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Network Vision/LTE - Providence Market


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I have been looking and reading on the internet for months and not once have i seen any talk of Rhode Island getting LTE?? anyone kno where i can get a lil info on when my state mite get LTE?? thanks :)


I am posting an article about the Providence market later today. The good news is working is starting a little early. :tu:



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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello everybody, Does anyone know if there's a physical Sprint 3g tower and a 4g LTE tower in providence ri or does providence ri feed off another state to get services in providence ri?

providence has there own towers....
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Ok thxs guys I was not sure if the state of rhode island has it own towers, now if the state of ri have that manys towers would that mean ri should have great services in this state or is there more to it?

good service were there's towers.. in the city we get good signal.. out in the sticks not so good.. i dont live in the sticks so im stright
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good service were there's towers.. in the city we get good signal.. out in the sticks not so good.. i dont live in the sticks so im stright

Western and north western ri have some issues but will be helped by 800 rolling out later next year. Pascoag, chepachet, foster etc definately have some coverage issues.


Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 2



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Just caught sight of some LTE testing in Lincoln Rhode Island! A small blip is now visible on sensorly. The signal was not consistent or fast but it continued to show up sporadically. Hopefully we see some official sights soon!

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i hope that my horrible 3g has to do with them doing work on towers because this is the worst sevice i have ever gotten.. i had good 3g on my og evo.. my evo 3d.. now i have the evo lte and it takes 30 mins to download a dayym app!! smh i dont kno whats going on.. i hope it not my phone

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The whole state of Rhode Island is an active deployment area. It is possible you are experiencing problems related to Network Vision deployment.


Robert via Samsung Note II via Tapatalk



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I'm pretty sure when I was driving earlier I saw crews working off of I-95 in Providence. In fact, I was so curious that I went up to the site and saw a crew actively working. Not sure if it was a Sprint crew, but I assume it was just because AT&T & Verizon already have LTE in the area. Very exciting for me!

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I may have been wrong about that site because I drove up to it and it was a T-Mobile site. Not sure if they're starting their LTE rollout. But strangely enough I'm one of those people at the RI/MA border so I get a low LTE signal at home, but the weird part is that it's like directly at my house and if I walk to the left or right of it, the signal gets lost

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i wish we knew around what date/month we will start seeing LTE in RI.. its been about 2 months since they started i think? it will be nice to have LTE on my Evo 4g LTE!!! :tu:


I was at the Sprint store in Warwick today. Was told they are currently working in northern RI. They expect RI to be done mid 2013.


We need to be patient.


I was in North Kingstown today and got 1.85 down on 3G so somethings going on.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm just as excited to see dependable, consistent, 3G speeds showing up. Increased signal strength will help in a few areas and 800Mhz will be the icing on the cake.


Other than when I tether on a rare occasion, I don't know how much LTE is going to benefit me. But of course I still want it since both my phones are capable of it.


Got 1.80 down, .98 up yesterday on RT138 between URI and RT 95


Any other RI peeps noticing better 3G?

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