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Everything posted by belusnecropolis

  1. Good find @Paynefanbro. I expect the initial service to start naturally, in the cities they trial fixed wireless in. Good on Tmobile, pushing their hand if that is the reason. They do have an 8 billion dollar 600 MHz interest to market, so that may be a factor for all the hype. Plus cellular, companies love to hop on the next thing. I hope this makes a faster time to reach the masses then LTE did. Also; Ha! I'm still waiting for Five Gee Evolution. Source: My sad ATT branded Netgear Nighthawk M1 (Cat 16, 4x4 external antennae)
  2. Muh man John takes questions :) I prewarned him in his first hour on twitter the market specific inquiries were coming. Kind of boilerplate but so far he holds up.
  3. In Room name:thelounge holding the door. Just finished cleaning up a nice networking project here at the house. Happy New Year, have a great week everyone.
  4. Happy New Year sir. Working overtime.
  5. Yeah I generally have no idea what I am doing when I get into this stuff. I am good at research so that makes it a bit easier. There are a few things you have to pay attention to with licensed spectrum and antennae but it is similar in executing a result.
  6. I'll put something together for you later or tomorrow to try to help explain.
  7. https://twitter.com/SprintCTO Looks like John Saw activated his twitter! The only way I was drawn to this, I saw an odd like on a comment complaining of low speeds(on a Sprint thread imagine that) I moved to highlight it and there is the Sprint CTO. Lolok, interesting choice, maybe he sees a challenge ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  8. This is a great example. I am looking forward to positive results for employees and the company.
  9. Ours is currently being sold to the highest bidder after investing in nuclear power that tanked. 9 rate hikes in 2 years. Online payment has been around since we built a few years ago. We went all wireless for internet about a year ago and it has been work; but it is great. Solar is looking nice, and I threw a pump out into the lake to help our heat pump in winter. The utility is starting a solar farm if you buy in. This is subjective but it sure is messy in this market. Disruptive being a goal sure is something.
  10. Are you able to determine which band 25 channel you connect to? Your area has 10MHz and 2 channels. Neat-0 if you connect to A-F, it is rated on the ninja and magic box to rx.
  11. -Fair and just -Yeah that stinks, I am laymen and like solutions but people have legal reason to make a fuss. =Yeah I figured G dude had this in a lab and white coats were helicoptered in to make it into a sexy video. My lingual is functional to our awesome smart user base that will get signal where it needs it in action, but fun for those of us who have basic ideas of how a flying internet remote helichoptermatron just might work.
  12. For sure sir. I just want to stay in the rulez here. I am not being facetious, just aware. I prepay 139 a month now so I have no surprises on my end. I enjoy the equipment, kept all antennae 18cm away from the transmitter in my design and was gonna put it in a wooden box w some 1.9 yagi's to get better gain up top. If I can make it fly it is doing something the rest of us wish we could do. I'll keep it to premiere threads or can link offsite if best.
  13. So don't post results? I am putting in an aluminum rotor motor to save weight here. This could be pretty nifty.
  14. It is a new awesome design, why wouldn't you try to find fun new uses for it that serve your specific need or one the company has not identified, or even ways to improve on the work they have done?
  15. Thanks I was going off the example Marcelo posted as a bonus. Take nothing I post serious except photos and screenshots.
  16. I have several locations that upload multiple video feeds over LTE. This is a requirement for us to operate securely. This will also soon be a requirement of law enforcement operations as live video and body cams come online; many will begin to feed into cloud storage as more accountability is demanded. LTE as a public safety standard is coming with AT&T and the first responder network deal, this will have folks using video and picture response as e911 evolves. Many suburban locations unserved use this as failover or load balanced connections to stay connected. This will connect many more people as LTE pricing stays down and unlimited is a trend. Having a strong uplink is a very valuable connection. So valuable to Sprint, they spent sweat and treasure coming up with HPUE on 2.5GHz in league with the Chinese and many other providers and vendors. I am not knocking the speed test, that is a magnificent speed. These are simply examples of strong upload needs many are dismissing; if the 2xCA upload device I plan to win in the giveaway brings me to 15Mb p/s that sure would be sweet with three and a third down.
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