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Everything posted by DaQue

  1. You can't even look up building permits for St Charles County online. You have to call or email them with an address and request the info. They then go pull the records and get back with you. Very 18th century there. Maybe their typewriter ribbons or in wells are on back order or something holding everything up
  2. Everyone wants it asap but it can only go so fast. Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
  3. On my daily drive 0%? So close yet so far. .. Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
  4. 94 and Cedar Glen Dr near Cottleville -58 EHRPD showing and 0.1 Mbps. Come on NV we need ya Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
  5. I just want it over and done. June 25th now... We'll see if its done then or not.
  6. Good idea there. I need to wait anyway I have a note 2 so it will be awhile before I can upgrade again. I'm assuming we all mean 3 LTE bands not just PCS, 800 Mhz CDMA, and 2600 TDD LTE.
  7. Has the judge ruled if they can vote Wednesday yet? Quote June 7 By MARK DAVIS The Kansas City StarA court hearing on whether to delay next week’s shareholder vote on Sprint’s acquisition by a Japanese company ended early Friday afternoon. Johnson County District Judge Thomas M. Sutherland heard arguments from attorneys of shareholders who contended that Sprint’s $20.1 billion deal with SoftBank Corp. favors the buyer over existing shareholders. The judge said there would be no ruling on Friday, but promised a written decision before next Wednesday. ...
  8. In Cottleville, forgot that part. Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
  9. About 1:30 the signal at work would go from -78 to -108 and switch back and forth from 1xrt an ehrpd. I had no usable data for maybe 15 minutes. My break of course. I hope its NV related. Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
  10. Have to blame Sprint for part of it 3G icon goes on and off ...
  11. I'm not sure I am at least hoping a lot of sites go live with CDMA 800 soon after the shut down. LTE 800 I thought was part of the NV 2.0 upgrade to start in a year or so.
  12. Probably works for the NSA and getting the metadata logging set up.
  13. None in St Charles County that I can find. Drive past and look at about 6 sites a day.
  14. Umm now the sometimes seemingly snail pace of NV deployment suddenly makes a little more sense.
  15. Odd... Sensorly has a new single blip south of Wright City near Innsbrook Resort Golf Course.
  16. I'm having a bad day. I'm having a mental block, 24 hour brain tumor, or just tired. I was thinking of the data rate you get when your phone no longer says 3G. I thought that was referred to as 1x. Somewhere around 50-100khz. Basically I was wondering when 800 lights up will i get better data speeds (not counting LTE on any band) inside some of the places I hang out where the current signal is weak or I will just have more reliable calling in there. I hope its signs of work being done but browsing the net and using Tapatalk is getting unbearably slow lately around work. The boss loves that.
  17. Ok I should know this but remind me is the 800 mhz stuff going live in NV now (not in NV2.0) just for voice calls and 1x data or will it be 3G also?
  18. What does that expiring mean or imply? Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
  19. The tower I get a signal off of in St Peters has a weak signal. I don't get a signal at all in my basement. 4G? Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
  20. isn't all this Sprint/T-Mobile merger speculation a bit off topic? Anway... The bid seems to me to be just to throw a monkey wrench into the Sprint/Softbank merger. Hows that going?
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