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Evo 4G Lte - "National Release Date"


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I have followed all the notes, looked everywhere, and even signed up for twitter to follow InsideSprintNow. Still nothing. No one knows what is going on and why Sprint refuses to issue a date. Does anyone have insider information at HTC? Is there a shortage of phones? Did Sprint only have the pre-orders made up? Is Customs slowly releasing the batches of phones in the holding area?


The original release date was to be May 18th. That would mean that Sprint & HTC had produced and agreed there was enough phones for a national release made to spread across the nation. Now, one week later, when THE ONLY HOLDUP was the customs issue, BAM, nothing. The phone has been released from customs per everyone but Sprint. All Sprint has said is that pre-orders would be sent to arrive in customer's hands by May 24th. I enjoy InsideSprintNow and this site, but no one is offering anything for those who did not pre order.


I wish I had pre-ordered and was given bogus information by a salesperson at a corp Sprint store (if you have issues with the phone, you have to mail it back in & not bring it into a store). I took the information as golden and did not pre-order. Do the sales staff make a commission of a phone sale or do they have quotas like cops do?


Does anyone know anything solid for all the people that did not pre-order?


To those of you who are enjoying an Evo, please continue to tell us news about the phone, just not in this thread, please. I have read many people who are like me, sitting in the dark wondering why no one is talking.



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I wish I had pre-ordered and was given bogus information by a salesperson at a corp Sprint store (if you have issues with the phone, you have to mail it back in & not bring it into a store). I took the information as golden and did not pre-order.


I am sorry that you feel left in the dark. But, honestly, if you did not place a preorder, then you really have no standing in the matter, hence no reasonable cause for complaint.


As for your experience with Sprint Store worker, you have learned lesson number one. Do not take as gospel any non verified info you receive from salespersons, call center reps, even managers, etc. Many of them know next to nothing about the wireless industry other than what they are told. They are not experts. Like so many working schlubs out there, unfortunately, they are largely just rank and file employees who are just doing their rather unsatisfying jobs.


So, if you want solid info, come to S4GRU, where people are passionate and knowledgeable about wireless of their own accord, not because they are getting paid. Those are the best kind of resource people.



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ISN sounds overly optimistic regarding people on DWLs getting their phones soon. There hasn't been any reports today about any corporate stores receiving stock or notifying people on the waiting lists.


I am sorry that you feel left in the dark. But, honestly, if you did not place a preorder, then you really have no standing in the matter, hence no reasonable cause for complaint.


In your opinion, do customers on store DWLs have a reasonable cause for complaint?

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In your opinion, do customers on store DWLs have a reasonable cause for complaint?


I am not sure what a "DWL" is other than some sort of waiting list. Did those customers prepay for their devices? If not, no, they are on a list and nothing more. They, too, do not have any really reasonable grounds for complaint.


Preorder customers, on the other hand, were billed in advance -- at least, in my case, the ~$200 charge hit my credit card statement even before the customs delay was announced. So, preorder customers deserved to receive the first devices, as they already had bills of sale.



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Inside Sprint Now, like s4gru.com, is one of our front-line sources for real information about this whole situation.


The public outcry was so great this past week that Android Central forums and XDA were locking threads over it (as I was told, apologies if in any inaccurate) and after that the traffic flood brought AndroidForums.com to a crawl (and we have nearly a million register members) when people turned to us.


Do people on DWLs (device waiting lists) have cause for complaint?


Personally, I think so. This is the fallout from a patent system that allowed a patent on the "bread freshing system" for making toast at high temperature - and allowed a patent application that Apple made in 1996 to be granted in 1999 after the patent standards changed in the dot com day to allow nonsense patents to be granted defying common sense (speaking as a hardware and software patent holder before that nonsense and intimately familiar with the old and new processes and standards).


HTC set resonable expections for inspection based on a long history of import/export experience in the face of an insane court ruling. Customs set reasonable expectations based on their backlog and knowledge base (these guys catch druggies and do us well, ok?) and Sprint set reasonable expectations based on what they knew as the end-point in the supply chain and having seen most everything already.


And based on that, consumers set reasonable expectations for their phone deliveries.


So - do consumers have reasonable cause for complaint?


I think so.


But where do the complaints go?


Sprint? I think they were following what they were told to expect.


HTC? I think they were following reasonable expectations - they had the patent-violating fix in updates and on other phones already.


Customs? I think they have bigger fish to fry than a phone.


Apple? I say yes. While others say it's not their fault for exploiting a broken patent system and we ought blame the government (and by extension - us voters), I will always blame the party that does wrong morally with a legal loophole that removes morality.


That all said - I am often wrong, and I don't mean that in any pithy or cute way. All of that is simply my opinion of where we all stand and what I think of who's to blame.


If it helps any, I don't have my phone yet and I simply tell myself that as long as it's before June 10th, maybe it's all good.


It's not much, but it is what it is. ;):)

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I am not sure what a "DWL" is other than some sort of waiting list. Did those customers prepay for their devices? If not, no, they are on a list and nothing more. They, too, do not have any really reasonable grounds for complaint.


Preorder customers, on the other hand, were billed in advance -- at least, in my case, the ~$200 charge hit my credit card statement even before the customs delay was announced. So, preorder customers deserved to receive the first devices, as they already had bills of sale.




DWL - Device Wait List.


These customers put down $50 on a non refundable gift card to hold a phone for them. When the the phone comes in, they're called in order to get their phones and can use the gift card to pay for the phone. You're basically putting down $50 dollars to promise you're going to buy the phone there, and the store is promising to give you your phone at your turn on the list.


Almost like pre-ordering online, but your warehouse is essentially the store, and not some remote hub in the U.S. And once again, the gift card is non-refundable, so you use it or lose it. Yes, you may have put your money down all in advance... but at least you have the option to get it all refunded, you know?


In my opinion, they both have the right to a complaint, but why even complain? This is an HTC-Apple matter, and as far as I can see it's being resolved expeditiously. You just have to trust that when multiple sources say they released the phones from customs, they're probably on their way to the right venues in order of Sprint's importance first. 1.Customers who fully prepaid 2. Customers on the wait list, 3. Everyone else.


It's just a waiting game now.



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None of us really should be complaining. We are all victims. Including Sprint. And of course, that is my opinion.


Robert via Kindle Fire using Forum Runner

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None of us really should be complaining. We are all victims. Including Sprint. And of course, that is my opinion.


To use one of my favorite phrases of late, we definitely have a "first world problem" on our hands. The $200 high definition microcomputer phone that some people want to replace their current microcomputer phone has been delayed by a few days, maybe even a few weeks. And do remember that the phone was originally slated for a mid June release, so it is still currently ahead of the original release schedule. But that matters not. Oh, how will those poor souls ever manage the interminable wait?



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I am not sure what a "DWL" is other than some sort of waiting list. Did those customers prepay for their devices? If not, no, they are on a list and nothing more. They, too, do not have any really reasonable grounds for complaint.


Preorder customers, on the other hand, were billed in advance -- at least, in my case, the ~$200 charge hit my credit card statement even before the customs delay was announced. So, preorder customers deserved to receive the first devices, as they already had bills of sale.




The problem is that pre-ordering a phone at a 3rd party retailer does not neccessarily imply paying the full upgrade price for it. BestBuy B&M normally requires just a $50 gift card purchase for their pre-orders and for EVO LTE pre-orders they waived this requirement altogether. Nevertheless, BestBuy pre-order customers who paid $0 got their phones yesterday, while Sprint corporate store customers who paid $50 for a gift card have not actually pre-ordered their phones in the eyes of Sprint, so they have to wait until natinal launch.


My upgrade eligibility reset on May 18, so I was not able to do an online / telesales pre-order through Sprint. However, I was able to walk into a BestBuy yesterday, "pre-order" the phone and immediately pick it up. Too bad I cannot get it activated on my account, so it's of no use to me. Meanwhile, my DWL spot at a Sprint corporate store gets me nowhere. You might be able to relate to this "first world problem" if you were in a similar situation.



In my opinion, they both have the right to a complaint, but why even complain? This is an HTC-Apple matter, and as far as I can see it's being resolved expeditiously. You just have to trust that when multiple sources say they released the phones from customs, they're probably on their way to the right venues in order of Sprint's importance first. 1.Customers who fully prepaid 2. Customers on the wait list, 3. Everyone else.


It's just a waiting game now.




BB store customers who paid $0 should not be more important thant Sprint corporate store customers who paid $50.

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BB store customers who paid $0 should not be more important thant Sprint corporate store customers who paid $50.


Maybe I am grossly mistaken, but Sprint has no control over Best Buy's inventory. Sprint orders devices from HTC, just as Best Buy orders devices from HTC. As such, Best Buy can do whatever it pleases with its allotment from HTC. Your comparison between Best Buy customers who paid $0 and Sprint Store customers who paid $50 is not at all relevant because those are customers of two completely separate point of sale vendors. Do you think that Sprint has the power to take away from Best Buy's shipment so that Sprint can fill more of its own orders?



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Maybe I am grossly mistaken, but Sprint has no control over Best Buy's inventory. Sprint orders devices from HTC, just as Best Buy orders devices from HTC. As such, Best Buy can do whatever it pleases with its allotment from HTC. Your comparison between Best Buy customers who paid $0 and Sprint Store customers who paid $50 is not at all relevant because those are customers of two completely separate point of sale vendors. Do you think that Sprint has the power to take away from Best Buy's shipment so that Sprint can fill more of its own orders?




Sprint has control over launch timing and how it treats its customers on the wait list. According to ISN, the launch delay "has been for a couple of reasons, the primary one being the promise to make sure that all pre-orders are available before the launch date." This doesn't sound like a shortage, more like an artificial delay. Surely there was enough stock coming in for the launch on May 18; it got held up for a week, but it didn't disappear. Sprint could either treat DWL reservations like pre-orders and fulfill them before launch or just stop delaying the launch.

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Sprint has control over launch timing and how it treats its customers on the wait list. According to ISN, the launch delay "has been for a couple of reasons, the primary one being the promise to make sure that all pre-orders are available before the launch date." This doesn't sound like a shortage, more like an artificial delay. Surely there was enough stock coming in for the launch on May 18; it got held up for a week, but it didn't disappear. Sprint could either treat DWL reservations like pre-orders and fulfill them before launch or just stop delaying the launch.

I think you are comparing apples and oranges. HTC manufactures the phone. Sprint orders a certain amount and the third party retailers order a certain amount. Sprint may be the preferred customer but unless they max out HTC's capacity I doubt there would be a negative impact on the next retailers order.
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Hi everyone,

I guess somehow I did not get my point across.


I did complain, but as a Sprint customer, I believe when they decide to offer a phone, do I not have the right to say, I would rather get it in the store than by mail. Which I can preference by saying I worked for UPS & know how they are required to work. BUT THAT IS NOT MY POINT.


I would like to understand how Sprint annouces the release date as May 18th (last Friday) and then must hold onto the phones till after customs checks them out. How is it that Sprint cannot announce the new release date? The supply is not there? But it was cause originally they were set for the 18th?


Do I care about the argument pre-orders versus non-pre-orders, No Apple people, that is not my point. I want to discuss whether the demand was higher than originally or maybe the whole lot is still working its way out of customs? Possibly there is a glitch with the phone software & HTC is working on it before releasing it to the other millions who like to have the Sprint sales person do the switch & boom turn in the older phone for a rebate & have the new phone a few seconds later.


LETS FOCUS....please use your intellect to decipher the code...What is going on....Sprint "should" have the supply (Inside Sprint Now never mentioned any phone shortage) to have easily chosen a new date. Is there another phone coming out that Sprint is considering challenging with the release....kinda build up enthusiasm by those who have it into those who do not (APPLE MOVE).


I did not mean to discuss the pre-order issue...I know I messed up there...MOVING ON. This site has great thinkers, I have read your posts. Lets get to solving this querry.


Thanks for the responses so far!

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Hi everyone,

I guess somehow I did not get my point across.


I did complain, but as a Sprint customer, I believe when they decide to offer a phone, do I not have the right to say, I would rather get it in the store than by mail. Which I can preference by saying I worked for UPS & know how they are required to work. BUT THAT IS NOT MY POINT.


I would like to understand how Sprint annouces the release date as May 18th (last Friday) and then must hold onto the phones till after customs checks them out. How is it that Sprint cannot announce the new release date? The supply is not there? But it was cause originally they were set for the 18th?


Do I care about the argument pre-orders versus non-pre-orders, No Apple people, that is not my point. I want to discuss whether the demand was higher than originally or maybe the whole lot is still working its way out of customs? Possibly there is a glitch with the phone software & HTC is working on it before releasing it to the other millions who like to have the Sprint sales person do the switch & boom turn in the older phone for a rebate & have the new phone a few seconds later.


LETS FOCUS....please use your intellect to decipher the code...What is going on....Sprint "should" have the supply (Inside Sprint Now never mentioned any phone shortage) to have easily chosen a new date. Is there another phone coming out that Sprint is considering challenging with the release....kinda build up enthusiasm by those who have it into those who do not (APPLE MOVE).


I did not mean to discuss the pre-order issue...I know I messed up there...MOVING ON. This site has great thinkers, I have read your posts. Lets get to solving this querry.


Thanks for the responses so far!

Gotcha. Honestly I think Sprint wants to make sure that they honor all the pre-orders first. There is also the issue of conflicting reports on the actual supply chain. Some say all were released and some say they were released per individual shipment. Were they all state side or in Taiwan? Lots of Variables especially when you are trying to play catch up.
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What adds to the puzzle is Sprint shipping free gel cases as an apology for the delay with the preorder deliveries.


I think that suggests that the preorder population was a large enough constituency that they wanted to buy goodwill after the delay.


If true, then like the original Evo, they must have not planned for the demand.


Best Buy and Radio Shack filled preorders, but according to Android Forums members, the supply at many stores was small to begin with.


So, I think that demand outstripped supply but the basis for my opinion is on skakey ground to be sure.

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Best Buy and Radio Shack filled preorders, but according to Android Forums members, the supply at many stores was small to begin with.


So, I think that demand outstripped supply but the basis for my opinion is on skakey ground to be sure.


Best Buy filled SOME preorders. I'm still waiting on mine, and I saw their preorder list in the store. I'm at the top as far as who didn't get their order filled, so as soon as they get another in, it's mine, but they have no idea when that will be.


The part that sucks is some Best Buy's got more than they needed. A friend, that doesn't like near me, went to BB, preordered, and got one on the spot because they had more than enough.

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Best Buy filled SOME preorders. I'm still waiting on mine, and I saw their preorder list in the store. I'm at the top as far as who didn't get their order filled, so as soon as they get another in, it's mine, but they have no idea when that will be.


The part that sucks is some Best Buy's got more than they needed. A friend, that doesn't like near me, went to BB, preordered, and got one on the spot because they had more than enough.


I agree completely and didn't say that all preorders were filled.


The situation is frustrating for many, including those that simply planned to buy one on the 25th from a Sprint store based on others getting theirs via preorder.


Sorry you didn't get yours, hope you do soon.

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I have confirmed 2 members of the site I moderate have been able to buy them from their local Walmart. Unfortunately for me my local Walmart doesn't sell Sprint. :(

On a related note, while having the screen replaced on my 3D yesterday one of the store reps told me they were told to expect them in store by the end of the week. As always take anything from a store rep with a heaping serving of salt. They are less informed than us 90% of the time.


Sent from my PG86100 using Tapatalk 2

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im starting to wonder if the gel case was a pre-emptive antennagate fix... just sayin.


There was no mention specifically of any antenna issues in lab tests. However, there were the LTE Connectivity issues. I guess its possible that was antenna related. Interesting...


Robert via Kindle Fire using Forum Runner

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im starting to wonder if the gel case was a pre-emptive antennagate fix... just sayin.


That seems unlikely -- at least, in the sense of the iPhone 4 "antennagate." The iPhone 4 has external antennas, such that a user's hand can unintentionally bridge or short the antennas, greatly affecting their RF properties. The EVO LTE, on the other hand, has only internal antennas.



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On a related note, while having the screen replaced on my 3D yesterday one of the store reps told me they were told to expect them in store by the end of the week. As always take anything from a store rep with a heaping serving of salt. They are less informed than us 90% of the time.


Sent from my PG86100 using Tapatalk 2


I too stopped by my local (non corporate store) that opened up recently. There was a large desk type display with more shelving behind it that was empty. Every other one in the store had display phones on them. The store reps reported that have a truck arriving tomorrow (Tuesday) and hope the new EVO4gLTE will be on it. The way the said though made me think they were fully expecting them to be on the truck. They also broke out in a huge grin when I mentioned June 1st being the rumored new launch date. We will see. Could be more BS but, hopefully not.

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Hopefully things will start to get better from here on out.


Thanks for the post. ISN has tweeted that he seen a release draft in the pipeline and should know more about it tomorrow (5/30). I wonder how long it will take to get to the stores now. My sister got an Evo 4g LTE and was upset about a few different things. She is not a techie, so having her facebook friends contact info in her contacts on her EVO got her upset. I took the phone and fixed it. She then complained about how her screens had the specific things she wanted on them & so I learned how to find widgets. I am so ready to get my new phone, I am chomping at the bit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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