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Everything posted by DaQue

  1. IMHO: 20% in 3 months is way too slow, at that rate the rest will take a year to finish up. However I think they are doing it as fast as it can be done and if another carrier was doing it it would take just as long or longer. All we can do is wait or switch. Gripping wont help. Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
  2. Don't forget Sprint is the only one replacing every thing at each tower and not just adding a bandaid. Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
  3. True this isn't the place to complain, go to Sprint and do that. That being said on their tech segment Monday on KTRS at the end of getting his questions answered a caller said "Do yourself a favor don't sign up for Sprint". After NV is done the have a lot of pr work to do. It may be great then but old opinions die hard Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
  4. FWIW: A lone True North tech is working on something in the cabinets at site near 94 thats in progress in Cottleville. Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
  5. Nahh they are just going to make all the cell sites look like trees. Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
  6. I was going to warn you not to wear a hoodie but that would be in poor taste so never mind.
  7. Mostly its the wide bandwidth available. That gives them the option for very fast connections if they choose to do so. They could hit 168 Mbps I hear. They also can make tiny little micro cell sites that fit on even a stop light pole and maybe only cover block or two either direction. A full size 2500 mhz antenna is 1/3 the size of one for 800 mhz. Perfect to fill in a whole in the network or to put up where data usage is high. Like maybe outside or inside the ballpark or football stadium.
  8. No TriBand phones yet, I think there may be a TriBand hotspot not sure. But you knew that.
  9. 640k ram should be enough for anyone. These are not the droids you are looking for. Move along. For what its worth my buddy son in law in KC just got Google Fiber and only got 980M/sec on a download.
  10. I still have the Evo 4G but this Note 2 kicks it butt I can't bring myself to switch back while I wait. It's like a lot of things to be truly happy with something u need 3 things and can pick any 2. Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
  11. Ok. I know you're keeping track of all of them, I only notice ones near me. I loose lte a few blocks from work. It's aggravating. I miss WiMax. Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
  12. Lilg740 care take a guess when Cottleville 2 will go live? 4G I mean. Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk 4 Beta
  13. I figured it would be more or less the same as 2G coverage because while LTE requires a bit stronger signal should be about offset by the signal improvements from the new equipment. I think I read somewhere the RRUs and antenna panels could improve signal coverage about 20%. You loose a lot of signal in long cable runs at 1900 mhz, even with good cable.
  14. It will be pretty close to what you see when you set it to show 2G-3G coverage but purple not green.
  15. One site just down the road from me has Sprint on a billboard sign in front of the local Save A Lot grocery store. Clear wire and a bunch of others are on a large tower behind the store. Seems like they should be able to same some money and move one or the other 100 yards.
  16. <mumble> even we get a site accepted in the Missouri market and its in Oklahoma... <sigh> Sooner or later they gonna run out of sites. That's when we make our move.
  17. 3x faster than I get at Micky D's for lunch off 94 on the legacy 3G right now. Can't wait till this is finished. .
  18. Oklahoma keeps getting more LTE per update than we do. Its embarrassing. http://youtu.be/mrDVzbeDzRk?t=48s
  19. Does the FCC and Justice have to sign off on this?
  20. Too much whining about the new plans you don't have to take are going to lead to the apocalypse for me. I'm unfollowing this topic.
  21. Too many people use a custom PRL that makes roaming on another network prefered over Sprint native to get faster data, but I agree the prefered fix would be to have an awesome network where you don't have to or want to roam. That takes time and money. I do believe they are trying to get there but no one seems to want to wait.
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