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Everything posted by DaQue

  1. If you see the work being done on the telephone pole cell site in St Peters/St Charles on Jungermann Road about the 1200 block across the street from Quiznos and China Queen don't get excited. The work is for T-Mobile according to the gun running the lift,
  2. I thought that was Sprint for a ling time. Hope im wrong now and that is Sprint's and not the flag pole..
  3. Right at 70 and 94? Didn't see anything at 6:30 this morning. Right there the Sprint site seems to be a big white flag pole near that little Mexican restaurant in that tiny strip mall.
  4. Loads much faster here (web page on the PC). Nice upgrade. Glad to see you were not buried by your own success. Hopefully there will be some purple to fill in in St Charles County soon and I gave give it a real workout.
  5. If you do reply incoherently about oh wow the colors smell so awesome etc we will assume you found them.
  6. Depends oh where you got it, if its from the sponsor section I wouldn't repost without permission from Robert, some sites you walk up to them and its posted. You see it there in person in a public placeI figure its fair game. Some one tell me if I am wrong.
  7. Don't get me wrong I truly appreciate every new site and and the work going into it but the Missouri rollout so far seams a bit sluggish. Nothing in St Charles county yet so while St Louis is close it doesn't seem to have hit my area yet. Oklahoma is kicking our butts onthe rollout.
  8. Anyone know where to look for St Charles MO building permits online?
  9. Drove over today unfortunately the covers are back on and you can't see the cabinets due to the fences. I am now a bit confused who's tower it is. If you look up the FCC tower ID number it comes back T-mobile, but other info I have access to says its Sprint's. If any sponsors know for sure I asked about it over here http://s4gru.com/index.php?/topic/530-network-vision-site-map-arkansas-kansas-missouri-oklahoma-markets/page__view__findpost__p__133052 in Network Vision Site Map - Arkansas, Kansas, Missouri, Oklahoma Markets
  10. I got much better data speeds up from 0.02 to (0.5 to 1.5)today from the site in research village near Cottleville. Any know if if work is going on?
  11. Anyone know what weather they work on deployment of panels and RRUs? I imagine if a site was up and running had a problem they would go up in about any weather to fix it but a new deploy would they go up in light or heavy rain? One YouTube of a site going up showed they work when its windy I guess too. I bet any lightning and that stops all work. A long time ago dad workrd on some electric towers and if their cigarette paper got wet down they came.
  12. Anyone know of a NV site built into a billboard that's done? I pass several on the way two and from work and got to wondering if they can even take a full size panel even without the RRUs. The ones I thinking about most of 3 tiny poles come up from the top of the billboards with the panels on them like this one: And yes this is a Sprint site.
  13. I mean exploring their maps to see if there is new lte near me I don't kniw about. The site is getting bogged down and slow.
  14. Is it just me or does it seem to anyone else that sensorly is getting buried in data and swamped by users to the point it's its getting a lot less fun to go exploring.
  15. I don't know but I am a little concerned there are almost no reports of in progress sites.
  16. Small donation sent. More later this year if I still have a job in June.
  17. The white trucks near 70 and Zumbhel at the Sprint site on the we buy ugly houses billboard are not NV related. The are working on ATT refurbishing according to the guy there today. "Fixing stuff that's needed it for a while."
  18. Yup it is Sprint's and you loose the signal from the one at 270 and Lindbergh just west of the big flagpole. Perfect spacing in my book.
  19. As stated in another forum looks like a bunch of new LTE showing up north of 40/I-64 in St Louis including that Delwood site, Hillsdale, and St Ann. Its mostly along I-70. FILL IN THE PURPLE!
  20. I honestly did know hiw far that site is from home. I can't load the map well at work and I just remembered it was on a tall building and was thinking closer to downtown. With the bridge being worked on on 70 I do avoid crossing the river there.
  21. Maybe the other 2 on that dispatch report a long time ago will fire up LTE soon too.
  22. I missed number 3 was there a post somewhere? Dellwood rec center site number 3?
  23. Re: 2 sites with live Sprint LTE in the St Louis metro area http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sZrgxHvNNUc
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