". There is one at 2960 Dougherty Ferry Rd, however, which is almost certainly what he meant. And if you'll note (check it yourself!), it says "Sprint Store By Marshall Wireless". So, no, he does not work "for the damn company". He works for Marshall Wireless, a Preferred Retailer. A franchised store, if you will. He has no information inside the Sprint firewall. S&R techs at Preferred Retailers, sadly, tend to have little more information than the general public. I know most of my info has come from S4GRU (which is amazing) and my own experiences (which I put little faith in). Aside from access to things like Device Known Issues, we have surprisingly little access to information.

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PRL Update connects to closest tower? LOL...

It was one of those serious moments of "wait, what!? who told you that? where did you hear that? why would you assume that to be true? do you even know what a PRL is?"


I bet you can guess the answer given to all of those questions.


(Hint: Yeah Really, A guy I know, From Sprint somewhere I think, I tried it myself, I dunno)

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I worked my way up from a sales rep to store manager at a preferred retailer during college before I moved back home and took a job at a corporate store. After seeing both sides I can say the training sucks when it comes to technology and how shit works. I've seen dumbasses on both sides, for example a previous PR store manager in south bend swore up and down once Verizon had lte here sprints lte devices would roam on it.... that's the kind of Shit we must fight.


And on another note I've worked at 2 preferred retailers and if any one here works for one take this advice.....quit and get a job at a corporate store. I make the same salary and more commission as a corp sales rep than I ever did as a PR store manager and the benefits are a million times better.


Sent from my LG-LS970 using Tapatalk 2



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I guess the point I was getting at is don't come make a fool of yourself and tell someone they are dead wrong and have air between the ears or whatever when you are dead wrong yourself. You might just be running with your tail between your legs. Be a man, fess up if you are wrong, or even just say I don't know and this is what I have heard. He just went about it allllll wrong which turned out to be very comical.


It's like he was sitting there telling me Sprint's colors are Orange and Blue and I was dead wrong that Sprint uses yellow. Really?

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I guess the point I was getting at is don't come make a fool of yourself and tell someone they are dead wrong and have air between the ears or whatever when you are dead wrong yourself. You might just be running with your tail between your legs. Be a man, fess up if you are wrong, or even just say I don't know and this is what I have heard. He just went about it allllll wrong which turned out to be very comical.


It's like he was sitting there telling me Sprint's colors are Orange and Blue and I was dead wrong that Sprint uses yellow. Really?


Yeah, he just has no idea. I am sure that he still probably thinks he is right.


Give him a call and see if you can educate him :) A true test of how smart/dumb he is if he will listen and understand after you explain to him, or still stick to his completely wrong and uneducated understanding.


Give him a call and let us know!

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It's getting quite entertaining.


-- "Sensorly or it didn't happen!"


Found the thread on XDA. That guy... He won't back down. His solution to being called out on a lie? Add another one on top of it. :lol:

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Yep.. and I had some funny responses.. ;)


Thanks for the backup Autoprime and Newboyx!


np.. hope i didnt overstep.. im sure you could have worded things better than myself.. i was home sick from work and didnt mind wasting my own time.

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np.. hope i didnt overstep.. im sure you could have worded things better than myself.. i was home sick from work and didnt mind wasting my own time.

The best part was he thought you proved his point.


Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 2



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