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What you've all been waiting for...Pics from a Network Vision site in Marengo, Illinois



by Robert Herron

Sprint 4G Rollout Updates

Monday, February 27, 2012 - 7:01 PM MST


"Ladies and Gentlemen - We got him!"


That is assuming Network Vision sites are masculine. What you all have been waiting for. Real, true, bona fide Network Vision site photos! S4GRU Member runagun drove out to Marengo, Illinois in the Sprint Chicago market to check out some Network Vision action for himself. He had been seeing the reports on S4GRU.com about Network Vision in his area, and maybe even a tad skeptical, so he drove to a site to investigate for himself.


Marengo was touted as getting NV work this month in our S4GRU article, Samsung Network Vision/LTE Deployment schedule & details for Sprint's Chicago Market. And we are relieved to find our information confirmed by the site visit! Samsung is actively working on clusters as reported in the article.


Our keen spy was able to investigate and photograph the site with a subcontractor actually present. Who was very helpful and answered questions. I'll let the photos speak for themselves!


Special thanks to S4GRU member runagun for the photos! Good job!


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It's my understanding they will be removed after everything is hunky dory. I would guess a few weeks after the NV equipment is live, fully functioning and no problems occur.

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I've seen ALcatel Lucent using tower cranes lifting new cabinets to the top of 6 story buildings recently.


If you get a chance to take a photo of that, send it to me! :tu:


- Robert

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Any chance for a breakdown on the individual pieces of equipment in the NV cabs as far as function/role in the site?

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Any chance for a breakdown on the individual pieces of equipment in the NV cabs as far as function/role in the site?


Jerald...it's not something I can do. But there are other S4GRU members here that can. Hopefully they will see your question and come to our rescue!

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