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Everything posted by Boosted20V

  1. These are my thoughts exactly. It would DEFINITELY save them money to just hire an outside telecom firm to handle their wireless communicaitons rather than run an entire network themselves. Seems like a no-brainer, especially as mentioned, with their overall usable footprint becoming TINY.
  2. But do you really think this network will remain nearly as usable to anyone once they can't roam onto Nextel's footprint?
  3. All authors on that site are not created equal. I've read pure garbage there as well.
  4. Saw this yesterday as well. Was suprised to see an analyst on Seeking Alpha with pretty thorough knowledge of the wireless landscape.
  5. Would you mind expanding on this a little...?
  6. So Shentel said the end of the 3rd quarter they would launch. The last day of the third quarter is Saturday, Sept. 30th.... Wanna take guesses on when it will go live and Shentel will announce the launch?
  7. http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/268/screenshot2012092510580.png/ Near 19th and Paxton St. Harrisburg.
  8. Another strange thing is that any non-LTE towers in adjacent sectors aren't directing to eHRPD. When I left the LTE area, I had a hard handoff to 3G. I wonder why Shentel isn't yet using eHRPD when they have LTE broadcasting live...
  9. Not sure man... I really would hope it's not the EVO radio's although I haven't heard much good about them!
  10. Are you sure LTE/CDMA mode is enabled? Not just CDMA?
  11. Toggle airplane mode on and off. My EVO LTE picked it up RIGHT away. Directly behind the Mcdonalds up from 19th st. I held onto it almost to the 83 on ramp. 25mb down 10 up, see screenshots.
  12. Good man, got some shots myself. The antennas are on top of the apartment building behind the McDonalds... http://imageshack.us...2092510580.png/ http://imageshack.us...imag0214cv.jpg/ EDIT - Robert, also, if you notice in the horrible antenna picture, the left antenna is the same as in my previous shots of one of the other completed towers. It's a non-rounded, much smaller (1900mhz looking) antenna which was added. I'm wondering what Shentel is doing differently that it is using these....
  13. Isn't it odd that this tower has no legacy panels? During cutover it's simply offline?
  14. Really? I know large portions of the I80 corridor in PA are 1xRTT only. Large swaths of western and northern PA are, which former affiliate owned these?
  15. Actually, Sprint should make everything free since apparently many in here dont understand Sprint is a business just like any of the other carriers.
  16. Regarding your last point, I doubt Sprint will ever compete with VZ based on LTE footprint. VZ's footprint is ridiculous compared to Sprint(Overall, 3G at this point) and even with the low frequency spectrum Sprint is freeing up, theres many areas I doubt Sprint would venture into with expansion.
  17. This has been beguiling me as well. We know this is an active deployment area and yet we are all still seeing EVDO-A. Which is strange because most Sprint deployment markets show ehrpd well in advance of deployment. Also, Shentel stated in their last conference call that the new core was completed.
  18. I've not been able to connect to LTE at any Shentel sites in Harrisburg as of yet.
  19. Shentel is one of Sprints last affiliate markets. Shentel owns/operates the network in your area but it is completely branded as Sprint. From everything I've seen honestly, Shentel service in my area is much better than the Sprint areas I travel to.
  20. Great to know. Shentel/Alc-Lu has been very active around Harrisburg as well!
  21. Checked out the tower. Contractors are definitely working on the NV panels. Have pics attached. They're the third group of panels from the top. Top is clearwire, not sure who's the second. http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/52/imag0047n.jpg/ http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/801/imag0046p.jpg/ http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/96/imag0043nq.jpg/
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