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Everything posted by Boosted20V

  1. It appears Sprint is finally starting to hit their stride regarding NV deployment. Lots of threads popping up about LTE sightings in different cities. I think we will start to see those totals increasing rapidly for # of towers completed.
  2. So it would appear that Shentel is taking the same approach as Sprint(outside of Chicago) and is hitting sites all over their footprint, rather than focusing on one area at a time. We have sites upgraded in Lebanon, PA, Harrisburg, PA, Hagerstown, MD etc.
  3. While obviously it seems more complex, what intrigues me about this all is that the SIII, Photon Q and EVOLTE all use the same Snapdragon processor which has a built in radio, correct? I'm damn near positive I read this in some Qualcomm documentation. Now I realize the antenna design is different, but did you see a major difference in signal strength when comparing the two? It just would appear most things are "equal" outside of the software.
  4. Without sub-Ghz spectrum, it would be cost prohibitive to even try.
  5. The other day I saw a Ford Escape with a Sprint logo on the doors. Was the first time I've ever seen such a thing!
  6. I just can't comprehend paying for prepay customers. I imagine churn is quite high on Metro, I know it is on T-Mo. And given that churn is so high, Sprint can easily grow just by taking dissatisfied customers from this combined entity.
  7. As discussed above, I don't think Hesse gives a s**t about this. Essentially T-Mo is paying 1.5 bil for spectrum licences and the headache of incorporating two disparate networks.
  8. What device did they use to test the sprint network?
  9. Good point, I saw that regarding T-Mobile owning a majority of the shares in the new company.
  10. Excellent points. Gaining non-contract subs that can leave tomorrow isn't very wise.
  11. Well then it will be a good pick up for T-Mo as far as spectrum is concerned. The old Sprint/Metro deal had quite a high price tag however.
  12. I don't agree with this at all. Sprint is still pulling in customers. No need to take on an extra burden. Not to mention, I don't think this really creates many synergies with T-Mobile. They're gaining a CDMA network and prepay customers.
  13. SoutherLINC better buy it all up since they'll be keeping IDEN around forever...
  14. I find fault with the argument that a publicly held company will spend vast sums of money as a loss regardless if they're a utility or not. Also, wouldn't the FCC have a say in all of this? Would they really be okay with this spectrum being tied up by one utility company just for their own internal usage?
  15. http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/13/screenshot2012092720490.png/
  16. Curious to hear this as well. Could it be wrongly calibrated downtilt/angles on the antennas? Seems like something that could be common.
  17. Went to dinner at Dukes in Wormleysburg with the wife. Her SIII picked up LTE, my EVO wouldn't. Guess that lends some credence to the EVO criticisms. I have a speedtest I'll post in a bit, ~11mb down, forget the upload, she's on her phoone right now. Couldn't pick it up in downtown Harrisburg however, so it definitely is going through periods of being blocked/unblocked.
  18. I was just looking up the financials on this "behemoth" as jonathan seems to think they are and while they are large ~17.5billion in revenue, there are many utilities just as big and none have their own wireless network? Clearly having their own network isn't the end of the world. EDIT - Jonathan, I'm not trying to be an ass here but seriously, why do you think Southern couldn't live with communications farmed out to another company? As already mentioned, pretty much every other electrical utility does?
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