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Everything posted by Boosted20V

  1. In that case, then you're absolutely correct that current carrier capacity is maxed out there. However, as I stated before, much relief will be because of the additional 10 mhz of spectrum used for LTE. Backhaul obviously isn't the limiting factor in all cases, in a city as dense as NY, I imagine all carriers have issues keeping every served.
  2. Let's just say for the sake of argument that the new NV backhaul is hooked up and you are getting your results (which we don't even know). You do realize they have yet to light up a 5x5mhz chunk of spectrum on LTE(which is more efficient than EVDO?) which you will be riding on once it goes live. Realistically, that is a decent chunk of capacity(~37mb/s) that will be added and I think you're being premature and dramatic in your assessment. And obviously outside of that, more EVDO carriers can be added via NV and we don't even know if the new hardware is broadcasting.
  3. Pretty much, Clearwire has WiMAX locations independent of Sprint sites so that explains why you got excellent coverage from them but no voice/3G. In the very near future you should have much better indoor coverage for voice and texts because of the 800mhz spectrum refarming. Sprint cannot wait to get this deployed as well for the exact reason you just stated. They pay huge roaming costs in their coverage footprint because of building penetration issues.
  4. 800mhz voice right away. 800mhz LTE is 2013, it also should be noted that the use of remote radio's will give improved 1900mhz reception in buildings to some degree.
  5. 800mhz signal propagates a whole lot better than 1900mhz, and RRU's located next to the antennas. Also, Shentel explicitly stated on their last earnings call that have been extremely judicious in adding carrier capacity since all the hardware will get thrown away once the NV upgrades are complete. So with you being downtown, when everyone is working during the day I have no doubt speeds suffer. Also, as I've noticed with mine, the EVO LTE isn't exactly a stellar performer in it's radio. Makes me sad, my gf's GSIII is much better for reception (how ironic, given Samsung's history).
  6. I've noticed this as well. People can't seem to wrap their minds around the idea that not all towers are upgraded. If they hadn't let users connect to these towers, users would complain. Then they do let them connect, and users complain that coverage sucks and Sprint is going to pull a WiMax on us.
  7. Well without a doubt, the 800 mhz overlay is going to fill in those gaps and should present EXCELLENT indoor coverage. As I stated above, there are quite a few NV sites upgraded, so Shentel and ALU are working on it. Since the end of the 3rd Q is at the end of this month, I expect to hear something from Shentel by then.
  8. They'll be launching by the end of the 3rd quarter. Shentel has done a good job of getting needed backhaul to all of their towers I hit. To be honest, I don't really even see a need for LTE when I'm pulling down between 1.5 - 2 mb/s on 3G. EDIT - Also, I travel between Harrisburg and the Lehigh Valley often and Shentel has done a much better job maintaining their network than Sprint. I'll be curious to compare the two once NV is completed in both areas.
  9. \ T1 backhaul would be limited to a max of 1.5 mb/s per my understanding. If you're seeing 2mbit+ speeds, it is either AAV, Microwave or Fiber backhaul. In that case, I would assume the limiting factor is carrier capacity.
  10. While I agree, it's at least good to know it's not T1 backhaul to the site.
  11. After driving around this weekend I can say that Shentel wasn't kidding about its ability to put up 3-4 sites per day going forward. I saw no less than 7 total sites upgraded along 81/83/581/Carlisle Pike which were not completed just a few weeks ago. I'm looking forward to these going live. Legacy panels are still on all sites and there is no eHRPD connections yet so I'm curious when the cutover will be.
  12. Also, the other location I found has 2 of the larger rounded antennas per sector, more in line with what I've seen in other markets.
  13. Robert, agreed on the ALU antenna on the right, that stood out to me too since ALU is doing the work for Shentel. This also IS a WiMax area and Clear is located on this tower, however, I am 99% sure their equipment is located at the bottom end of the tower not shown in the pics. They have a microwave radome as well as their tiny 2.5ghz panels located almost directly off the tower and not on a large rack. I can get pics of that as well, I'm surprised to hear you haven't seen an antenna config like that.
  14. http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/94/imag0027eq.jpg/ http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/839/imag0028k.jpg/ Here are some pictures. Shentel is the top rung, 2 legacy panels on the inside, 2 NV panels on the outside with RRU's underneath. I'm curious about the 2 different size NV antennas on there. I'm accustomed to the style on the right, the large 800mhz capable antenna. What is the deal with the flat, much wider antenna on the left? Is the one on the left only 1900mhz capable? Is one for sending and the other for receiving? Thanks for any input on this.
  15. As an update, 2 towers in the Harrisburg area have been upgraded. Both are directly off of I-81, one at mile marker 72, the other near mile marker 82 at the I81/I78 split. Both towers still have legacy panels in the center and there is still no EHRPD connection. I'll post pictures tomorrow morning when it's light out. Excited to see towers start deploying, I figured it would have to be soon since Shentel reiterated on their last earnings call they were planning on launching LTE service by the end of Q3.
  16. Agreed, the panels are definitely alot bigger than they appear from the ground.
  17. And I'm assuming this is because of the conflict between NV and legacy equipment? If they did the usual deployment people would be dropping calls across the entire market vs just in one area where the work is being done?
  18. T-Mobile and AT&T currently use RRU's as well.
  19. Looks like sprint 1900 mhz panels on the bottom. Top appears to be Verizon 700mhz LTE at first glance in the middle with 2 850mhz cellular antenna's on the outside.
  20. Going forward this would make it even easier to absorb Metro if they so choose (not that I'm a fan of it).
  21. Over my head? Not so much, simply dramatic and uncalled for... oh and perhaps condescending? Some personalities on this "friendly" site.
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