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Everything posted by DaQue

  1. I think it would be a trip to the cabinet at the base of the tower and swapping a card plus updating some settings.
  2. Seen like the pannel would be useable if the rest was still legacy, just only use one 1900 mhz hookup and its all ready up there when its time to hoon up wit RRU'S Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
  3. I wonder if they will just put up a NV panel for the busted one or use one of the thousands of spares of the old panels they must have now.
  4. May not be but I thought there was Sprint on there somewhere..
  5. I'm no expert but I went over there (man you guys got hit...) and I think it may be downtilt related.
  6. can you give a cross street close to the tower that it took out? Im just over in St Peters and would go check it out
  7. Just installed it on the Note2 usually just use chrome. Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
  8. He might be old school where T1 just means to him smoking fast internet... I know its not considered that now but a few years ago there was DSL then the real speed and things you only dreamed about was having a T1.
  9. So are we still looking at about July for Softbank to own Sprint or has Charlie managed to muck that up like Clearwire?
  10. Can't Intel and the others wimp out of the deal now that there is an offer for $1 more?
  11. Well that's good. One less thing to worry about. <best with Forest Gump voice>
  12. I think one of the tower guys said "Hey, you guys ever been over to Brooklyn Illinois?" and that was the last anyone ever saw of any of them.
  13. I keep an eye on 3 pretty close between here and work and nothing that I can say is NV yet. Doesn't help that the one right next to my apartment is behind an engineering firm and has white pickup trucks parked there all the time anyway.
  14. As far as I know its only for Android phones. He had a S3 and I didn't think to say anything about Apple. I don't know if there are any for Apple, they are kind of picky of what APIs your allowed to use.
  15. There is a LTE discovery app you might consider running a day or two a week on your commute. It toggles airplane mode on and off a couple times a minute to help find LTE your phone doesn't know about. If your locked onto a good 3G signal your phone could not get around to checking for LTE for up to about 10 minutes and you may be long out of range before it ever does. Everytime it toggles airplane mode the phone checks for LTE. You can have it do an audible alert when it finds LTE then turn on Sensorly.
  16. 7 Oklahoma updates to one in Missouri. Those guys must be using trained armadillos to trench for the fiber backhaul or something.
  17. AHemm.... We don't talk about THOSE sites across the river. Just joking.
  18. We are all sulking about the Blues losing and not using the phone much.
  19. Run the Cell tower till the diesel generator kicks in a power outage.
  20. Oklahoma is kicking our butts at 12% we are at 4%, didn't we start first? <mumble>
  21. Looks like the metal plate on the back may act like a reflector.
  22. Anyone ever try http://members2.cafepress.com/CnL/GetStarted? They doall sorts of things like this. Any worry about that affecting the non profit educational satus of the site? I think you can upload the artwork and they can handle the sales and send you a bit for each if I remember right. Its been years since I looked at them.
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