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The S4GRU Never Ending Paragraph


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If any of you have an account on iFans might of have seen this there. Anyway, here's how it goes-

The first person (me) posts a word. The next person puts that word followed by another. It keeps going and going.


Person 1: The

Person 2: The large

Person 3: The large girl

Person 4: The large girl ate

You may add punctuation where it is appropriate. ONLY ONE WORD MAY BE ADDED AT A TIME. NO DOUBLE POSTING!


Everything needs to remain appropriate and follow the forum rules. Also, there is no need to quote the person before you. Just copy and paste the post before you and add your word.


If the event happens where two people post the next word at the same time, it is up to the next person to post which version to use.


So, here is the first word:



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The round table format ate hairy spiders when drunk. Its towers became bloated after swallowing a mouthful of baby formula.


Robert via Samsung Note II using Forum Runner

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