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Network Vision/LTE - Atlanta/Athens Market


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Anandtech looks at 4G performance in Atlanta and its environs using the Photon Q and HTC Evo 4G LTE: http://www.anandtech.com/show/6190/sprint-4g-lte-network-performance-on-the-motorola-photon-q


Not surprisingly, Anand's experience is similar to the reports in this thread.

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Anandtech looks at 4G performance in Atlanta and its environs using the Photon Q and HTC Evo 4G LTE: http://www.anandtech...torola-photon-q


Not surprisingly, Anand's experience is similar to the reports in this thread.


All in all, Sprint has A LOT of work to do. IF, they wanna catch up.

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Sprint just needs to keep deploying as many towers as fast as they can. Eventually the negative reviews will turn around. It also seems like they need to get back to under promising and over delivering.


I would argue that Sprint doesn't have any work to do outside of what was planned in the first place. Upgrade all the towers with Network Vision and then assess and adjust for the poor coverage areas.


1900 LTE 5x5 requires many more towers to be deployed before there will be 'great' coverage.

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All in all, Sprint has A LOT of work to do. IF, they wanna catch up.


They do have a lot of work to do but they have also done a lot in the last month as well. I been out of town for the last several weeks and just got back two days ago and I must say that I have seen a huge improvement in 4g connectivity especially on my evo. In my general area which is south of atlanta airport, lte was hit or miss a few weeks ago, especially on my evo compared to my gnex but I just got home from running a few errands and I never lost lte connectivity when I was out and this was on my evo. Places where I know for a fact I shouldn't even be getting a lte signal, I was still getting full bars of lte service. I don't know what sprint is doing but I hope they keep it up.

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I have not seen any improvement at all. I am right near a tower and my LTE does not hang on.


The completion rate now is end of 2013.


There are 10-20 sites completed in Atlanta every week. This is nothing to sneeze at. We are getting reports every day of more and more coverage. Even though additional LTE coverage may not have affected you personally in the six weeks since launch, thousands and thousands of more customers are covered every week.


I added my estimated completion rate based on the current production rate for informational purposes. There is no indication that Sprint plans to maintain the current production rate. There has always been a plan that production was slated to increase in July. It's not like the production increase did not happened because of Sprint. It's not like they are sitting back in Kansas trying to find ways to slow down Network Vision production. It likely is because of things outside their control, like backhaul deployment.


If you don't like living in an early Network Vision/LTE deployment market seeing active deployment progress every week, then you have other wireless carrier options. The rest of us that have no hope for our market to begin even in the next 12 months want to take you out behind the virtual woodshed for your repeated whiny posts throughout S4GRU. :td:



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They do have a lot of work to do but they have also done a lot in the last month as well. I been out of town for the last several weeks and just got back two days ago and I must say that I have seen a huge improvement in 4g connectivity especially on my evo. In my general area which is south of atlanta airport, lte was hit or miss a few weeks ago, especially on my evo compared to my gnex but I just got home from running a few errands and I never lost lte connectivity when I was out and this was on my evo. Places where I know for a fact I shouldn't even be getting a lte signal, I was still getting full bars of lte service. I don't know what sprint is doing but I hope they keep it up.


If the Lord is willing, I'll be down there next summer. Enjoying that good ol' 4g service across town. Idk if it's Ericsson or Sprint that's causing the slowdown here in Fort Worth, but they are bugging!

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I have not seen any improvement at all. I am right near a tower and my LTE does not hang on.


The completion rate now is end of 2013.


Well I don't what to tell you, both of us are in the same general area but the difference between now and a few weeks ago as far as coverage goes is night and day for me.

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I just got back into town as well on Monday, and normally no LTE whatsoever on Buford HWY by where I live, now its on!! Although it turns off by the time I pull into my apartment complex...I'm hoping I'll have LTE in my house within a couple months! :)

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Visiting ATL for the next couple days as I'm down here for the NC State football game tomorrow night...

So far its been iffy here...checked the phone and even did profile update on way to hotel just now, and didn't see 4G at all...same result in my hotel(the Georgian downtown) got no LTE...


Then sitting in my hotel room as I type this I saw my signal go from 3 bars to 5 bars and show 4G!....I didn't move an inch so I dunno wtf happened or if it just takes over 20min for ur phone to be cleared for using LTE the first time or what crazy thing happened...


Looking forward to seeing this in action though!


First few tests pulled 40ms ping and 10-17Mbps DL and solid 10Mbps UL!


Sooooo much better than that junk I get in Raleigh which is 900-1000ms ping and 40-250kbps DL during peak times...


Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2

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Actually sitting here in the same exact location I have seen the signal flutter from full blast 6 bars to 1-2 bar for a few sec before switching back to a solid 4-6 bar strength...all while displaying the 4G logo so kinda odd there...


Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2

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Actually sitting here in the same exact location I have seen the signal flutter from full blast 6 bars to 1-2 bar for a few sec before switching back to a solid 4-6 bar strength...all while displaying the 4G logo so kinda odd there...


Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2


You running the latest ota?

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You running the latest ota?


Na not yet. Just hadn't gotten around to updating yet. Have the stuff saved to do it while I'm down here if need but just haven't yet...just running last OTA stock rooted, no fancy stuff...wanted basic as possible for testing it.


So far once I got it connected the first time it hasn't lost it yet...see how long this lasts and how far away I can get nd transfer to other towers okay...


Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2

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Na not yet. Just hadn't gotten around to updating yet. Have the stuff saved to do it while I'm down here if need but just haven't yet...just running last OTA stock rooted, no fancy stuff...wanted basic as possible for testing it.


So far once I got it connected the first time it hasn't lost it yet...see how long this lasts and how far away I can get nd transfer to other towers okay...


Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2


Oh ok, yeah I am still running an older rom(i did flash the new radio though) so I haven't been able to test the new ota yet. My girl is running the new ota but we haven't gone anywhere to really compare both phones.

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Went out to the Varsity to grab a bite and still no LTE....though full signal bars shown and 3G was pleasant there at 130 ms ping, 1200 kbps DL and 100 kbps UL....I'd kill for that in Raleigh lol


Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2

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Well maybe its to do with downtilt of the LTE antennaes are set to cover larger area bc I went outside the hotel on the side out room is on and got no signal for 4G but full bars and 3G rockin....then back 10 floors up on same side of hotel and 4G is clear...no building blocking that direction either...


Clueless here now...


Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2

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Have fun and win, but just remember when GT comes up there to play NC State you won't be having as much fun!


Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 2


Yeah yeah yeah.....well have our lil fly swatter out to slap the yellow jackets.... Jkjk


Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk 2

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Well maybe its to do with downtilt of the LTE antennaes are set to cover larger area bc I went outside the hotel on the side out room is on and got no signal for 4G but full bars and 3G rockin....then back 10 floors up on same side of hotel and 4G is clear...


That high, you are gaining line of sight to an LTE equipped site much farther away. Nobody tell the FCC or FAA, but on flights at 30,000 ft, I have connected to sites a hundred miles distant in the adjacent MTA -- my experiments were for educational purposes only, of course.



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That high, you are gaining line of sight to an LTE equipped site much farther away. Nobody tell the FCC or FAA, but on flights at 30,000 ft, I have connected to sites a hundred miles distant in the adjacent MTA -- my experiments were for educational purposes only, of course.




Were you able to do anything with that connection? With LTE there would need to be a little bit of configuration to allow for that long of a propagation / light speed delay, I'd think.

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