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Everything posted by Boosted20V

  1. I'm assuming this was directed at my comment... Clearly I know to check for the update manually. Thanks for your concern though.
  2. 8/22/2012 and no update available.
  3. So does this mean that LTE is now live in Baltimore? The article title certainly seems to imply that?
  4. When you look at the far reaches on the Sprint map, it almost makes you think this is mapping 800mhz holdings.
  5. That takes some courage. I have mixed feelings concerning Clearwire. On one hand, I don't think Sprint can afford to lose their spectrum, but at the same time, can they come up with the funding to keep it?
  6. Credit Suisse raised their price target to $6 for S stock. I'm assuming they have available to them information regarding the upcoming earnings anouncement. Looks promising!
  7. I sincerely doubt this will be the case in anything but an emergency. Unless Sprint's revenues increase more quickly than expected, they would be burning too much cash to speed up the rollout to a large degree.
  8. This would certainly seem to give some validation to the thought of the EVO LTE update being needed prior to go-live. Amazing it took HTC so long, isn't it?
  9. Haha, I know, this was never a huge draw for me, either. Just antisocial I guess!
  10. Yesterday I woke up and was connected to EHRPD in Susquehanna Township. I'm no longer connected to it, only EVDO-A but they're definitely in the process of at least the EHRPD software upgrades.
  11. This thread just made me consider the following... there are only guys on this board, huh? No female members? Interesting to see what interests different groups.
  12. What he said is they put up towers specifically where people wouldn't use it, also, in ghettos? I don't think covering as many POPs possible is quite synonymous with that?
  13. Is the antenna performance better than the Nexus (I'd hope so)?
  14. Corporations function as individuals and do the best they can to survive. I don't think a viable option was "let's let those licenses go so someone else can use them". Interesting thought though, explains alot.
  15. Agree completely, this does assume however, that T-Mobile continues to be at least somewhat profitable. If they continue their losses in subs, it may not seem like such a risk to have a stake in Sprint given that they're currently growing. One other thing that I would think could be beneficial is that Sprint already has a deal for the iPhone with a fixed commitment. This would save T-Mobile from needing to get their own deal with Apple, no?
  16. Clearwire had a VERY limited amount of cash available and was faced with either putting up protection sites or losing licenses. They won't have a reliable revenue stream until their LTE becomes available. What other choice did they have? Either put up protection sites in densely populated areas or lose licenses. No brainer to me...? Thats just called working within the bounds you're given. Apparently that didn't include where you reside, therefore it was a bad decision?
  17. You're out of touch with reality. Why would Clearwire WANT to set up service where no one would use it? That only loses them money? Did you even think before you posted this? Also, the FCC would have a large say in what happens with the spectrum were Clearwire to go under, not to mention Sprint would need to bid on it.
  18. I would imagine so, just like they had planned different antennas for the LS spectrum at 1600mhz.
  19. Realistically, I would think Sprint would absorb T-Mobile and in return, DT would get a large share of equity in the newly formed company.
  20. Agreed, the market got slammed today. Sprint fared better than I thought they would to be honest.
  21. I just saw this as well. It surprised me when I first found out that Sprint was mostly a "holding" company and outsourced most tasks to contracted companies. I wonder if this trend will continue with any other positions. Also, I'm assuming none of the design is handled by Ericcson, only the actual maintenance/running of it. This would imply that Ericsson was having issues running the nascent, rather small network of LTE sites currently up? Surprising to say the least. EDIT - Also, I'm aware that AT&T contracts out the running of their network as well and that Verizon controls it in house. What do the other providers do? T-Mobile, Leap, etc.?
  22. If you're so unhappy with Sprint, why don't you pay your ETF and leave? I'm sick of reading your complaints. EDIT - Also, you're not happy that your location is one of the early launches, you're somehow upset just that the sites directly around where you live won't be completed by market launch? You do realize that those are just the sites estimated to be completed by launch... right? I feel like you're reading into the map that those are the only sites being updated, period. If you were in a 3rd round location, your head might explode!
  23. I took the following quote to validate the idea that the EVO LTE connectivity issue is what's causing this: "Before that can happen, Sprint will push out a small upgrade to owners of those devices that will allow it to use the LTE network." Seeing as we all know the EVO LTE can connect to LTE, an update wouldn't be necessary if that wasn't the reason.
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