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Network Vision/LTE - Jacksonville Market (including Gainesville/St. Augustine/Ocala)


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I made a Costco run after lunch today. Of course I wasn't able to check email or do anything data-wise while I was there. Totally unusable.


As I got on the overpass to get on JTB, I noticed that there are three cranes at the tower by the FBI building. This location shows up as one tower on the maps, but it looks like there are actually two sets of panels on two separate transmission line towers. They were hoisting equipment up to the platforms.


Heading east, the tower near JTB and Hodges shows activity. They were hoisting new equipment up. At the end of JTB near Marsh Landing, there was a crane and flatbed with equipment last weekend.


It has been a long wait, hopefully it will all be worth it in the end. I hope that they are making further plans in the town center area to handle the high traffic.


The Town Center and Alltel Stadium are two places that you would think Sprint would put a little more effort into. What kind of PR is it to have all of your customers pissed off at you, and all of their friends making note not to switch to Sprint, even if it is cheaper and you have unlimited data?



I saw this too! I got excited and was like YAY MORE NV EQUIPMENT! But...the tower at JTB/Kernan had crews working on it this morning at 0830, left work at 1630 and was still being worked on and behold the best news...NV PANELS! I was wondering why my phone kept switching between 1x and 3G all day. I also did see the cranes working on the towers atop of the power lines. Yes dear god LTE and better data in the TC area......cross your fingers

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A couple other exciting things today. The Wall Street Journal is reporting that Sprint is working on a possible bid for T-Mobile. I'd really like to see Softbank shake things up in the mobile market. AT&T and Verizon could use more competition.


The other thing I saw is that Houston just had 55 CDMA 800 upgrades accepted. So, it seems that once they get the ball rolling on this, it moves pretty fast.

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A couple other exciting things today. The Wall Street Journal is reporting that Sprint is working on a possible bid for T-Mobile. I'd really like to see Softbank shake things up in the mobile market. AT&T and Verizon could use more competition.


The other thing I saw is that Houston just had 55 CDMA 800 upgrades accepted. So, it seems that once they get the ball rolling on this, it moves pretty fast.

I don't want to begin talking about what I think of a Sprint T-Mobile merger. I just want Sprint to focus on one project at a time. Since I bought my Nexus 5 I'm impressed by how much of the city Sprint covers with band 25 alone is amazing. At this point band 26 is overkill (Good thing though). There wont be a place in most cities where you can't receive a Sprint LTE signal. I find myself not seeing 3g at all most days. Ive been looking all over tower trying to connect to band 41 but can't seem to do so. 2014 is definitely going to be Sprints year to shine.

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I don't want to begin talking about what I think of a Sprint T-Mobile merger. I just want Sprint to focus on one project at a time. Since I bought my Nexus 5 I'm impressed by how much of the city Sprint covers with band 25 alone is amazing. At this point band 26 is overkill (Good thing though). There wont be a place in most cities where you can't receive a Sprint LTE signal. I find myself not seeing 3g at all most days. Ive been looking all over tower trying to connect to band 41 but can't seem to do so. 2014 is definitely going to be Sprints year to shine.

What app or apps do you use to see which bands are being used?


Masayoshi Son, the Softbank CO, is pretty ambitious and seems to have a good track record. He has been saying since June that he wants to buy T-Mobile as well, and that was back when he was trying to beat out Dish Network for Sprint and Clearwire. My impression of him is that he knows his business. He founded Softbank and has built a pretty respectable empire. I don't think that he is a meathead NBA bean counter type.


Sent from my SPH-L720 using Tapatalk



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What app or apps do you use to see which bands are being used?


Masayoshi Son, the Softbank CO, is pretty ambitious and seems to have a good track record. He has been saying since June that he wants to buy T-Mobile as well, and that was back when he was trying to beat out Dish Network for Sprint and Clearwire. My impression of him is that he knows his business. He founded Softbank and has built a pretty respectable empire. I don't think that he is a meathead NBA bean counter type.


Sent from my SPH-L720 using Tapatalk

I've been using the the debug menu on my nexus to see the band I'm connected to

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The LTE coverage and performance in Orlando is very good.  I have a great LTE signal almost everywhere I have been.  Reminds me of how the network was in Tampa when I moved back in late-July.  Jax still has a bit to go before we are on this level.

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Is coverage still good inside buildings? I've noticed poor performance inside, but I tend to work in industrial areas. I'd be happy with good 3G inside, but it seems that the NV upgrades still have a ways to go from looking at the sites completed map. There are lots of 4G towers that still need the 3G upgrades.


Sent from my SPH-L720 using Tapatalk



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Jax is more complete than orlando but the jaclsonville market is more spaced out thus appearing to have less coverage

The LTE coverage and performance in Orlando is very good. I have a great LTE signal almost everywhere I have been. Reminds me of how the network was in Tampa when I moved back in late-July. Jax still has a bit to go before we are on this level.

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I know I keep sounding like a broken record, but I ALWAYS have LTE coverage in Jax and even in-building most of the time. Seriously the only times I loose LTE is Town Centre area and Atlantic and hodges. Beyond that, I never drop LTE.


I on't get good LTE in St. Auggy and 3G is terrible there, too.

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Is coverage still good inside buildings? I've noticed poor performance inside, but I tend to work in industrial areas. I'd be happy with good 3G inside, but it seems that the NV upgrades still have a ways to go from looking at the sites completed map. There are lots of 4G towers that still need the 3G upgrades.


Sent from my SPH-L720 using Tapatalk


I just got LTE in the elevator shaft of an apartment complex, so I'd say the building penetration is decent.  The site I am connecting to is about 1 to 1.5 miles north of me.

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I know I keep sounding like a broken record, but I ALWAYS have LTE coverage in Jax and even in-building most of the time. Seriously the only times I loose LTE is Town Centre area and Atlantic and hodges. Beyond that, I never drop LTE.


I on't get good LTE in St. Auggy and 3G is terrible there, too.

What phone do you have?


Sent from my HTC EVO 4G LTE



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I know I keep sounding like a broken record, but I ALWAYS have LTE coverage in Jax and even in-building most of the time. Seriously the only times I loose LTE is Town Centre area and Atlantic and hodges. Beyond that, I never drop LTE. I on't get good LTE in St. Auggy and 3G is terrible there, too.

It's funny, I get the opposite result. I have amazing LTE connectivity and speeds are almost always 20-30 Mbps. I get up to 27 Mbps in my house and at work, which is inside a metal coffin of a building, still gets upwards of 13 Mbps. When I had my Evo 3D, my 3G was a solid 0.8-2.5 Mbps most places I was at. The only areas that are kind of iffy are off of cr208 and the southern half of the historic district.

If you check Sensorly, you'll see some of the goodies that I contributed to the maps in St Augustine.


I am still waiting to get any usable LTE in Jax. I pretty much drop to 3G only once I get past WGV and don't see LTE again while in Jax. It comes and goes for a few seconds by the 95/295 interchange and I get a little around the Avenues. I haven't see it much at all around Arlington, 295e or the Town Center. That's pretty much where I stick to, though. I did hold LTE inside of BJs on Philips, though, I was impressed by that.

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I was just listening to CNBC while I was dropping my son of at school. They were talking a little about Sprint and a possible T-Mobile merger. It seems that there is a spectrum auction coming up in 2015, and in order to be competitive in the bidding, Sprint will need to have a larger subscriber base over which they can spread the costs of acquiring spectrum.


It is interesting that you have the SEC trying to keep some sort of competition by not allowing the biggest companies to consolidate any further, while the FCC spectrum auctions put the smaller players at a significant disadvantage.

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I also saw work on another transmission line tower by the Town Center. This one is east of the Town Center next to a little lake between it and UNF, on the west side of 295. That one is not on the Sprint map, so it is probably another carrier's, but that makes 4 cranes in that area working on cell towers.


The Hodges and JTB is now sending out a really strong signal, which transitions over nicely to the tower at San Pablo. JTB from Hodges to the intra coastal now has excellent coverage. It drops off after that. Ponte Vedra has some major holes in coverage. I live just north of JTB and the coverage here is pretty spotty. The were working on the tower by Marsh Landing earlier, so I am expecting much better coverage soon.

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@TheDaveWhich phone do you have? Maybe that can explain the difference in lte detection in the same areaSent from my HTC EVO 4G LTE

I have the LG G2.


I also saw work on another transmission line tower by the Town Center. This one is east of the Town Center next to a little lake between it and UNF, on the west side of 295. That one is not on the Sprint map, so it is probably another carrier's, but that makes 4 cranes in that area working on cell towers.


The Hodges and JTB is now sending out a really strong signal, which transitions over nicely to the tower at San Pablo. JTB from Hodges to the intra coastal now has excellent coverage. It drops off after that. Ponte Vedra has some major holes in coverage. I live just north of JTB and the coverage here is pretty spotty. The were working on the tower by Marsh Landing earlier, so I am expecting much better coverage soon.

I pulled a usable LTE signal yesterday at the Town Center sitting at Pei Wei eating lunch. It was maybe -112 dB but I was able to check mail and pull up a Web page easily. I saw a crane working on a tower behind Dick's, too.

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Has anyone had any luck connecting to a band 41 site? I can't seem to connect at all are connections being blocked?

My classes ended but for the one site that was at my college campus, I connected to it just fine (after cycling airplane mode.)


Sent from my LG-LS980



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