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Network Vision/LTE - SF Bay Market


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I got a blip of (fake?) LTE, but definitely couldn't complete the circle. Sorry boss.




I think there is a tower southwest of the dot on your map that sprint has been testing for a couple weeks. I've seen LTE come on in that neighborhood and disappear a few hours later.

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  • 3 weeks later...

From Oracle Arena:

5/2 - Game 6 vs Denver Nuggets

5/12 - Game 4 vs San Antonio Spurs


I'm pretty sure I was connected to the Oracle Arena site, which is listed as 3G/4G complete and the only one in the area, yet for some reason, LTE strength was solid, but speeds were really slow. It got up to around 1Mbps while the game was on (meaning people were off their phones), but I was expecting more from a complete site. :(


Unfortunately, my time here has come to an end.. I've disconnected my Sprint line, since T-Mobile has been working great for me. It's been fun times for the past year with you guys, getting excited over newly-completed towers and mapping a ton of Sensorly.


Now I'm having fun mapping T-Mobile (the majority of the bay area was done by me) :)



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From Oracle Arena:

5/2 - Game 6 vs Denver Nuggets

5/12 - Game 4 vs San Antonio Spurs


I'm pretty sure I was connected to site FN13XC003, which is listed as 3G/4G complete and the only one in the area, yet for some reason, LTE strength was solid, but speeds were really slow. It got up to around 1Mbps while the game was on (meaning people were off their phones), but I was expecting more from a complete site. :(


Unfortunately, my time here has come to an end.. I've disconnected my Sprint line, since T-Mobile has been working great for me. It's been fun times for the past year with you guys, getting excited over newly-completed towers and mapping a ton of Sensorly.


Now I'm having fun mapping T-Mobile (the majority of the bay area was done by me) :)


That sucks. Doesn't seem like there's that many vocal mappers in the bay area. Thanks for the help. Enjoy T-Mobile. Maybe see you again.

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That sucks. Doesn't seem like there's that many vocal mappers in the bay area. Thanks for the help. Enjoy T-Mobile. Maybe see you again.

I'm still lurking because I want to see Sprint have that "4G everywhere" network that I'm waiting for (that T-Mobile somehow delivered here.) I just can't contribute to the search and the Sensorly mapping. :)

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I'm still lurking because I want to see Sprint have that "4G everywhere" network that I'm waiting for (that T-Mobile somehow delivered here.) I just can't contribute to the search and the Sensorly mapping. :)


May I ask where in San Jose you are? If T-Mobile is as good as you say, I might need to give them a try. What is the phone you are using on T-Mobile?

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May I ask where in San Jose you are? If T-Mobile is as good as you say, I might need to give them a try. What is the phone you are using on T-Mobile?

North. Nexus 4. I'll let Sensorly do the talking (mapped mostly by me): http://sensorly.com/map/4G/US/USA/T-Mobile/lte_310260#q=95131


I believe this is now too off-topic, so if you want to continue discussion about that, shoot me a message!

(or if there was an appropriate forum thread, that'd work too, but I wouldn't expect one on s4gru)

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<br />I'm still lurking because I want to see Sprint have that &quot;4G everywhere&quot; network that I'm waiting for (that T-Mobile somehow delivered here.) I just can't contribute to the search and the Sensorly mapping. &lt;img src='http://s4gru.com/public/style_emoticons/&lt;#EMO_DIR#&gt;/smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='<img src='http://s4gru.com/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />' /&gt;
<<br /><br />Are you selling your sprint phone
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Cause if you aren't I think you can still map on sensorly with a deactivated sprint phone. Just have it upload via wifi only. Worked on an old 3g sprint phone of mine. But that was 3g. I'm not sure sprint allows 4g connections over deactivated phones. Test it out and let us know.


Sent from my cm_tenderloin using Tapatalk HD

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I'm guessing T-Mobile started modernizing their sites in the SF Bay much sooner than Sprint did.


They've been modernizing in the central valley since late october and started the bay earlier than us. My guess is they started around the same time as Sprint did but they had it easier / faster for they did not had to wait for backhaul.

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<<br /><br />Are you selling your sprint phone

Cause if you aren't I think you can still map on sensorly with a deactivated sprint phone. Just have it upload via wifi only. Worked on an old 3g sprint phone of mine. But that was 3g. I'm not sure sprint allows 4g connections over deactivated phones. Test it out and let us know.

I tried already :( no LTE, not even eHRPD. EvdoA all the time. SignalCheck can't even see LTE.


At some point in the past, I mapped with my deactivated EVO Shift 4G. I was able to map WiMAX intermittently, but mapping WiMAX wasn't worth the trouble.

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  • 2 weeks later...

It seems like the upgrades in Oakland have come to a halt for the last few months. I see no new 4G other than what we've seen on the freeways and in downtown. I wish they would do Berkeley and my neighborhood in Oakland because I'm still suffering with speeds that are worse than dial-up. I'm resisting the tempation of jumping ship for Verizon, T-Mobile, or AT&T, all of whom are bettern than Sprint in Oakland and Berkeley.


This is unacceptable and I wish I can get out of my contract for free...

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It seems like the upgrades in Oakland have come to a halt for the last few months. I see no new 4G other than what we've seen on the freeways and in downtown. I wish they would do Berkeley and my neighborhood in Oakland because I'm still suffering with speeds that are worse than dial-up. I'm resisting the tempation of jumping ship for Verizon, T-Mobile, or AT&T, all of whom are bettern than Sprint in Oakland and Berkeley.


This is unacceptable and I wish I can get out of my contract for free...


Yeah i moved from Berkeley to sf last month. It was pretty bad in Berkeley. Not one tower is upgraded yet. They get bleed over from albany and Emeryville and oakland but nothing in Berkeley. Must be all the nimbys. What neighborhood in oakland are you in? I thought more of Oakland would have been done by now too. Sf is getting pretty stagnant also but downtown is well covered as of now. The outlying neighborhoods need help though. Hopefully your patience will pay off. Keep on mapping. I thought I was the only one in the east bay.


Sent from my cm_tenderloin using Tapatalk HD

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Yeah, allegedly the East Bay has launched. I have seen no improvement in Oakland or Berkeley. Oakland is the largest city in the East Bay. Berkeley is up there. I don't know what Sprint is doing but whatever it is isn't working here.

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Yeah, allegedly the East Bay has launched. I have seen no improvement in Oakland or Berkeley. Oakland is the largest city in the East Bay. Berkeley is up there. I don't know what Sprint is doing but whatever it is isn't working here.


I think only contra costa country has officially launched. Sprint is only partially to blame. It's all the permits being delayed and not approved that's really holding them up in parts of East bay especially berkeley.


Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 4 Beta



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The only parts of the Bay Area launched are Marin, Sonoma, Napa, Southern Solano and Eastern Contra Costa Counties. As for Berkeley, I would expect them dead last. They don't call it Berzerkely for nothing!


Robert via Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 4 Beta



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Oakland and Berkeley are the heart of the East Bay.


No, Sprint dropped the ball on this one. It didn't maintain the towers properly in Oakland or Berkeley before Network vision and they haven't worked to fix anything during Network Vision in Oakland where I live and in Berkeley where I work.


It may be Berzerkeley but... Other companies like Verizon, AT&T, and T-Mobile have seemed to be able to get all of their proper permits to maintain and build out their networks in Berzerkeley. One would think that Sprint would be able to accomplish the same feat.


Instead. I continue to suffer data speeds that are worse than my old dial-up modem from the late 90's. The blame is entirely on Sprint for having done nothing to improve or maintain the network here in a timely manner. Thier competitors have outdone them here in every way possible. It's extremely sad. I've had Sprint since 1998-9. I have never experienced such terrible network issues and such terrible customer "service" in all my years as a Sprint customer.

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Oakland and Berkeley are the heart of the East Bay.


No, Sprint dropped the ball on this one. It didn't maintain the towers properly in Oakland or Berkeley before Network vision and they haven't worked to fix anything during Network Vision in Oakland where I live and in Berkeley where I work.


It may be Berzerkeley but... Other companies like Verizon, AT&T, and T-Mobile have seemed to be able to get all of their proper permits to maintain and build out their networks in Berzerkeley. One would think that Sprint would be able to accomplish the same feat.


Instead. I continue to suffer data speeds that are worse than my old dial-up modem from the late 90's. The blame is entirely on Sprint for having done nothing to improve or maintain the network here in a timely manner. Thier competitors have outdone them here in every way possible. It's extremely sad. I've had Sprint since 1998-9. I have never experienced such terrible network issues and such terrible customer "service" in all my years as a Sprint customer.


Your post is a rant. It violates our posting guidelines. The entire East Bay has not been launched, only Eastern Contra Costa County. Face it, your area has a very high level of difficulty of working with the government. It will be last in the area.


AT&T and VZW started working in that area a long time before Sprint. Of course, they're done. They also had much easier installs. Sprint is completely rebuilding all the hardware in their entire network. It is 5x the scope that VZW or AT&T did in their LTE overlays.


If Sprint doesn't meet your needs, then you should go. But complaining about it in our boards will not solve your problem. And will only lead to problems with us. And Sprint won't lose a moments sleep about it.


Robert via Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 4 Beta



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Wow, expressing my opinion and my experience as a Sprint customer in the East Bay qualifies as a rant and is against community posting guidelines? Really? Wow, I expressed no hostility and I'm amazed at the hostility expressed in your response, to be quite honest.


This is the last comment I will make in your forums and I know you couldn't care less.


And yes, I realize that Sprint couldn't care less whether or not I remain a customer. That is the precise point I was making.


And I actually live here, and I'm involved in the politics here. I know from experience and personal knowledge that Sprint has dropped the ball here with city governments (who aren't any more difficult than any other major cities in the USA having grown up in Chicago, if you want to see real city goverment disfunction then you should explore the mess that is the Chicago city government, but I digress).


Since you don't want my input, and in fact you are hostile to it, feel free to delete my account. I never thought that offering on the ground observations would be forbidden here. I'm stunned, actually.


Blessings on all your future endeavors. Cheers! :)

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Wow, expressing my opinion and my experience as a Sprint customer in the East Bay qualifies as a rant and is against community posting guidelines? Really? Wow, I expressed no hostility and I'm amazed at the hostility expressed in your response, to be quite honest.


This is the last comment I will make in your forums and I know you couldn't care less.


And yes, I realize that Sprint couldn't care less whether or not I remain a customer. That is the precise point I was making.


And I actually live here, and I'm involved in the politics here. I know from experience and personal knowledge that Sprint has dropped the ball here with city governments (who aren't any more difficult than any other major cities in the USA having grown up in Chicago, if you want to see real city goverment disfunction then you should explore the mess that is the Chicago city government, but I digress).


Since you don't want my input, and in fact you are hostile to it, feel free to delete my account. I never thought that offering on the ground observations would be forbidden here. I'm stunned, actually.


Blessings on all your future endeavors. Cheers! :)


Yes, a rant tends to be one's personal opinion. You agreed to the terms of our site when you created your S4GRU account. My response was not hostile. But I'll delete your account as requested.


Robert via Nexus 7 using Tapatalk 4 Beta



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Oakland and Berkeley are the heart of the East Bay.


No, Sprint dropped the ball on this one. It didn't maintain the towers properly in Oakland or Berkeley before Network vision and they haven't worked to fix anything during Network Vision in Oakland where I live and in Berkeley where I work.


This is just typical, under informed whining and complaining.


Sprint, via its integral partnership with Clearwire WiMAX, actually started upgrading its network to 4G standards in the East Bay before any of the other operators did.  WiMAX deployment in the entire Bay Area is quite substantial.  The striking exception is Berkeley.  I really like Berkeley.  But the "People's Republic of Berkeley" is highly resistant to new wireless deployments or complete overhauls of existing deployments.  If you know otherwise, show some evidence, or shut up.


In the end, you likely lost out due to your own lack of knowledge.  As a long time Sprint sub in the Bay Area, why did you choose an LTE handset instead of a WiMAX handset?  You have been a member here for over a year -- ah, but you have not given a dime to become a sponsor.  So, you kept yourself ignorant of Sprint LTE deployment progression.


Well, adios, muchacho....



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