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Sprint LTE/Sensorly Map Addiction Thread (SensorSprintAholics)

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Hi, my name is ks-man and I have an addiction.


I got a Sprint Galaxy Note 2 a week and a half ago and I love seeing that 4G icon. I look at the Sensorly coverage map in Chicago and want to see it filled in fully. I now find myself mapping trips on Sensorly and always driving a different route. I sometimes will even drive out of my way just to hit a part of the map that is blank. The next day I will then load up Sensorly maps on the internet like a giddy little schoolgirl and see the progress I've made. From there I will point it out to my wife which will get the guaranteed :rolleyes:. Yes, I know I have a problem but I just can't help myself.


If you have a problem and find yourself an outcast feel free to post here. Perhaps together we can come to terms as SensorSprintAholics.


Gotta go and ring the doorbell down the block. Perhaps if I explain the situation they'll let me in their backyard so I can fill in that 300 sq. ft dead-zone. I don't want people looking on the map thinking they won't get LTE there.


At least you have taken the first step and admitted you have a problem! I wish the data I collected would get uploaded. Unfortunately, I haven't had the time to spend on trying to figure out why.

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