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Sprint LTE/Sensorly Map Addiction Thread (SensorSprintAholics)

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Hi, my name is ks-man and I have an addiction.


I got a Sprint Galaxy Note 2 a week and a half ago and I love seeing that 4G icon. I look at the Sensorly coverage map in Chicago and want to see it filled in fully. I now find myself mapping trips on Sensorly and always driving a different route. I sometimes will even drive out of my way just to hit a part of the map that is blank. The next day I will then load up Sensorly maps on the internet like a giddy little schoolgirl and see the progress I've made. From there I will point it out to my wife which will get the guaranteed :rolleyes:. Yes, I know I have a problem but I just can't help myself.


If you have a problem and find yourself an outcast feel free to post here. Perhaps together we can come to terms as SensorSprintAholics.


Gotta go and ring the doorbell down the block. Perhaps if I explain the situation they'll let me in their backyard so I can fill in that 300 sq. ft dead-zone. I don't want people looking on the map thinking they won't get LTE there.

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I think this site was made for Sprint addicts. I will likely become a sensorly addict when I have a reason to be ;)


It would be awesome to see a concerted effort to completely map the sprint network (where we can).

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Our plan of converting unsuspecting wireless customers into bonafide wireless network nerds is coming to fruition.


Robert via Samsung Note II using Forum Runner

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Our plan of converting unsuspecting wireless customers into bonafide wireless network nerds is coming to fruition.


Robert via Samsung Note II using Forum Runner

I already was a wireless nerd. Now I'm a supernerd.
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What I would like to see is Sprint use the information to do something about the network..Heck I'll go even further. I would like to see Sprint pre-install it on devices and have customers opt in. Hell give them a credit on the bill to use it. Engineers are useful of course but nothing is better than real world testing and use.

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I'm so addicted to using sensorly on my crap LTEVO that i try as much as possible to make sure i don't need to use the phone and put it in LTE only mode. Now i just need to donate money to s4gru and i'll be a super addict.

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  • 4 weeks later...

EDIT: I got a bit carried away and made my own thread about this:



Since we're letting our geek flags fly... Here is my Tasker task that I created to aid me in tracking down LTE signal. I made a shortcut to this task from my launcher.


What it does: by clicking the shortcut once, it toggles a modified airplane mode on (modified because I kept getting annoyed at the regular airplane mode cutting off my bluetooth headphones), waits 20 seconds, and toggles the airplane mode back off. 20 seconds is long enough for radio to do an LTE scan when it comes back online.


The way I use it is: start Sensorly, get a GPS lock, and click the Start button on the Map Trip screen. This will keep Sensorly running in the background. Then just click the Airplane Mode switch and wait. If when it comes back it latches on to 4G, Sensorly will immediately start recording your 4G points.


The "recipe" for the task:


Modified Airplane Mode On
A1: Airplane Radios [ Bluetooth:Off Cell:On NFC:Off Wifi:Off Wimax:On ]
A2: Airplane Mode [ Set:Toggle ]
A3: Wait [ MS:0 Seconds:20 Minutes:0 Hours:0 Days:0 ]
A4: Airplane Mode [ Set:Toggle ]


On line A1, when things are set to "On" that means that they will be toggled by a Tasker Airplane Mode action, and "Off" means they won't be turned off by Airplane Mode. I also set Wimax to "On" because, well, why not?


If you want to create it yourself based on the above, the "Airplane Radios" and "Airplane Mode" options are found under the "Net" section, and the "Wait" option is found under the "Task" section.


I have also attached an XML file you can import directly into Tasker to make things easier.


Happy hunting!


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Does the sensorly app have to keep the screen on to work? Or can I disable that?


Sent from a mobile toaster

In the options it says it needs to keep the screen on because of an Android limitation.


Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk 2



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In the options it says it needs to keep the screen on because of an Android limitation.


Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk 2

Yeah, that's what I saw too. Sorta sucks, because ideally I would walk/bike around with it in my pocket mapping 4G. Also, I unwillingly set my phone to CDMA-only, so I was in an LTE area not mapping 4G for a good couple hours today :P

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Yeah, that's what I saw too. Sorta sucks, because ideally I would walk/bike around with it in my pocket mapping 4G. Also, I unwillingly set my phone to CDMA-only, so I was in an LTE area not mapping 4G for a good couple hours today :P

I have noticed that the screen does dim when it's running. It just won't shut off completely. So your battery won't take *as* big of a hit.


Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk 2



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Yeah, that's what I saw too. Sorta sucks, because ideally I would walk/bike around with it in my pocket mapping 4G. Also, I unwillingly set my phone to CDMA-only, so I was in an LTE area not mapping 4G for a good couple hours today :P


I was in DC yesterday and noticed 4g becoming more alive on the edges of the city (Was going to see a friend in Silver Spring) but that darned METRO Shuttle Bus put a crimp in those plans wasn't worth it. I Megabused it back to Philadelphia, got a good portion of coverage on MD-295 not sure where it cut in but almost all the way to the Harbor Tunnel

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I was in DC yesterday and noticed 4g becoming more alive on the edges of the city (Was going to see a friend in Silver Spring) but that darned METRO Shuttle Bus put a crimp in those plans wasn't worth it. I Megabused it back to Philadelphia, got a good portion of coverage on MD-295 not sure where it cut in but almost all the way to the Harbor Tunnel

Yeah, I'm constantly hoping for that little 4G to pop up. Good to know that it's expanding in this manner. This weekend, I should be around DC again so hopefully I can check how far the 4G extends. Where in SS were you going?

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Hi, my name is ks-man and I have an addiction.


I got a Sprint Galaxy Note 2 a week and a half ago and I love seeing that 4G icon. I look at the Sensorly coverage map in Chicago and want to see it filled in fully. I now find myself mapping trips on Sensorly and always driving a different route. I sometimes will even drive out of my way just to hit a part of the map that is blank. The next day I will then load up Sensorly maps on the internet like a giddy little schoolgirl and see the progress I've made. From there I will point it out to my wife which will get the guaranteed :rolleyes:. Yes, I know I have a problem but I just can't help myself.


If you have a problem and find yourself an outcast feel free to post here. Perhaps together we can come to terms as SensorSprintAholics.


Gotta go and ring the doorbell down the block. Perhaps if I explain the situation they'll let me in their backyard so I can fill in that 300 sq. ft dead-zone. I don't want people looking on the map thinking they won't get LTE there.


Haha I'm in the EXACT same boat. I'm in Chicago also and also just got my first lte device the other day and I love the fact I have lte even in my basement lol


Sent from my Sprint Galaxy Nexus Rockin 4.2.1 using Tapatalk 2



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Also I mapped a trip yesterday with my screen off


Sent from my Sprint Galaxy Nexus Rockin 4.2.1 using Tapatalk 2



Sent from a mobile toaster

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If someone maps today' date=' and the signal is 1 bar because the closest LTE tower is off....


And then next week they map again, a new tower is on, giving them 5 bars, will the map change to reflect this?


Or are early mapper creating bad data?[/quote']


In the sensorly thread, they said something about that. I think it was to the effect of it overwrites the data

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