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Everything posted by belusnecropolis

  1. This could unironically only happen to user @danlodish345 Glad you are ok man! This is a pretty impressive yet unique set of events leading to what looks like a smoldering handset. Call Samsung my dude and see if they'll give you some kind of exchange for finding out what it takes to vampire slay a phone.
  2. Our area is actually sold under an old Cingular affiliate, Horry Telephone Cooperative. We have a pair of Corporate stores in town for wireless subscribers and whatever media ATT bought last week. HTC is the fiber and backbone provider for our area. They were slow to roll out HSPA here, so ATT made a big push a couple years ago in the area to update base stations. It seems to have worked out; updating to bands 2/30 in an overlay went smooth right after the 2g shutdown. It looks like those will be touched again with band 14, and 30 will now be coming to most sites. Bands 4/12 are active on every site. Have you seen any ATT small cells? I haven't yet outside of COWs.
  3. H1900 5MHz here, everything else is LTE. No band 5 license in our area.
  4. At our location we have 10MHz band 30, 10 and 5MHz^2 band 4, 15MHz band 2, 10MHz band 12 active on the network; I see firstnet in the network scan but won't have a band 14 enabled radio for a month or so. We have a two routers with detailed logging enabled, one is stationary and one is mobile. How should we best contribute data to this thread?
  5. No in the south east US, It is good now. Tmobile roaming for sure is your culprit, as you saw with band 2. It is a tower or cluster update. Takes time to get through the tubes.
  6. LTE if you like, this uses the signal from the tower to supply data to the MB to rebroadcast a clean, local signal. I haven't heard of these being options. Sounds like you got a newer one. Neat! If you have a WiFi network you would like to use, give it a try. You can always reset these things.
  7. Doubt it would be wide spread. Look at the documents they gave the FCC. In 2024 they would have a 5g network somewhat like band 41 is now, in the city.
  8. E5 + is checking in. ~200 bux out the door for a great functional phone and cat 6, band 71 capable.
  9. Doesn't the Pixel 2 have a debug screen that can give detailed info like this?
  10. Working through the kinks load balancing cat12+cat12 slowly. The WG3526 runs them both from time to time, the debug screen gets full quick when one modem says 2+30 and the other says 5+4 and all the associated modemized telemetry it spits out. Fun times! The required schematics are difficult but I am figuring them out. No problems running the second radio over USB. Worst case scenario I have 2 of these things PoE stuffed in a box behind two antenna instead of one and one and I buy a router that does this automatically. Testing continues on the wall. Definitely a bummer that these radio's use MHF4 connectors, the IPEX ones on the OG Magic Box antenna were great on the MC7455, so I have to use these little guys in the meantime.
  11. We should talk some time. This is what brought me here.
  12. I kept the attic entrance open in the summer and a little breeze from the soffit vents helped. I also kept 2 LTE radio homebrews and a nighthawk going. The tragic box did fine until I broke it down for parts.
  13. I found a small spot in my attic that worked well when I had one; newish windows have been harsh on RF. Before I put it in the attic it worked best in the spare room on the floor in a corner. Go figure.
  14. Finally caught that one L600 Tower on the way to Fayetteville from Horry CO, SC. last week. It is pretty nice to transition from band 5>71>12 these days; triband assets working in sub 1GHz along a 50 mile stretch. Wew.
  15. It is essentially more time parked on 2.5 as a Sprint user then 2.3 as an ATT user, or 2.2 as a Verizon or T-mo user. I see bands 30, 66 just about everywhere these days. Those seem to be pretty primary as far as bandwidth goes, minimum 10 on band 30 up to 20 or 30 in band 66. This would indicate that somehow Sprint is not allowing service levels on band 41 to fail to band 41>25 nearly as often as other carriers are with similar frequencies i.e 30>2 or 66>2. That seems strange to me.
  16. Using this math, wouldn't bands 46, 30 and 66 also show a weak signal on other carriers? Since all carriers posses band 2 and below how does sensorly ignore this specifically with Sprint?
  17. Our markets are having quite the issue with the correct time when roaming. It will roam on LTE when all settings to roam are set off on the Sprint handset we have. The performance here is nice though when it is connected.
  18. I'm out of town but I saw the clearwire mcc txing on my way out. I'll peg some LTE only radios to band 2/4/5 with a S sim when I get home Monday.
  19. http://www.speedtest.net/my-result/a/4309291569 Wait until you guys get lowband going up there. It is amazing here in Myrtle since they flipped band 5 on.
  20. I frequent there as well, good folks. Seems like it would work for you. You would probably get the two band 25 carriers no problem. I haven't seen 25+26 on the network yet.
  21. I haven't tried it yet. I can only find one supplier on Ebay that ships from China for about 80 bux. The price seems right. Should work with Rooter, looks like the libraries are in there for it.
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